It would be really useful to have a summary of each commander proposal, rather than needing everyone go through the forums to find each one. |
Feedback for version 1.5
Giving the 76mm Sherman another round to help against heavy armour is very welcome.
The 250 half-track is ok but certainly needs some buffs.
As mentioned by someone else, perhaps when it goes into Dig In mode it could get a much larger bonus to suppression and damage, to make it more useful for defending an area/covering units, and to make it more of a threat in general.
At the moment it doesn't really seem worth bothering with for the cost/benefit.
The Mechanised Assault Doctrine call-in no longer exists. You can only build the unit from the HQ, without getting the troops. Despite the patch mod notes saying it still comes with inf.
The concrete bunkers for Defence Doctrine are great. Really well done to whoever thought of adding those! That commander is looking really decent now and is a lot of fun to use in matches.
Stormtroopers seem to be in a really good place at the moment, due to being able to booby trap points and do a lot of roaming damage.
If this version of them ends up in the game I can see Elite Troops Doctrine becoming more attractive to use.
The 221/223 for Elite Armor is certainly a big improvement and very welcome.
And as always the NVKD commander really needs a KV1 for the late game. |
0cp) rifleman Field trainning : riflemans can build sandbag and mine, can use flare and cocked grenade(need grenade unlock)
Giving them the ability to build sandbags and lay mines would certainly help that commander a lot, and fit with the theme of it focusing on making riflemen more useful and have more utility. |
While we’re at it the recon support paratroopers almost never get the ambush buff on their bazookas because the models physically turning takes them out of camouflage and they get shot at or fire their carbines before they go back in camo and lose the damage/pen bonuses they’re supposed to get. I know it’s probably out of scope but I think it’s worth mentioning. It’s just an issue with the type of camo they have I think.
Someone mentioned in a stream that it would be great if the recon support paras got the same AT sticky bomb that the Cavalry Riflemen have, as part of their zook upgrade. Which sounds like a really great idea to me, but I asusme that couldn't be added as that's beyond the remit of the patch. |
Lots of good feedback guys.
If you give the NVKD commander a KV1 I promise I'll buy every single decal in the in-game store.  |
Just to throw out an idea to solve the dilemma with Siignal delay OR call-in unit:
- Replace Signal Relay with the 223- Radio scout car and GIVE THE CAR the vehicle detection ability. That would fit in extremely well to the actual role of the 223 in the war, players who like signal relay can use it and the others would get a decent call-in unit to give the doctrine more punch in the early stage of the game!
For the Defensive Doctrine perhaps you could add hull down to the Pak43 unlock, and call it a defence package. That way anyone who doesn't bother with the Pak43 will still get something useful out of the slot, plus it fits with the overall theme (and used to be part of the commander). |
NKVD really needs a KV1. KV8 is overkill as the commander already has plenty of decent anti-inf options, but nothing to help them with late game armour, which is what it needs to round it off.
At the moment it's only ever going to be viable in team games. |
I still think the commissar should have the vet 1 extra guards model replaced by a medic so they can heal nearby infantry. If FRP is to be kept, the commissar needs that change because there's no forward healing point.
That makes a lot of sense and means the forward retreat point becomes a lot more useful overall. |
Ostheer - Defensive Doctrine
-We have read some feedback suggesting this doctrine is missing a change to make it a compelling pick. Some players wish to see the Pak43 replaced, however, others enjoy using it (and it is a thematic choice). We would like to see further feedback around the current version of this doctrine.
I'd love to see the Pak43 replaced by an Elefant. 43s are basically just giant stationary targets, whereas the Elefant is (just about) a mobile 43 that is a lot easier to keep alive. It might seem weird to have two tanks on a defence commander, but the Elefant isn't even remotely meant for aggressive offence attacks, it's basically a tank sniper. |