Pyro + vickers nondoc is pretty lame to just creep forward pushing your opponent out while he can't return fire or see you.
Can't return fire with what? An mg42? Mortar will still work. The whole point of MGs is to prevent the target from returning fire. So you flank it with something else or shell it with arty
I would like to see that maneuver in practice cause Idk how that would even work. There's a lot of time where the Vickers isn't firing if you're moving it AND using the ability
If it was a passive trait no longer tied to garrisons yeah it would be OP as hell. As a timed ability with a forced reload? Don't see how
Similar to OST pios or pathfinders just seeing their opponents without your opponent being able to do anything about it.
Yeah I think those units are fine? And there are many examples of things those units spot for outranging their target, just not MGs, which aren't meant to fight eachother anyway