I can help you. Ok lets go:
. More accuracy:
In your squad veterancy extension---veterancy rank---squad action---apply modifiers action---modifiers (add +)accuracy weapon modifier
Application type: Apply to weapon
Usage type: personally I prefer "multiplication"
Values: "add your value here"
Other values depend of you.
. Auto heal:
Here I prefer to manage this value using a requirement action in the squad action apply ext of sbps file.
I can give you here the values but it is more simple to you to go to the obersoldaten sbps and take a closer look in his squad action apply ext.
. Recived accuracy:
In your squad veterancy extension---veterancy rank---squad action---apply modifiers action---modifiers (add +) received accuracy modifier
Application type: Apply to squad
Usage type: personally I prefer "multiplication"
Values: "add your value here"
Other values depend of you.
. Weapon cooldown sould be something similar. It is another modifier and it is in the same path:
In your squad veterancy extension---veterancy rank---squad action---apply modifiers action---modifiers (add +) cooldown weapon modifier
. About numbers:
+25% more:
In your usage type value you must set: multiplication
In your value you must set: 1.25
-25% less:
In your usage type value you must set: multiplication
In your value you must set: -1.25
. About grenade range, well it is more difficult. Maybe you need to create a new grenade ability with more range and then give this new ability a veterancy requirement (for example level 2). You must also rework your basic grenade ability with a veterancy requirement too (for example level 1).
Then one ability will be available to vet level 1 and the second one will be available on level 2. Something like that.
I hope it could help you.
PD: btw sorry about my english I am not an english speaking person