We could speculate all day long. Perhaps It was minor migraine attack mixed with a panic attack? Could it be a panic attack with mixed minor vertigo? bla bla bla... In the end, It was clear that he was in no condition to compete. Also, his condition began way (Agreed, right after his loss that rocked him)before he got lock down to his base(Which is when he decided he had to call it)(Can't win this one, I quit). His left eye condition made him back to his base in the first place.
If you want to say something like: in every competitive 'thing' you have to fight with opponents and yourself and It's up to you to be fit. That is BS in this case. This is a sponsored event by viewers! There are no commercial breaks(Correct; Only Time-Outs). There are no sellout moments. Most importantly, there are only handful of people who play this game at very high level.
People only want these players to play against each other as competitive as it gets(Nothing says high tier competition like a do-over) (with crowdfunding money) and If any of them having health issues, I would expect the game to be delayed. Especially in an online environment.
Had he won the match, would he have not accepted the win because he wasn't fit? He had the "problems" from the beginning, you said it and Hans said it from the get-go. He called the match AFTER he was in his base. Had the match gone his way, he would have a check in his win column. If Hans lost it was due to illness, if Hans won it was due to him soldiering past his illness. If Von lost it was because Hans is such a great player he battled through his "blindness", if Von won it was because it wasn't fair... Hans couldn't see.
Hans couldn't lose, Von couldn't win. How on earth can this be defended?
New tournament greeting; "GL HF... I may be ill, I'll let you know after I see how the match turns out".