
russian armor

Conbags for Everyone!

Conscript Sandbags as default sandbags?
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Total votes: 20
20 Apr 2019, 18:37 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

Conbags are great. Here's why:

They look good.
Conbags look like hastility constructed ramshackle defences. Which is what they are, you built them on the field during a battle! All the other factions get these boring neat little baby sandbags.

They work better.
You can fit lots of models behind a Conbag, which means less model clumping. They're much better cover in the explosives-ridden lategame. Ost in particular would love some decent sandbags given Pioneers have to build them.

They're more tactically interesting.
Here's the catch. Conbags are too big to fit behind flagpoles. You build a Conbag, the enemy can almost always take it from you.

In terms of power level, that balances Conbags against the little bags. In terms to being interesting, it's another advantage for Conbags. You've got to be careful where you build them, because your defences can be taken! Baby sandbags just neatly slot behind flagpoles to become one-way cover. Boring!

So why not make Conbags the default sandbags instead?

20 Apr 2019, 18:56 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

They're more like a hastily erected dirt barricades than anything else remotely resembling sandbags if you ask me but yes, their model is a bit bigger and they cannot clip through other objects but I still prefer the WFA sandbags.
20 Apr 2019, 20:51 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Odd as it is to say, yeah I really do prefer the sandbag walls, especially because it gives more space for green cover with less time.

That being said, I don't agree with removing the others because in my experience, the smaller bits made at once can actually help a lot for the other factions (Read: Ostheer 4-mans) because one piece of sandbags getting destroyed by explodies can still mean there will still be cover nearby. If you get enough time to make a bunch, the sandbags will definitely last longer with tanks about than sandbag walls.
20 Apr 2019, 21:10 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

See, I'd figure it'd help Ostheer because their squads don't clump up behind a conbag.
20 Apr 2019, 21:15 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Apr 2019, 21:10 PMLago
See, I'd figure it'd help Ostheer because their squads don't clump up behind a conbag.

It's a problem with a single one, but it'll do the job fine with two.

Speaking of which, I wonder if a tank shell doing a direct hit on a sandbag might "help" the squad behind it if it turns out the center of impact will be a bit farther away from the direct center of the squad.

...probably doesn't matter too much if an HE ISU/IS2 hits though, granted.
20 Apr 2019, 21:51 PM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607

The small bags are currently used in places the large can't be, and to do things like block entrances to buildings.

20 Apr 2019, 22:09 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

The small bags are currently used in places the large can't be, and to do things like block entrances to buildings.

Which is what wire is meant to be for.

Speaking of which, I wonder if a tank shell doing a direct hit on a sandbag might "help" the squad behind it if it turns out the center of impact will be a bit farther away from the direct center of the squad.

Don't quote me on this but I think cover damage reduction applies too.
20 Apr 2019, 22:27 PM
avatar of JibberJabberJobber

Posts: 1614 | Subs: 3

this would solve some of the ghostbagging issues
21 Apr 2019, 00:08 AM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Apr 2019, 22:09 PMLago
Don't quote me on this but I think cover damage reduction applies too.

I think it indeed does, but regardless of whether it does, the men that are hit by the close-AoE radius are always doomed anyway because medium tank shells do at least 160 damage, heavy cover reduces damage taken by half, and all infantry have 80 health per man, so only the guys outside of that radius will see any benefit.
21 Apr 2019, 07:59 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

this would solve some of the ghostbagging issues

There is a MOD that completely fixes that.
21 Apr 2019, 09:43 AM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3003 | Subs: 3

The normal sandbags provide cover in all 4 directions. The cons sandbags only in 2 directions.

And I think the size of the cons bags would just cause even more frustrating pathing issues for smaller vehicles, on certain maps
22 Apr 2019, 18:33 PM
avatar of Thundrag

Posts: 17

I wouldn't mind if they had both sandbags available for factions, I kinda wish soviets had trenches of some kind though maybe thats better off in a discussion for their defensive commander or something.
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