So! I think its time for a halfway report and analysis (to take a page from ImperialDane)!
First of all, thanks to everyone for a remarkably civil and constructive thread. Even a Mod has passed through and remarked on that. Well done! Dis is how we should roll here on!
Second, thanks to everyone who voted and posted. We got some good stuff here.
Now to the meat!
The results of the poll so far:
As Akula calculated, there is a 81% approval that tying Callins would be a good thing. Its an even split between Vehicles only, Supers only and All off the above, so there definately is a wide split differentiation there about what to apply it to,, but that overall some tier tying would be good. Nobody voted for Infantry only
The vote for no tier tying in any form, was not far behind each selection above.Coming out to about 1/5 of the total vote.
The discussion so far:
A) Instant or Built:
Something I had overlooked in the initial poll, but that Bulgakov quickly pointed out, was if some or all callins that are to be tier tied, should they remain instants? Or be actually built from the tier structure? There are arguments for both options, and also stratified on which kind of unit we are talking about. Definately a core consideration with timing ramifications. Overall, to my perspective, it is currently leaning slightly towards Instant. Especially for the earlier tier callins, the additional time to build might force some infantryand early vehicles out of their window. Its a difficult point, and one that I think can also be different for different tiers, as Relic sees fit, and inorder not to burden build orders too hard timewise, in addition to the fact they must tier to get them.
B) Replace tier units with Callins, or Callins in addition to tier units:
A relatively new issue raised in the thread by drChengele, but very important imo. Once upon a time, many callins did replace a unit in the native tier roster. This was discontinued by Relic, but is something that has to be atleast peripherally considered if a tier tying (which also used to be a "thing" but was discontiuned, but in a different form than is proposed now) where to make a return. Imo,there is space make some callins replace units, and others not. Deoending on how and to what tiers callins are tied to, especially considering the different systemic tier and unit structure of differet factions, there is space for variation. I encourage everyone participating to say a word or two about this point.
C) What tier to tie what to:
There is an almost even split in the poll between tying Vehicles (which includes Supers), tying Supers only, and tying ALL units to tiers.
Different posters, from a different set of the above, have differing but good opinions and arguments. Overall from the discussion however, to my view as I have tried to nurture this thread and read every word, the concensus seems to be steongest regarding the Supers. It is the common denominator in opinion that Supers should be tied to tier, though opinion on other callins is divided. Especially on infantry, and there have been good posts both for and against tier tying on those again, but I do recommend, for starters, a focus on the Supers. Discussion is certainly open on all vehicles, and even infantry, but our strongest concensus atm is on Supers, and perhaps we can deal with the rest at a later point in more specific detail to those, since they do seem to be more difficult to address and alsonperhaps, a less immediate pressing balance concern.
But what then defines a Super? Some are more or less obvious, but as Cortes pointed out, callins like T34/85, have a wierd kind of "between tiers" status that presents some problems. Some posters, forgive me for not mentioning you, have done a great job in posting suggested tier-tied lists for individual factions. I think overall, Sov is the hardest to reconcile with the proposal, because of its essentially different tier structure and relation to Commanders. If you can, I think people posting more faction based lists on what tier to tie what callins to, would help build a framework and a basis to start biting into that.
In conclusion, as the OP of this thread, I will use my small perogative, and elaborate a little on what I think would be the advantages, and potential difficulties, of this proposal, and also what this thread and its feedback has taught me since I originally made it.
I) I think best would be to start with Super tying to tiers. The rest can come later. I was frankly surprised at rhe vote for all vehicles, and infact all callins, to be tied, but I havent yet thought enough on non-Supers to really concretely make a delineation. Supers are the element there is most consencus in, and, as the most powerful units in the game, carry a degree of gravitas for changes. If the Super project works, then there is a strong basis for comparison to changing all vehicles or all callins overall, into a tier tied structure.
II) There has been repeated concern, that tying callins to tiers would result in less meta diversity.
I answer this in two points, for what I think is actually a net increase in meta diversity, over what we have now:
Tier Diversity!
That callins are marginalising and cutting out native tier core units, as a result of better cost efficiency due to not requiring tiers PLUS also that callins are generally better than tier units (as supported by points from I<CoH and Katitof respectively). Though at initial impression, it would seem that tying callins to tiers would reduce the meta potential, what is important that counteracts that, is a more cost efficient and competitive tier variety. Because tier units will be able to compete costwise, because you have to buy the tier anyways if the suggestion goes through, inorder to callin units, you actually, finally have built that tier. So as a direct result, you can actually build tier units at a competetive price! So whatever small diveesity was lost in the current tierless callin system, is answered covered and reciprocated by a more valid native tier variety!
Non-callin Commanders!
I think most will agree, that non-callin Commanders have been extremely marginalised by callin-Commander options.
The abilities and functions on non-callin Commanders are great, and an enormous diversity, but due to the reasons stated above, are squeezed out because they cant compete with the cost efficiency, and upgraded unit status, than callin-Commanders provide. By tying tiers, especially to the signature "Supers" of many callin-Commanders, non-callin-Commanders can utilise their abilities while relying on native tier units, because, as the suggestiin is intended to be universal to all factions, your opponent also is delayed and forcibly tiered to respond, either with native units, or callins. This would finally allow non-callin Commanders to shine as they deserve, and reintroduce all kinds of diversity in meta, because so many of these Commanders are currently almost entirely unplayed!
Thanks for reading, you who have.
(Sorry to those who dont, but there is no way I can TLDr this post
Thanks to all posters for keeping the thread clean, ontopic and constructive, which is a huge achievement.
Now, to quote ImperialDane once again: