***This is a speculation thread about the new commanders***

According to Capiqua who datamined all the commanders in the last patch files (right Capiqua? ), theres a indication to the new 2019 commanders will be using the OFFENSIVE theme (and a Sherman Commander to US ? ).
There's already abilities for this commanders too. I don't remember to see this commanders in the past in any alpha or closed beta files. So YES, this is a good indication about this.
Capiqua's commanders panel:
Offensive Doctrine: https://www.coh2.org/file/17365/wer-eng.jpg
Offensive Tatics: https://www.coh2.org/file/17367/sov-eng.jpg
Sherman Commander: https://www.coh2.org/file/17369/usf-eng.jpg
source: https://www.coh2.org/topic/15832/tree-army-coh1xcoh2
Theres another indication about this, because RELIC gave tips about that in a blog:
American mortar for the new British doctrine? Possible. Panzer II in the new Wehr doctrine?
But Relic gives a hope for the community to choose this new commanders with a community panel:
a community panel will be helping to weigh up the best ideas, test things out, and make necessary changes
So, whats happened to the community panel? The OFFENSIVE theme is already chosen?
GG and Happy new year guys.