The unit at present is useless - nobody can afford so much manpower wasted + munitions to just wait for the tank closing in on a AT. Even a semi skilled player won't do that - they will shoot for a while and withdraw the tank to repair. If they overextend you will be able to utilize panzegrenadiers but again this is your opponents' mistake. Having invested so much manpower and munitions into AT and panzergrenadiers they will kill you with infantry with support of a tank.
I don't get shreks on them, I just use them as mid range damage dealers. Engage enemy at long rage with LMG Grens then bring a PGren squad to flank. The only time I would consider getting Shreks on PGrens is if the enemy goes very vehicle spammy. |
If in next months patch you could pick 3 and only 3 things that Relic fixed(and they actually 100% fixed them); what would they be?
For me:
1. Lag spikes: Random freezing and fast forward. This is not an internet connection issue for a lot of people, this is some bug or server issue on Relic's part.
This problem leads to squads being wiped, tanks being lost, and generally a huge punishment for players and can cause loses for matches.
2. Power of Explosives: With the new squad grouping, explosives got an unforeseen rise in power. RNG is now rearing its ugly head more so than before. Grenades and mortars can wipe full health squads from the fog of war. They don't even have to be in the middle of the squad just next to a squad can lead to ridiculous RNG outcomes. On the other hand some grenades on squads barely even move their HP bar or don't even drop a model. Maybe grenades can be reworked to do a set amount of damage and guarantee a single model drop, but allowing even the cheapest grenades to instant gib full health squads can be game-breaking, early game, where infantry is expensive and is needed for capping.
3. Crawling dead models stop retreating: This is a bug and one that constantly is leading to squad wipes. I click retreat and then have to wait several nail-biting seconds for the surviving models to spin in place and try to get around a crawling dead guy or for an MG crew member to get to the MG and then grab it; so he can run away with it. This leads to squad wipes of even slightly damaged squads(as if one model drops the remaining 3-5 models can get stuck on his corpse and wiped) and can totally screw over retreating MGs.
So what are your 3 most immediate fixes for the game? |
I played 2 or 3 1v1 yesterday and i had kind of the same problem.
Gave the retreat command, exlamation mark appears, squad stays in cover for another whole second, gets whiped by a nade. Also, commands are executed a lot later. It's really really hard dodging nades like this.
It could also have gotten stuck on a crawling model on the ground, been losing squads to that BS lately. |
Grenade supplies looks pretty good too, faster and cheaper Grenades for Rifles, Paras, and LT. Bring on the Nade Spam!
After today's patch my warspoils got reset...
So a full screen and a half of optimization fixes only resets my Victory Strikes.
But one hotfix to AA resets everything...
Just another reason to dislike AA. |
You realize that I&R Pathfinders are basically a 3-man Airborne squad right? That they actually have higher DPS than Conscripts at most range despite having half the men? They just don't have the durability or sustainability, being 3 men and all...
Wish they would airdrop like Paras.  Or come out of any static building on the map, although that could make I&R pathfinders arty strike kinda broke (Popping an arty strike behind enemy lines). |
Agree with all points. +1
Italy could be addable with a unit composition similar to USF with only medium tanks but effective ones. Would be a nice mirrored faction for the Axis side.
While it might suffer some of the same woes as USF currently does late game against Heavy armor in team games. It could be just as effective as USF is in 1v1 competitive games. |
Dunno GZ is that expensive, I got it with my PS4 with only a few bucks.
You got it after it came out at release it was $40 for the disc copy and $30 for download version.
Anyway the point is some game makers are making less and less content and charging more money for it. AA is $20 max, wait for a sale and even then, I would advertise only getting it for $10 and only if you REALLY like the USF faction. |
M36 could use a health/armor buff and a small damage nerf to compensate. If it gets caught, it dies. Considering how pathing and random terrain bugs still happen it is entirely reasonable that the Jackson gets caught on invisible rock and proceeds to fail at pathing around and dies to Axis tank rush.
Even then the M36 has ot stay at constant 60 range or lose to high health Axis heavies, so it really does need some kind of survivability buff to compete with Heavies. |