in the video u can clearly see that the bomber does not make any more runs after it is shot down after the first one.
the reason why people think "random bombs" keep dropping even after the bomber is shot down is that the bomber releases the bombs EXTREMELY early. in this case the bomber practically drops its payload as soon as it enters the edge map. what people experience is that they shoot down the bomber, but the bombs have already dropped, and due to the projectile travel time, the bombs land after the bomber is shot down creating the illusion that there is a ghost bomber.
and as many times its been reiterated, but ill explain loiter mechanics again for the people in the back.
planes have 2 phases, loiter and attack
during loiter, planes will circle the loiter area searching for a valid target. targets are acquired when they are sitting in the loiter area and u have sight of them. once the target is acquired, planes will fly off the map, and go into an attack phase where they strafe the target. WHEN THE PLANE FLIES OFF THE MAP IT WILL ALWAYS ATTACK THE TARGET IT ACQUIRED EVEN IF THE TARGET MOVES OUT OF THE LOITER ZONE OR IF YOU LOSE SIGHT OF IT. so, if the bomber acquires a target that retreats out of the zone, itll still hit your unit.
you can see the dotted line on the map so make sure you exit the area so only the first pass will hit you

also the UI loiter area indicator on the minimap is significantly smaller than the actual area. yellow line is the real target area vs the minimap indicator