Asking for computer device in a public forum is just asking to be concussed with bad information lol.
Depends on how good the question is

Posts: 764
Thread: GTX 1080 New PC Build27 May 2016, 15:02 PM
Asking for computer device in a public forum is just asking to be concussed with bad information lol. Depends on how good the question is ![]() |
Thread: Lemon's Art27 May 2016, 08:25 AM
You really got some talent Lemon. Please keep em coming ![]() In: The Art Studio |
Thread: GTX 1080 New PC Build27 May 2016, 02:54 AM
He intends to not re-use it in the same PC, instead use the Alienware X51 for streaming (see post #8). Just for basic gaming it won't be worth the upgrade price / performance wise, i absolutely agree, though that isn't his only requirement. Btw.: the 6700k has quite an edge over a 4790 non-k. The 5820k would be a decent choice as well, depending on usage, and for future scaling - the price difference is marginal for such a system.
+1. 16:9 1440p could be downscaled though, 21:9 aspect ratio is probably very odd for your viewers. |
Thread: GTX 1080 New PC Build26 May 2016, 16:21 PM
For resolution I hear about 4k monitors but apparently most games don't support that yet. I would like the best resolution if possible..... Well, mdoern games mostly do support 4k, there's just no single GPU on the market that can drive it. Around 1440p (UW included) is max atm, otherwise you either won't reach the common 60+ FPS, or you gonna have to tune down a lot of settings. - Ram may limit some games. Price difference is neglectable for faster modules - some Kingston V300s use different nand that causes them to be way slower (they did some fancy switcherino) - the CPU cooler is... (excuse my language) utter crap - PSU could be better, quality wise. - it's overpriced Examples: basic high end 6700k ~700 GBP enthusiast high end 5820k ~830 GBP + chassis + OS + your GPU of liking obv. Just a quick draft for direction, haven't checked any compatibility, and there's room for improvement of course. |
Thread: GTX 1080 New PC Build26 May 2016, 08:53 AM
What's your budget? + the following: - resolution to play on? - parts you could re-use? - intended purpose? |
RIP riot cons ![]() ![]() ![]() In: Lobby |
Thread: [2v2] How to deal with this playstyle?19 May 2016, 20:32 PM
Goes for both attack modes. Btw.: just 2 mortars vs. 2 emplacement doesn't cut it anyways. I.e. middle, in a crossfire angle, to bait a Stuart into it. Or keep them a little in the back when you engage somewhere. Or you could have taken south side, and attack ground on bofors / mortars (or scout with Pios). Etc, etc. Having 4 / 4 ATs guns around OKWs T3 with only Stuarts around is pointless. LeFH can be nice, but depending on situation it might do you more harm than good. Be careful with that. You've seen emplacement spam and two Stuarts, which cost a lot of fuel, so there won't be any medium tanks around for some time - your window of opportunity. Then move your stuff together step by step, not one by one. In: Replay Reviews |
Thread: [2v2] How to deal with this playstyle?19 May 2016, 19:08 PM
So, start looks solid, normal stuff there, but then both of you decide not to build any counters, or use existing units as intended. There's a lot of general gameplay mistakes happening, i'll try to adress some highlights that happen repeatedly. ![]() Don't use attack move on mortars before they're in range, especially not on two together. You do this all game long, and you end up fully retreating, and they end up sitting in your base for most of the time. ![]() Apropo bunching up: all of your AT forces are around OKWs T3, besides no threat to it on the field. This isn't just bad, it's really bad. But why? ![]() Right, those Stuarts are still roaming around - not like they could kill the T3 anyways. You want those AT guns on the field to cover your infantry. You build 2x Pak40, good, but they're basically just sitting around somewhere on the map, not covering or doing anything. ![]() Tank scouting, without backup. Not the greatest idea, as you probably noticed shortly after. You also do this several times with other Panthers, and even your Tiger. Use Pios with sweeper for scouting, or even any infantry, not your priciest unit on the field. If you want to commit, then i.e. drive around somewhere and trade with the Priests, hopefully doing more economical damage than you suffer. So, how and why did you lose this game?
Stuff you should have done instead:
![]() and your enemy was like...![]() In: Replay Reviews |
Thread: [2v2] How to deal with this playstyle?19 May 2016, 17:13 PM
Lemme have a look. In: Replay Reviews |
Thread: Best movie killing spree.19 May 2016, 12:33 PM
Best movie killing spree. And i thought we gonna see something good in here :/ In: Scrap Yard |