Hi again:
Very sorry for the re-post.
I tried a similar animation set state for the AEF tanks and works like a charm.
My working open hatch for AEF tanks:
apply_to_leader_only: False
do_action_state_name: ready
retrigger: False
state_machine_name: pintle_m2hb50cal_state
Now, I know the correct animator set state for the ruskys should be:
apply_to_leader_only: False
do_action_state_name: ready
retrigger: False
state_machine_name: pintle_dshk38_state
But sadly (the follow configuration) it is NOT working for me.
I post here my complete animations for the T-34/85
Crew_name: Spotter
Apply_to_leader_only: False
Do_action_state_name: on
Retrigger: False
State_machine_name: turret_spotter_state
undo_action_state_name: off
apply_to_leader_only: False
do_action_state_name: ready
retrigger: False
state_machine_name: pintle_dshk38_state
Question is: What I am doing wrong ?
Thank you in advance
Edited Olhausen
Btw here my T-34/85 abp file
model =
simvis_attributes =
vehicle_physics = 1,
vehicle_width = 3.5,
vehicle_length = 4.3,
vehicle_nr_wheels = 3,
vehicle_spring_constant = 0.4,
vehicle_damper_constant = 0.2,
vehicle_wheel_travel = 0.44,
vehicle_acceleration_factor = 0.1,
vehicle_gravity = 0.8,
vehicle_render_offset = 0.0,
vehicle_debug_render = 0,
vehicle_smoothness = 3.0,
vehicle_render_offsetX = 0.0,
vehicle_render_offsetY = 0.0,
vehicle_render_offsetZ = 0.0,
-- Vehicle Physics Legend:
--vehicle_spring_constant ==> 0 to 1 (1 = Rock Solid)
--vehicle_damper_constant ==> 0 to 1 (0 = no resistance)
--vehicle_wheel_travel ==> the distance from flat ground and the wheel anchor
--vehicle_acceleration_factor ==> sensitivity to change in velocity
--vehicle_gravity ==> normal earth gravity = 1
--vehicle_debug_render ==> 0 = no, 1 = yes
--vehicle_smoothness ==> the higher the smoother (minimum 1)
--vehicle_render_offsetX == > x offset of rendered model from wheel base center
--vehicle_render_offsetY ==> y offset
--vehicle_render_offsetZ ==> z offset