use some infantry to spot for AT guns 
2 stugs with target weak point and a pak or p4 are not that bad. You can target weak point a tank several times and with the buffed pen it is even more better.
I used the stug in Alpha a lot of times, but when you get flanked = rekt 
Oh I'm not saying it will be bad, I'm just saying the 50 range will be a pretty big issue for it. It would be nice if they put it up to 55 range as a nice middle ground. |
The lack of 60 range will make it very hard to use against good players because AT guns will be able to drive it off extremely easily. |
Just because he is a mod doesn't mean he gets any insight on what relic actually does.
Trust me, volunteers rarely know much.
Also, there was a heavy limit in coh1, it only made sense to give it to coh2.
The limits you talk about is bullshit like "limit grens to 3" and it have nothing to do with heavy limit, which was much needed and requested.
Relic said in multiple threads multiple times as long as the KT is non-doctrinal it's not going to have a limit. We can argue all day about it but Relic doesn't want to put a limit on doctrinal units.
If it was the old 425 armor KT then yes I could see a point since it was essentially a Baneblade, but right now it's not impossible to counter. The reason why call in heavies have to be limited is because they are to cheap without teching, by no measure is the KT cheap.
Except when those things got leaked in the alpha there wasn't a jagpanther there. If this was real the jagpanther would have been there with all the other new stuff, which is what makes me believe this is fake.
Only Allied stuff got leaked, and even then that wasn't a leak it was data mining. |
I watched crazy man cast that.
Again I'm not saying it's uncounterable, especially when you have a trusted teammate in high level 2v2.
That's not my point.
I'm saying its way harder to counter than it should be,and mostly in 1v1.
If you think it's PZ EZ ok fine. but 90% of all players would disagree,
the doctrine alongside soviet non doc late game is broken,has been broken for YEARS now, and was still unaddressed this patch,despite being addressed in alpha.
It's simply a joke, this game and community cannot take more let downs.
Pretty much, the reason Guard Motor is so infuriating is that you need to put in way more effort to stop the enemy player than you should have to, and the call in nature of the doctrine allows them to come back even if they have very little map control since they WILL have a fuel float.
Sure someone like Lemon might be able to win 90% of the time because they are a pro, but for the average player it's a lot more difficult. |
This seems to be a common excuse. If it isn't going to be a real problem for the smaller game mode crew then why couldn't we put this cap in for the larger game modes? It wouldn't impact the 1 v a masterrace, right? So why care?
Aren't you a community mod for Relic? Because they have stated multiple times that unit caps for stock units like in DoW isn't going to happen.
And as CieZ pointed out; the KT is inefficient compared to what you could do with combined arms. I would much rather have a Panther with support. |
A bunch of stuff got leaked about what the new OKW commanders will have in them, I assume this from that.
I won't say more unless mods are okay with it, cause well the leak contained some !!FUN!! stuff. |
The IS-2 has a weakness in big team games: Axis long range heavy tank destroyers. The Elephant and the Jagdtiger both hardcounter the IS-2, ignoring it's armor and dealing high damage from 70-80 range. The closest allied equivalent is the ISU-152 but that thing only penetrates the KT ~50% of the time with AP shells.
Depending on the map, Steppes? Oh yeah. Ettlebruck? [deathly silence].
The low DPS on them also makes getting away trivial for the fast IS2, were as for the KT you need to sit in the enemy line of fire waaaaay longer. Ironically the KT also has insultingly bad veterancy to. |
In 1v1, 2v2, no, yet in 3v3+ it's going to have a pretty big impact.
Limiting the KT to 1 on the field would have 0 effect on 1v1 and 2v2 play, yet effect 3v3 or 4v4 quite significantly. Which is why the KT infact needs to be limited to 1.
Relic has expressed multiple times they refuse to put hard caps on non-doctrine units. I'm not saying it's right but them's the breaks.
But as mentioned earlier KT's actually have a weakness you can exploit, it's not like the IS2 were you have 375 frontal armor AND almost as much speed as a medium tank. |
So, I see you have met alex, the axis fanboys propaganda minister.
Ah you caught me, every time before me and my 2's partners play we recite the Nationalist Socialist anthem and pray 3 times towards Berlin. I get payed by the Gestapo to post here. |