but my main issue is, that you unlock ALL 5 abilities at 2CP. at first you are stocking up manpower, then you can call in so much stuff at once. some CP changes are really needed
This commander really needs an overhaul. I think tank traps and AI mines should be combined into one ability that comes at 0CP, then they could add something else, maybe Incendiary Artillery - that would fit pretty well. The DshK should come at 1CP and its ability needs a slight buff. The M-42 needs higher penetration, and it could also come at 1CP.
Then you'd have a fairly decent commander that could work well with a T1 build.
Intel Xeon E3-1230v3
Asus GeForce GTX 760
128GB SSD (coh2 on it)
playing on ultra settings, only with low AA. my pc is loading usually the fastest on the loading screen, but it still takes usually like 20sec to get from the loading screen to the ingame screen, telling me i have too high settings and it will cause low FPS. 3 sec later, i have min. 60 FPS. gg lelic..