Broken is a game that prevents you from playing. Not broken. Frustration is what people feel at times and create threads about it. Fight smarter next time.
Wehr snipers uncounterable.
-Please granddad, tell us the story of the Vicious, almighty killer that nobody could stand against again!
-hehe oh well if you insist. The year was 2015 and in this game there was this UNCOUNTERABLE wher sniper.
-What? that sounds crazy op, devs wouldn't..
-I'M telling the story! Where you there?
-*goes quiet*
-So, this sniper chewed bullets for breakfast, laughed in the face of danger, headshot all shocktroops in 1 second, grabbed all tanks by the gun and groundslammed them on the pathetic Little jeeps.
-wow he hardcountered the hardcounter, granddad?
-Yes indeed, all you had to do was to build this one godlike, uncounterable wher sniper and it was game over.
-That sounds awesome to have such I win button. What happened to him?
-Nobody knows, I Think he might be slamming tanks, kicking mines and throwing back rockets to this day. Now sleep tight children.