If you can easily map the "U" reverse driving key to something close (like your mouse) the US AA HT can become insanely deadly driving around everywhere in reverse, shooting at everything fast, until you see any sort of AT then you can just drive forward and evade combat.
Fall jaegers changes:
-Increase Rate of Fire
-Increase Burst DPS while firing
-Increase reload and cooldown
-Decrease moving and overall DPS
-Sync firing to coordinated volleys / bursts
-How does one increase burst fire DPS... and lower overall DPS?
Fallshimjaegers are fine the way they are, they are already used as infiltration infantry hence the reason they die so easily and already have a pretty decent rof.
The 155mm howitzer artillery strike is one of the most powerful doctrinal artillery strikes in the game, with around 10 rockets landing in a tight circle in rapid succession.