Other factions pay equally much if not more + need to pick a weak doctrine as well for it.
Its perfectly fair for what it does.
I agree. The only faction that somehow has a 'useful' FRP is the USF. And still this one costs 120 (?) Fuel.
USF pays more with their forward bases, Ost and Sovs don't have one from stock.
OKW is the only faction with a FRP that can reinforce and heal without being a 'one hit dying' unit like the ambulance. |
The only important Thing on this poll are the new voice lines.
Voice lines cost a lot of money and generate exactly 0 money :-(
Its almost as if Relic didn't wanted snipers to be countered by snipers as sniper wars were cancer of coh1.
Let me also remind you that these 2 models do not have 82 hp each.
sniper wars bewteen single snipers were the reason i quit coh1
I don't see how the two boyed/girled sniper team is a solution to fix the sniper war. In vCoH if you had two snipers, the one who shot first won (if he shot the sniper of course, lol). In CoH2 the Sov sniper will always win if shooting first OR second. Of course there are the different cloak times and aiming times which were introduced to fix this problem (as far as I know this was meant that the German sniper could recloak faster than the Sov was able to aim). But here is where in my opinion the problems start, because as this was somehow balanced in vanilla CoH2 in 2013, a lot of things have changed since then. Snipers are way longer visible after a shot (cloaked units in general).
IMO the sniper wars from vCoH are history in the predecessor is because of the new cloaking system based on cover which makes more sense and is in my opinion also more rewarding for good micro.
But still I stand behind my opinion that balancing a 'gimmick feature' is way harder than to just remove the gimmick and mirror the stats more or less. Maybe let the German one reload a tick faster because of the bigger Soviet unit sizes. |
The soviet mod of COH also used a sniper team. In real life sniper also work as team.
Yes, this is correct. But still it is incomprehensible in my opinion to not just say 'well, fuck the idea. Ost and Sovs both have one guy and they can countersniper each other, gg' but then to tweak complicated aim times, balance it via incendiary shots and cloak times, etc...
It's like we have a tree on our path and instead of removing the tree, we build the road around it. Only for the sake of having something 'special'. |
just make it 1 man ffs
I also never understood why Relic held so tightly to that cheesy decision to have Soviet sniper teams.
I'm pretty sure that someone 2012 just came up with the idea 'Hey guys, let's give Sovs a sniper. BUT TWO!' |
Hey guys,
Yesterday I played the first games with USF in what felt like at least a year and although I had a losing streak of -7, I really clearly lost both games nevertheless.
I found it really hard to react to my OKW enemy cutting of my fuel points (e.g. when they are in houses). Also I honestly had no idea what to build, so I used the 'standard buildorder' I also used a year ago which was:
0: RE (from start)
1: Rifle
2: Rifle
3: Rifle
4: Mortar
5: Captain
And here the real problems start, because I have no idea what to do with the Captain. I was both times very short on fuel, maybe because my enemy harrassed me very well (but probably because I played USF way to defensive, as I am used to play Ost and Brits).
Nevertheless, I had a Captain, then in one game a Flak HT arrived against which I wasn't able to do anything. In the other game 5-10 mins later a Panzer 4 arrived and I had the same result.
I have problems against the inf, but if I go for the Sherman, the upcoming tank will tear me apart.
Are there some 'meta tipps' right now what to build or behave on the battlefield?
Thanks in advance! |
Ullumullu, please try to be a bit more "lighthearted" in your strategic viewpoints.
Everything you write is always a total pro or total con. It's never like "Unit X is maybe a bit too strong", but always "Unit X is so bad, you can have 3 and still lose, while ALLIED UNIT Y can fight Inf and AT with ease."
That is the reason why most people don't take you serious on this board.
As long as you don't work on that - let's call it - 'whiny attitude', people will just think "Well, it's another Ulllumullu post, what do you expect."
Katitof was a fanboy aswell but he made his posts way more entertaining and subtle, that's why there are people who missed him after his ban, while you're simply annoying most of the time. Sorry. |
Remember CoH2 War effort?

Holy shit, I was so hyped for this game mode when they teased it. Such a shame that it was never released.
This could have been so cool:
Each month there could have been an event e.g. "The allies have invaded Normandy!" then every win/loss will move the map a very slight bit and in the end you can see if the Reich defeated the invaders or if the Allies fought their way into the heart of Germany.
You could have endless scenarios for that...
"The Battle of Kursk" where every tank kill counted and moved the map in the East.
"Fall Blau", "Stalingrad", etc...
But no, we got MLNW5.
What we can do about this low risk, high reward unit?
I don't want to say that the Soviet Sniper is fine, but it is everything but low risk.
Losing one model means 90MP down the drain. Losing both means 360MP gone. Also the most important thing to consider is getting a Sniper means a Penal Squad less and way less capping power. And if the Soviet player gets the sniper later on, it might face 222s and other light vehicles.
So yeah, it is annoying as hell but still high risk, high reward. |
Console RTS? They need to stop thinking this a worthwhile venture.
As I personally thought like this for years now, I understand your fear. BUT keep in mind that you "ONLY" need some fresh and innovative concepts to make consoles fit for the RTS genre.
What these concepts are is something I do not know. But for example, my high hope Iron Harvest will also be realeased on xBox1 and PS4 together with the PC version.
What I am trying to say is, if RTS games become attractive again (by making them enjoyable on consoles as well WITHOUT screwing up major gameplay mechanics), everyone will win in the end.
The same people that went ahead with the last few failures that were Call of Duty? No thanks.
Tbh, WWII was the first CoH I bought after Black Ops I. It is by no means perfect and the community is still cancerous as hell, BUUUT - for me it honestly is an enjoyable game. It is arcade,
but way better than anything that came after MW2 imo.