People saying Symbiosis was the better player make me LOL. Price had preservation just as good, micro quite good, and held on and made a LATE GAME COMEBACK AS USF. Do you even know how hard that is?
The Price strategy is literally the only way to make US viable in the late game. Rear Echelons vet so well, and M10s are so effective, that it has no weaknesses.
Symbiosis lost that game through his fail micro and won it through RNG. People gushing over him are just plain sad.
This times a thousand.
I love how when Paula and KimJongUn go LMG gren spam, Pakwall, Stug E into Tiger they're branded cheese tryhards and vilified; yet when Symb does this and wins because one of Prices RNG bombs killed half of his own army, Symb is heralded as a hero.
Price was base locked, as USF, and took back the rest of the map against 4 LMG Grens, a Pak wall, Stug E, and Tiger. If that isn't insane amounts of skill, I don't know what is.