There is a significant delay when entering a game lobby. This applies for automatch vs players, vs ai or custom games. This was not an issue before the update.
It takes roughly half a minute for the lobby to properly load in. |
And... how do you imagine them attacking anything?
Plus.... for the love of everything holy and unholy, they NEVER had any BONUS in cover.
They have PENALTY out of cover. How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man?
They have 100% performance in cover only, others have 100% performance anywhere.
Ah, fair enough. I mean, it's sort of a glass half full kinda thing, isn't it?
They are great behind cover which is hopefully the state of being that is under scrutiny.
As for how they attack, I figure that's still on the table, simply the player would have to commit to their positioning in order to make sure the Infantry Sections are putting out their best.
This will only serve to make Infantry Sections even more reliant on Bolster to be effective.
My least favourite thing about the Brits (my favourite faction) is that everything about Infantry Sections revolves around the fact that you can upgrade them at any time from an ineffective squad with less utility than Grenadiers to a very durable and dangerous mainline squad.
I've experimented this whole patch with never using Bolster but it just handicaps you severely and my wins have suffered greatly for it. I hate the way it's designed, but if the balance team or Relic is not willing to change Bolster then the British and Infantry Sections will never adequately be balanced.
They aren't as potent before bolster, but a section behind cover bolster or not is still a considerable threat to most infantry. I do think that the Infantry Sections more or less always will receive the bolster tech as they gain a definitive advantage over their mainline infantry counterparts. I also agree with the sentiment that Infantry Sections lack utility, though I specifically think of snares on that topic.
As of late, I've been hearing a lot of talk about the balance on infantry sections (mostly among regular groups but it would be a lie to say it isn't a contested topic on here as well).
The argument I've noticed so far is the concern that infantry sections perform very well behind cover, which is a majority of the time if the player maneuvers properly. With brens, they can push that advantage further, which is one reason why I quite enjoy playing brits, haha.
So far, I've noticed the implementations for balance have been direct tweaks to Infantry Section stats or to adjust the cost of their investments. Both I agree with, but I recalled old concepts in the earlier years of the game that I felt like would better address the theme of the British mainline infantry while removing some of their assertive advantages behind cover in a game where cover is plentiful.
If folks recall, there used to be a buff for one of the USF commanders that provided Riflemen bonus vision while behind cover. This effect only activated when they are standing still and after a second or two. While this was ultimately scrapped as it was more or less a fairly weak bonus, the implementation of its effect is something I believe can be applied to Infantry Sections buff.
What I consider a more intriguing change to Infantry Section would be instead to maintain its current strong stats, but apply a delay on their cover bonus. This way, they can maintain the theme of a strong defensive faction, while severing the defensive bonus being applied on offense. While I am no expert nor have I the means to test such a concept for any subsantial data, I believe stock Infantry Sections could instead have the defensive buff apply only once they are behind cover for 2 seconds, while later veterancies can provide bonuses such as a shorter time (1 second or so) for the effect to take in.
tldr: Keep strong Infantry Section stats, but change cover bonus to apply only after staying in cover for some time. This helps emphasize it is meant for defense, not offense and promote faction theme. |
I'm glad to see that at least we all agree that something could probably be done to add a little more kick to the ppsh upgrade! As for how that's implemented, I think there's a lot of more intricate ways to go, but simplicity is often best before we make big steps. Doubling the purchase behind tech feels the more direct implementation I had in mind, as that doesn't require bundling in balance of other abilities such as grenades, cloaks and HTD.
HTD is a quirky ability, but I don't have much to add on it and I was hoping to keep focus on the Ppsh and simply have more knowledgeable members point out possible faults if Ppsh x2 package might still be overwhelming with all the tech and muni walls put in place. |
At least it should be cheaper,about 40 ammo?
Agree after T4 could upgrade PPsh again,maybe for Ost Grenadier G43 too?
Also in test mod Mobilize Reserves not have free upgrade,maybe Consript reinforcement cost -2 could be global passive too?
Or just PPSH could upgrade without commander,assault package replace by single DP
I think a second G43 package is a great idea! Naturally, it'll probably be barred similarly behind BP3 or T4 building, but that's a fairly late game investment.
As for cost, I assumed the total cost would be 120 as the package is 60 on live, so double that cost is the full package. It could be cheaper, but I wouldn't want it to be so affordable to be a no-brainer purchase.
As for other suggestions you mentioned for cost, I believe that's best for the current test patch discussion thread. I am more just interested in solely double package purchase as an option in the game. |
Hey all,
I was always struck with the impression that assault package for the conscripts are at the moment somewhat middling in performance. In urban situations, it's definitely a great side-grade, but can really start to struggle once vetted lmg squads begin to wear them down before they could get into advantageous ranges.
Before, I've seen 6 ppsh assaults packages pop up as a suggestion, but with testing it's a little too strong as they can start punching infantry above their tier without much trouble if they can break distance quickly. That said, I feel like it can still be achievable so long as the option of going full package is delayed to late game and with even higher cost. It'll add a little more dynamic to the ppsh conscript package if anything.
The gist of it is, ppsh assault package can be repurchased a second time once SOV reaches T4 or research mechanized reserves. This second purchase will provide 6 ppsh for every model in the squad, removing any weapon slots in the process. For 120 ammunition and a research gate of exceptionally late game, I feel that the exceptional specialization that the cons receive is offset by its cost and therefore should be within the balanced range.
What do you guys think? I don't mind keeping things in status quo but I can't help but think about adding a little more to upgrade options. |
It what not a bug. Partisan started with 40 HP and could upgrade to 80.
Was that it? I guess I must have been mistaken. I thought there was a bug that bumped it to 120.
Ah well. |
Hey all, hope you're enjoying the bests of December!
I am just back again to talk about some ideas that had been swimming in my head since the conversation of the new patch has been jump started. I for one don't think it's a good thing to push for new additions to the game while new patch is still in the works, so I consider what I talk next as just an entertaining topic for myself and whoever might want to pitch one.
Anti Tank Partisans at the moment are in a very good spot in my opinion. Among players I hang out with, most would agree it's a unit that does well for deterring armor and the added utility of camo, at-nade and landmines are definitely a plus.
The Anti Infantry Partisans on the other hand somewhat struggle and the opinions I've heard over chatter so far are heavily leaned towards the Anti Infantry Partisans being lackluster in its performance. I personally have a neutral impression on their ability, as their low price point justifies most of their stats. That said, they are so easily destroyed that its difficult to keep them around for veterancy, given that they need to be deep in enemy lines which up the chance of a bad retreat path. If anything, it can be a bit of a manpower drain if you keep more than one or two around for recon/ambush as they aren't cheap to reinforce and drop quickly if not attacking a distracted target.
My solutions for this is to provide Partisans an option to improve their survivability once enough tech to be reached, allowing the squads to last a little longer in an ambush. This concept came to me actually due to a bug way back during the earlier years of CoH2. A multiplayer bug included allowing partisans to buy an upgrade originally for campaign, increasing their hitpoints from 80 to 120, which was a considerable improvement to survivability. Naturally, I do not think it is at all a good idea to implemement a late game upgrade option in a similar fashion, but something that either addresses received accuracy or overall durability may be ideal.
Numbers are not my strongest suit, but so far I think it wouldn't be reaching much in terms of power creep if upgrades are along these lines of 60 or so munitions locked behind T3 that reduce received accuracy by 20-30%?
What do you fellas think. |
Sure, but I think it failing due to overwhelming enemy support is rather more rare than you being able to get one/two extra shots into the side of the Elefant or whatever and killing it. It does succeed rather more often than it fails, in my experience.
That's true, and I think the damage dealt is the problem here.
I know you can also suggest changing ram or make the stafe less consistent, I don't think the approach of making any gameplay more frustrating is the best way to go about it, rather just to nerf the damage so that it remains a consistent tool for the soviets, but with far less potency so there is a greater chance that the invested attack fails. |
Rifle grenades are pretty pricey. Stack two nades of any sort together and it'll probably be lethal.
The thing about them is that they're so darn sneaky. I get hit by them a lot because the game sometimes doesn't hit you with an audio warning. So I don't think it's better, just hard to react to with a busy game. |