I started reading Antony Beevor's Second World War. It's a real page turner actually, which surprised me. It's big though, so we'll see if I make it through
Get through it and keep going!
Ive read it and it is like reading WW2 101. Many things are good, some are inaccurate, some are poor. But start from that one and if you find a specific thing you want to explore further ask here or in the Library and you'll find alot of people who can point you in the right direction for further reading.
Doesn't have to be big things. If you read that book and want to know more about a specific units actions in more detail there is a book for that. Ask and you shall be enlightened.
Maybe you are looking for more general information about macro things like industrial output, well there are books for that too. Im sure someone here will be able to point you in the right direction