For the investment, the actual damage output with cooldown seems not too bad, really. I may exaggerate some on the count.
The only thing that really kills it for me is the absence of any scatter from Vet 0. One nigh on perfect line, draw at your leisure. If the walking barrage was Vet 1 & munitions, as the Priest is, I reckon the entire unit would be a lot more reasonable.
Just my two cents, I guess. |
You answered neither of the questions. Not which of those stats are important nor why even the 4 damage at the outer ring of the 75mm are important.
I'm a bit sorry for singling you out here, but I noticed earlier that you wrote something completely false regarding short/mid/long range of weapons. I'm just incredibly fed up with people tossing stats and such around without an understanding of them. There are so many people writing false statements about stats/mechanics.
Scanned my post history. Did I? I think you may have mistaken me for someone else.
Regardless, I make it my business to understand the game as best as I can. If you do think I have something objectively wrong, feel free to just correct me. I want that. Understanding the game better is good.
I love to help people understand stats or mechanics, I've no problem spending time on that. Yet I hate people who have no idea about it, but present themselves like that. Wooof, IpKai, Tensai and quite a lot of other people have spent dozens of hours to learn them and to teach themselves, yet any useful post gets drowned out by people who spam and often have no clue at all.
Correct what I have wrong, then. I don't pretend to be perfect.
Scatter mechanics I am somewhat rusty on, but to the best of my understanding the basic principle begins with RNG determining a value of discrepancy between the calculated shot and the actual ballistic profile, resulting in a shot off by a degree up to the Scatter Angle, which then simply acts as a curve. FoW multiplier is an additional multiplier for inaccuracy if the target is out of line of sight, the Distance Ratio is a further multiplier that scales up with distance between gun and target and Distance max is a total additional inaccuracy that can by induced by that spacing.
Distance Offset I've assumed, thus far, to be a factor of your range you can fire before you start to lose additional accuracy? Actually don't know that one. The rest remain fairly mysterious to me.
The fact you write that the 4 damage at the outer radius are meaningless shows that you do not know what they mean. Even 1 damage would be important. If it's below 80 damage it's not the amount that's so important, but the type of damage.
If there's a difference for explosive damage types to ballistics beyond them having areas of effect, I know it not and there's no official relic documentation I've found about it thus far. AFAIK they simply scale penetration and damage over the full AoE.
@ Bulgakov: I steal plenty of IG 18's. I know how both of them preform against OKW squads. It's not a full balance picture, but it's enough to draw a comparison in game between the two.
EDIT: But yes, this is probably derailed fairly heavily. I still consider the USF version much inferior to the IG 18 for their relative costs, regardless. |
I love how you quote the whole list. Do you even know which one of those are really relevant for accuracy? ![:p :p](/images/Smileys/tongue.gif)
Besides that your damage assessment is lacking.
Both have a ~1.5 radius with >80 dmg. That's important, as that's the instakill radius. It doesn't matter against infantry if you have 80 or a million damage. Anything with >= 80 damage instakills infantry entities. From then on the Pack Howitzer has more damage than the leIG at every single range the game uses. Every single range. Besides that it also has a bigger AoE.
leIG ends at 4, Pack Howitzer at 6 range. It only deals 4 damage in that area, but why can those 4 damage be important? Care to elaborate?
I think you misconstrue what I was getting at.
Regardless. The full list is there because editing it around is busy work.
As for the 80 damage radius- neither has an advantage in instant gibbing radius. I know. thanks for re-stating exactly what I said, I guess?
That's what I was saying. They have equal capacity to gib models when they hit. From then on the whole thing is fairly generic, and not really in favour of either gun.
The reason I bring up the meaningless damage in the outer radius is just to underline how little the extra AoE actually means for the Pack compared to the IG 18. They may as well be firing the same shot, only the IG hits more, fires faster (just), offers green cover, etc. etc. etc. |
It's 80 vs 100 for auto attack and 160 vs 100 for barrage. Relic's asymmetrical balance I guess. Not that I completely agree with that decision - I suppose they should have just made both of them have the same range.
I can agree with the rest of the points, but the two last ones - not really. As of range, I already wrote about it in this post.
As for the two other points... do you have stats to prove them?
The only big noticeable difference between le.IG 18 and 75mm pack howitzer is that the pack howitzer has setup time - RoF is basically the same. Unless you consider less than 8% RoF difference huge.
AoE - try again, 75mm pack howitzer has better AoE damage distribution against infantry, as you can see here and here.
Scatter angle:
Min tilt angle:
Distance obj hit min:
Distance offset:
Fow angle multi:
Tilt max distance:
Tilt scatter chance:
Distance ratio:
Burst pattern:
Max tilt angle:
Delay bracket change chance:
Distance max:
Fow distance multi:
IG 18:
Scatter angle:
Min tilt angle:
Distance obj hit min:
Distance offset:
Fow angle multi:
Tilt max distance:
Tilt scatter chance:
Distance ratio:
Burst pattern:
Max tilt angle:
Delay bracket change chance:
Distance max:
Fow distance multi:
Yes, the 75mm is considerably less accurate.
As for the damage distribution- both of them stop being instantly fatal at ~1.5 (the OKW version does it at about 1.51)
The damage that happens in the extra 'splash' radius between 3 and 5 is 4. 4 damage. That's what you get in that bonus AoE. The difference between the two is less beneficial than you would think because of the relative speed drop in the USF version. It starts with less damage and- whilst dropping off begins a little later, does so much more quickly. The usual spacing of infantry make both about as splashy as each other, very little notable difference
It is pretty damn absurd.
If it just scattered a few shells, like some sort of massive, massive Panzerwerfer? I'd maybe buy it.
But all six shots come at once, unlike the priest. And it has no scatter. It draws a perfect line wherever you want in a creeping barrage (costs a priest 50muni and takes an age).
On small cramped maps, where you can keep it base bound, it's brutal for the cost. Crossing in the Woods is a pretty solid example.
It's not just a blob punihsher, it's outright point and click blanket retreat or lose at least one squad. Total overkill. |
Funny how you say it's UP, while it has basically the same RoF as the OKW le.IG 18 and the same killing power against infantry (less damage per shell, but larger AoE, so the radius in which infantry is killed is the same as in OKWs gun). And it also has better penetration (85 vs 75) - but the lower damage per shell will make it worse against vehicles anyway.
Yes, it has somewhat worse scatter characteristics, but does it really make it suck while the le.IG 18 is borderline OP?
It's notably less accurate- the real killer, frankly.
The barrage for AT capacity requires Vet.
The shell travel time for barrage is notably longer.
The range on the basic fire is notably smaller.
The rate of fire is slower.
It does not provide green cover for the crew.
It does not provide cold protection for the crew.
The larger AoE does little to help the damage discrepancy.
It costs more manpower.
See the problem yet?
The OKW gun really makes the pack howitzer look bad. It does pretty much the same damage, fires twice as fast, and is good vs tank without vet all for a cheaper cost.
And is also more accurate and has a proper range without needing to barrage and has immunity to cold and green cover... |
The 75mm is worse than a mortar and the OKW field gun is borderline OP, even though it's cheaper. The field guns are pretty fubar right now.
The only way to make the USF gun worth anything at all is to get vet and white phosphorous barrage a blob. Even then, the actual AoE is inaccurate and small. |
Well that's the problem, it's designed wrong. Nothing except arty should be gibbing infantry with one shot. It's too mobile and there's no sound of arty in the distance, no red smoke like off-map. It shouldn't be gibber-jabbing.
Burmmbar, IS-2 (if it hits), Bulldozer Sherman, Demo charges, ISU, KV-2, Sturmtiger, Satchels, mine groups, Obersoldaten, Paratrooper Charges, Priests, every offmap, 120mm's, walking stukas, every on-map artillery gun.
Squad wipes are everywhere. Only some of them are artillery. |
Pak is definitely superior to the Zis in AT, never said it wasn't. T3476 accelerates faster too, and more importantly costs about 20% less for exactly the same survivability against an AT gun as a P4.
T3485 is the best medium (except maybe the E8) because of it's 800 health, among other very decent stats. Panther is in a different league cost wise and doesn't bear comparison (tank hunter, useless against AT guns anyway, and a general waste of resources in a 1v1).
And the max speed of a KV1 is actually 5.1. It has 270 armor and 800HP though, so it bounces shots decently well and can survive the ones it doesn't deflect.
All fair points. Again, though, the acceleration differences are very minor.
As for the KV-1; fair point, looked up the wrong one. KV-1_commander_mp would be the right one, I assume, as its a call in. Kv-1_mp assumedly isn't used.
@ Cannonade
I struggle to agree, all told. With the massive focus on fuel that came from vCoH all the way through to now, allowing vehicles to be wholly negated in a pretty huge cone for a mere ~300MP would be... dubious, all told. The game would just be a creeping wall of AT guns and whatever your best long range infantry was.
If AT guns do become even more incarnate death of tanks anywhere in front of it, they'll absolutely need balancing with much shorter ranges, else the fuel economy becomes a joke and we get creeping back to the artillery fest of vCoH late games. |