People take forum posts too seriously.
You have 'Writer' next to your name.... Need I say more? |
Relic is working for the game to come out on Apple Computers. You'll see this game on a Imac or Macbook before you see it as a Serious Esport. What's that really tell you? |
Well, people go crazy about all kinds of irrelevant stuff. Sports for example, have you ever been to a soccer game ? The hardcore fans get seriously mad all the time for completely irrational reasons. It's probably the same with the other sports.
This isn't a Soccer Game, there is nothing they have in common other then 2 teams, and even the teams are hardly random. They way the scoring system is different, the way they win is different. Soccer had Refs, and if you wanna call refs RNG, then maybe.... |
You older guys should start a clan or group and call yourselves (ODB)Old Dirty Bastards or (ODS)Old Dirty Smurfs |
I don't think people are getting worked up over things they can't control, it's a war game, there's things you can't control sometimes.
they're getting worked up at Relic for not taking those GAME BREAKING aforementioned things out of the game.
Again nothing wrong with RNG and randomness in combat. it's what makes Coh COH... But when it's taken to a level where it loses you games you would've otherwise won then it's a problem.
Ok well probably my last post about this but I guess in life and in this game there are really only 2 things, actions and reactions. Some people focus alot on the actions and sometimes even question those actions. Where as there are other people, such as myself, who really just focus on the reaction as compared to the action and accept that the action is 'as is'. Suppose that could be due to how we view things or how we were raised/coached.
Again, Action/Reaction.
Final Statement, Thanks. |
You play to win, you play automatch to rank high.
As long as it's possible to win or lose its competitive. There's competition.
It's not DOTA but we are competeing against each other in a battle of micro and strategy to see who will prevail.. Not seeing who can make the biggest wall of tank traps or something
And really RNG isn't that bad.
Certain things Have wayyy too much uncertainty such as penetrating the rear armor of a heavy with a medium tank, immobilize crits from a panzerfaust, plane crashes(which isn't RNG actually)
Those things cost you games, which is what pisses people off.
I don't think people are too upset about the RNG in cons vs grens, or Sherman vs P4... Engagements like that are what make coh great.
Now a Jackson bouncing and missing 4 rear shots on a KT during an hour long game doesn't make coh great.
Meh.. I only play to have fun. I think being overly obsessed with winning is the idea of trying to obtain control of a situation in which you either have no control or far less control than you may have originally perceived. Like I said, if you watch games where the very best play against the very best alot of things come down to chance and RNG. Both of which you simply have no control over. So why get worked up over it?
On the flipside I could see where some would argue that I have a 'Losers' mentality or mindset, and although I would not fault a person for feeling that way, my only sentiments would be that there are far more other useful ('Better') things to get worked up over as compared to a game that leaves so much up to chance. I just hope that I am not the minority in my thoughts, although I probably am. |
Gee sorry if people actually want a competitive game. a FAIR game, a balanced game. We're not all casual players. This isn't call of duty where if you're getting shit on you can leave and go find another lobby. Strategy games should be fair, because they require a lot more time and effort to complete. There is no reason to leave balance as is.
It's funny that you bring up call of duty, because now that I think about it I probably could draw more parallels or similarities with this current version of COH2 and your average Call of Duty Game as compared to some competitive game standard that you may have. Like it or not, that's just how it is. DLCs, War Spoiles/Perks, Prestige, Name Plates,Skins, DLC Skins I could go on and on and on and on.... |
People are like that about every competitive game ever though.
I don't feel that you can legitimately call this a competitive game though. There are too many things left to chance that you might as well be playing rock, paper, scissors. You're going to hit a point where it was left completely to chance, and then what?
Now I'm not saying give up or anything like that, I'm just saying to accept it as Chance and move on, not to get worked up over it. It goes back to my weather analogy, it's worthless to pull your hair out over the weather for the day it literally won't achieve anything. |
thanks for linking that, I didn't even realize you had a thread like that up. We pretty much have the same thoughts and ideas. |
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Although clearly you're joking, but some people are really like that even about the place to which they are at or habitat or game they are currently playing. You have choices and you have options. Don't kill yourself over it or get worked up over it is really all I'm trying to say. |