A simple tutorial wouldn't fit your description, it would take quite an endeavor to cover everything. But here are some basics...
...It is probably a bit vague, and possibly confusing for you, just keep reading, and keep asking questions.
IMHO I've found whenever someone new to scripting and coding endeavors to add their own customizations to a map they often make the fatal mistake of trying to integrate everything before they get each part working individually. Beginners are better off getting each part of the code to work separately before they move to integrate them together. The main problem I have found with people asking questions is each individual tries to do things in a different order making it hard to help them.
Might I suggest someone puts together a list of all the SCAR tutorials for people to browse. (correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there is one). Including a basic tutorial on SCAR layout such as the one written towards the beginning of Srinidhalaya's post. This may result in most of the coding questions simply becoming about integration after they have already learned how to get each individual parts to work on their own.