Em... Since I play mostly now as Ostheers on "LeFH only mode", I can't be called "USSR fanboy". I didn't play as them pretty long.
Cons win close range? Yea, with such great firerate (1 shot per 6-7 sec) they do, really. Grens are effective at range, at least. Cons suck in both without PPSHs.
6 man squad is "empty" bonus. 2 additional guys in squad instantly disappears because of highest for mainlines Target Size, so that's not real bonus, it's spoiled.
Build green cover anywhere is "cool"? Well, if it would be exclusive for USSR only, then yea, agree. But, OKW can build green covers, UKF can build green covers. USF may use as green cover for infantry tank traps, if they need them so much... I don't see anything specific for Cons in that, that's common ability right now.
And problem of cons is not in "charging in". Problem is - they are useless as combat unit, which they suppoused to be by their role - mainline infantry. They don't deal enough damage because of low stats and no additional weapon, they get too much damage because of high target size... They can't do their job good, they can't do it at all. That causes such disgusting thing, like "maxim spams", because - maxims (even if they are support guns) are better as combat units, than Conscripts, that's ridiculous. Imagine, that Ostheer would use MG-42 as mainline infantry, instead of Grens. Or UKF use Vikkers instead of Tommies for same. That doesn't happen because HMG is support and Mainline is combat - not visa versa, like it is in USSR! That's not right at all!
1)You dont show us your playercard,how can i even believe you ?
2)1 shot * 6 / 6-7 sec . Do you believe or do you know ? I know,that whatever you say doesnt change the fact that cons do well close and mid range.
3)Okay enough said.
4)Why are you still arguing although so many people told you the opposite ? It is not like i am new to the game or so.