In my opinión (noob here hi hi!!!) the thing is not how many clicks...the thing that make this so micro intensive is that you have to send out of action your tank, and then, once it reached a safe place for repairs, you have to go there (you are not following the tank until it reaches the place where you send it to repairs), do the needed clicks, go elsewhere where the action is, fight, retreat, reinforce...whatever, and then, once repairs in your tank are done, (if you didn´t queue the order to get inside the tank after repairs) you have to go again to that safe place, order to the crew get inside the tank, and then go to the action again with your repaired tank.....
with other factions, what I usually do is, send tank out of action, and at the same time, send engineer to repair it (rigth click on tank whit your engineer selected) and that is. Of course is not free of micro, but in my opinion is easy because you don´t need to wit until your tank reach the safe place, go there with you screen, select crew, disembarg, order to repair + shift queue to get inside the tank once done, and then, go back again here to select the tank and go where the action is again....
But pretty sure than better players than me don´t find this so micro-intensive as I I said, I´m just a nooob in COH2.
excuse my bad english...not only a noob playing COH2, but using english too.
edit: This is just talking about micro....if you think on other cons, you will find that with this "usf vehicles crew", usf is in a disvantage when re-crewing an abandoned vehicle. I mean, as soviet, if you want to re-crew an abandoned vehicle, you only have to use a constrip squad, and then retreat the squad to reinforce, same as OKW with a volks squad or a OST with a green one.
Whit USF you MUST buy a RE squad to do the same, or you will be loosing the squad you just used to re-crew the vehicle....more than that, you will need the RE anyway to repair it if you re-crewed the tank with a rifle or other squad that is not a RE squad because only vehicle crew and RE are able to repair vehicles... |
And why?
Both things take two hotkeys.
USF: Disembark (repair starts auto if I remember correcty) and the Ability
OH: One hotkey for smoke and the second for Blitz
lol, I suppose you are trolling but.....just in case you are serious, then you missed one more click, to get the crew inside the tank again..... |
Except reworking the Jackson and making other USF AT more capable isn't removing something, there is no contradiction there. A more apt comparison would be asking for the removal of the Jackson.
The idea for every nerf or removal there needs to be a buff is insane and stupid and has no bearing on Relic's history at all. We have seen a constant nerf to OKW's early game since WFA release and see no buffs or changes at all to help it.
keep trying it man!!!
lol, it is not only that you don´t know what you´re talking about, it is that you don´t even know what you have said in the past....
you were talking about nerf or removal, not only removal xDDD.
keep trying it man!!! |
The idea for every nerf or removal there needs to be a buff is insane and stupid and has no bearing on Relic's history at all. We have seen a constant nerf to OKW's early game since WFA release and see no buffs or changes at all to help it.
The issue with Demo Charges is that they punish smart players AND stupid players. 1 demo to instant gib a single squad with Vet and an upgrade is excellent. 1 dead Vet 2-3 gren with a LMG42 is an excellent trade for 90 munitions.
So yes, it does punish blobbers, but it also punishes people who makes use of spreading out squads around to map to cap and cut off people because 1. You can't spam Sturms OR Pio's, and 2. You can't spam the upgrade either.
Mine detection for Axis is neither cheap nor plentiful, making demo charges a very large issue even in higher skill modes.
The JPIV's biggest weakness is it's extremely poor mobility, while the Jackson is far more mobile. The two tanks are the exact opposite of each other. Before the Jackson had a weakness; low pen and thin armor. One of those weakness's was totally taken away so now the JPIV has lower pen, lower damage, and much much lower mobility.
The Jackson for cost is far more effective than the JPIV, but the JPIV is all OKW has so that's why you see it more than you used to. (If you count the reduced fuel income the JPIV is 204 fuel).
Nobody is asking for the Jackson to be put back to it's old state, I would be very very happy to see it just get 160 damage and have the USF AT gun get a large buff and the zook get a large buff. USF needs more diverse AT.
You could simply assign the overwritten hotkey to something else. but arrow keys on WASD and assign e.g. "g" to "a". make sure you do the second thing first, cause otherwise it will press the arrow key. I do it like that.
I was thinking on kamk comments, and I though something like what you say here could if you already did and tested, we can fix it this way.
Thanks man!!
I hope Kamk has read your post, because I think it could help him a lot.
I want to apologize to the op, coz with my replies maybe I´ve deariled the thread to an off-topic that OP doesn´t want to discuss or doesn´t care of it....Excuse me man, just trying to help others... |
So you're not using hotkeys at all?
Because WASD would be also rather important hotkeys, that's why i wonder how one would solve this issue :/
ohh now I get your point....yep, with my script some assigned keys gets "overwriten" yes, that´s true....for example, if I want to throw a nade with a para squad, I need to click on the icon with my mouse because "d" key is being overwriten in my script with "down".
if that´s what you were talking about, then, yes, I have same issue.
But for me is cost-effective to use this...coz the most pressed keys for me are arrow keys, so using WASD insted of them it helps me more than not, even if I must click with the mouse when I want to use some abilities....
sorry, my english is horrid, I now...just trying to improve it everyday.... |
How do you solve the hotkey issue? (especially with grid keys)
sorry Kamk, I don´t know about that hotkey issue....I´m not sure even if I have set "in game" to gridkeys or classsical layout (I think game offers two differents keys layout, grid key and other "classical" or something like this).
anyway, when I started using autohotkeys, I got some help from, this is the thread:
and, this is how looks like my script:
; ; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x ; Language: English ; Platform: Win9x/NT ; Author: A.N.Other <> ; ; Script Function: ; Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder) ;
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
^!n:: #IfWinActive, Company Of Heroes w::up a::left s::down d::right q::a g::Numpad0 f::n e::u capslock::suspend Return
so in my case, capslock is the key I´m using to switch on-off my script, so I can send messages without problems.
in my case, game minimized sometimes when I have opened Chrome and/or Mozilla browsers.....if no other app is running while playing COH2, game won´t minimize.
Anyway in my case, I can click on the game in the task bar and continue playing without others issues... |
In my cases the best way is none of them (I´m using autohotkeys so I´ve mapped arrow keys with "asdw" keys.
I set my arrow key to wasd. It really speeds up my ability to give commands. Unfortunately it also means i cant type anything to other players.
I suffered this issue too, until I´ve set in my autohotkey script a key to turn-off/turn-on my script, so when I need to send a message, I press that key, then my script stop working, then I write & send the message, then I hit again that key so my script start working again....
I´m not at home now, if other mates don´t put here their script with this function, before I arrive home this evening, I´ll post it here mine, just in case it helps you.
you should check the whole thread in order to assure he is just asking a question....because he is not.
Two or three post before that, he is spreading wrong numbers, and when others users fix it for them, he, as usual, tries to put the attention in other place...because he was talking about OKW in an Allies medium tanks, and because he was just playing ostheer....
Anyway, if the behaviour of this user is fine for the users of this forum, then, it's a problem in my end...
sorry for the offtopic. |