I would like to talk about current situation with intel bulletins in the game. According to open sources, there is no plans for bulletins rework, but i still would like to get some ideas and discuss it with the community. Anyhow, i would like to add, at least UI part of this discussion to QoL thread, when some completed idea will appear. So, let's started!
Issue number one - visual language
As you know, enery bulletin has one or several symbols for fast recognise the affect. I believe it was ok in the beginning, but then a lot of disparities appeared. I will not list them all, just give some of them.
Example 1 - dispatch

Both bulletins reduce the time between dispatch. Earlier bulletins using right symbol, later bulletins using left symbol. Also, left symbol used for ability recharge bulleting, and reload bulletins.
Example 2 - reload

for some reason, you can face three different symbols for reload bulletins. Lightning symbol also used for reduced cooldown. Second one also used for increased rotation rate. Third one was mentioned in example number one.
It can be fixed, just need to make some symbols system to avoid overlapping between different effects.
The other issue - incorrect unit on the bulletin's icon. Some people can be confused by large number of M-42 bulletins, and 0 bulletins (according to image on icon) for ZiS-3.

Also, there is no order by affected units, so you need to lurk bulletins for one unit in the chaos. It can be fixed with some manipulations with bulletins name. i've made it in russian numerical veterancy mod, and it looks really good!

Issue number two - bulletins with the same effect, but different %
Every bulletin should provide small, but meaningful effect. Currently, there are a lot of bulletins, especially for East factions, which provide the same effect, and the only difference - %. Some examples:
2 bulletins with 10% experience for HMG (1 special for Maxim, 1 for Maxim and MG 42)
2 bulletins with accuracy for Maxim (2% and 3%)
3 bulletins for Mortar accuracy (2%,3% and 5% for PM-41)
2 bulletins for SU-85 penetration (3% and 4%)
2 bulletins for ZiS-3 rotation (5% and combo bulletin 2% pen and 3% rotation)
4 bulletins for ZiS-3 penetration (2%,3%,4% and combo bulletin 2% pen and 3% rotation)
In my mind, every unit should have only one bulletin for every effect, but with solid % (for example 5%). Other option - bulletin with two effects, but smaller %(like 3% and 3%). So, 1%-2% bulletins should be reworked.
Issue number three - sevral units have one bulletins or don't have them at all
In the beginning, according to exist bulletins, every type of units has it own gentleman's set of bulletins. Like near by all vanilla infantry units, which were on the start, have their accuracy bulletin, and every HMG has number of bulletins for cooldown, reload and expirience. Here is some units, which require some bulletins:
Both 76-mm "Sherman" - 0 bulletins, not integrated in any global medium tanks bulletins
M1 mortar - 0 bulletins
KV-2 - 1 bulletin
KV-1 - 2 bulletins
SdKfz 221/223 - 0 bulletins
Ostheer Puma - 0 bulletins
M26 - 1 bulletin
T34 Calliope - 1 bulletin
Goliath - 1 bulletin
This list is not full.
Issue number four - late game bulletins
There is no doubt, that late game bulletins not used often because no guarantee, that you will use something from late game stuff, and their bonuses are on the same level with early game bulletins(2-5% mostly).
Something should be done with it. My idea based on unique options, like Ostwind supress bulletin provide, and some bulletins as gentleman's set, but with really meaningful influence, like increased expirience. For example dispatch bulletins for super heavies are really useless.
Issue number five - covered influence
Several bulletins affect not only listed in the description units. Like several StuG III G bulletins affect StuG III E and...Elefant. Bulletins should affect only one, two or max three units with some common thing (like mainline infantry, elite infantry, HMG or units with the same base in extremis, like grenadiers and assault grenadiers, or Guards and Assault guards).
IOW, every unit should have gentleman's set of 3-4 bulletins with good, but not extremely powerfull effects and 1-2 bulletins with unique bonuses, which increase unique advantage of unit, or open new options. (like mentioned above Ostwind bulletins).
Just an example - super heavies.
IS-2 and Tiger
2 gentleman's set bulletins - penetration and increased expirience.
IS-2 has bulletins with standart and half-standart effect - reload and speed/rotation.
Tiger has bulletins with standart and half-standart effect - increased armor and sight/turret rotation.
At the same time
Tiger II has only one bulletin from gentleman's set - increased expirience.
M26 has one bulletins from gentleman's set - increased penetration.
I would like to hear your opinion, i believe we can figure something interesting!