Hi guys, Today we learn how to win against the monster machines of axis in late. Sitedown, take a popcorn and watch M36 beating ass from far away and stuart in late put panther and tiger in trouble on late game.
Enjoy! |
Everything you said is true. There is no point in playing the advantages of OKW fanboys, they will insist that they have no advantage whatsoever. The best thing to do is to participate in the voting polls for game changes that the balancing team creates to help improve the balance. Discussing with these trolls fans of the axis is waste of time. |
Hahaha. I meant that the enemies were strong because they had won a rush early, obtained several support weapons and raided vehicles. They had a certain advantage but we still managed to fight back. But i can change the title ,if is possible, if it is causing this impression. |
Hello guys! More one game to watch. In that time we lose one big push on early, in left side of map, We had to assault one very strong foward HQ. Was hard but was very good play that game! I wait you enjoy! |
Indeed the maps available on Coh2 give the impression that there were only battles during the day. I think it's a waste because surely the light effect at night would be much better. I know there were already maps with snowfall, but I think if they kept the maps with snowfall effect but without having to stop the battle because of the cold would still be good, the reduced visibility factor would make the late game more dynamic. At least that's what I think. I also miss maps in the desert. I think even thematic maps would be nice, as for example, since it's Christmas, you could have maps where the war happened on a version of the map with Christmas decorations on the houses, trees and snowmen along the way, etc. Maybe I'm going too far with these ideas, but I think that would make the game more immersive from my point of view.
( Sorry for my bad english comunity ) |
I agree that there should be some kind of link here. I understand that it's not in .org's interest to send people from this site to another however it's certainly possible that we could be extending the polls to this site and relaying data to Relic if that isn't happening already.
It is not Relic's job to sit around and wait for you all to get involved in the polls. They will work to their deadlines with the data they can collect added to the data they already have from tournaments etc on current state of balance.
My advice would be to go and vote for what is available currently, and if you think that other balance issues need addressing on the next run, leave that feedback in the appropriate place
I agree with you, and I'm hoping that this initiative will not intimidate the hatters. I've played a lot of RTS and MOBAS and I see CoH a huge potential to become an excellent e-sports. I'm glad to see people struggling not to let this game go to the "tomb." Whenever possible I contribute feedback. I go into the forums and try to keep up with the news, and although I know that if the community wants change, it has to mobilize, the more practical and easy it is to see a product or service for a client, the more likely it is to get involved, I believe that if there is little community action on feedback, they should try to make voting easier to see if they have a better outcome. |
Poll needs to have more prominence on the coh2.org website. Perhaps putting a side widget on the site has more effect. Having access to the polls just having to enter the forum is something that many of the players did not do, perhaps because of lack of familiarity with the forum interface or even disinterest in entering the forum post to see the news.
( Sorry for my bad english comunity ) |
The solution is to implement a voice chat system to the game. It make griefers go away and add serious to the game.
Add a way to vote kick someone (for 3v3+), he will then be replace by someone who is waiting for a match that have checked the joint a match in progress option.

+1 |
For me, the fact that a team is dedicated to trying to propose an improvement in the game, without gaining anything for it, is already good. Better yet knowing that it's about coh2 players, people who have the same frustrations as playing ranked games and suffering from the game's problems. This to give even more credibility to their improvement. I believe that making changes in coh2 and managing to please everyone is a mission almost impossible, but we have to understand that this game has a very strong player base and they differ in many things about the game. I think that just like a government that is elected by the majority and during its mandate we evaluate the results and decide if it continues, we must do the same with this patch. Not that we can not continue to give feedback but criticize saying that all the effort is wrong without even seeing results, statistical data, is very precocious and does nothing to improve our so loved, hated and forgotten CoH2.
(Sorry community for my bad english) |
Okay, put the mortars in the T2 and USF will be the only faction that has to spend fuel both to have MG and to have some map control, and to make a miserable mortar! OKW Complain about the rifleman, but tell me friend, USF only have ONE type of infantry usable dotrinal. How will there not be 3 rifleman squads in the game? Will we have to do rear echalon to combat its VG equipped with STG44 (in the best of hypothesis)? OKW has an infantry that can lift sandbags from the start of the game without spending anything! It has the best infantry unit in the beginning, the stormpioneer, look how cool! Not to mention that it has kubelwagem which is quite annoying to give you if the player OKW is not bad of micro! Complaining you full belly friend!
(Sorry comunity for my bad english) |