I am done arguing with Alexzandvar directly. I will instead resort to taking his statements to their logical extremes.
Alexzandvar: "Soviet Union desperately needs a non doctrinal 360 degree AoE building with a huge radius that can damage tanks and insta supress infantry."
Alexzandvar: "Stats don't really matter in this game. If a unit exists for a long time it automatically becomes balanced even though there haven't been any balance patches in a long time. Furthermore, if a unit can be damaged with other units, said unit automatically becomes balanced and no debate about the precise worth and usability of unit needs to take place."
I don't think it should pen tanks, Iv said that like a million times, idiot.
And the Schwer can be countered, or else I'm pretty sure win rates between Axis and Allies wouldn't be nearly as even as they are in tournaments or other high skill settings.
I've tried that and it doesn't really help.
You don't actually play OKW, like, have never once played it so I assume your understanding of the faction and it's strengths and weakness is probably not that good.
How does this justify Schwerer?
Being able to deny territory can be achieved multiple ways and it is no more inherently cheesy to do it with a Schwer than to do it with anything else.
I can't believe people are actually this dense; stopping your opponent from being able to cap points through intelligent use of defenses has been in the game since day 1 so why is the Schwer such an issue?
why do ppl keep assuming ppl are complaining about nooby agressive schwerer? i am sure OP was but don't think most ppl are.
This is a self contradicting statement.