
russian armor

insta kill mines

31 Oct 2018, 05:43 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

If I understand this correctly, you mean to swap the riegel and teller, which would make the riegel non doc, BUT because you mentioned fuel investment you intend to keep it being deployed from the HT or 222 as mentioned and not from pioneers. Then the teller just gets moved to riegel docs etc. USF currently has the same thing as a Riegel in the M6 AT mine deployed from the M20. Even though USF has access to this mine, it still is not enough to warrent a faction not having nondoc mines. Hence USF was given nondoc mines.

On a side note though, I don't think I've had a whole lot of instances where I just straight up lose my light to a teller. I know OST has mines that can 1 shot my T70, so I just move my pios around with it.

Ah sorry then I misexplained.
Dont move the mines, move the effect. Make the halftrack (or the 222 might be better because of flame track meta and making more choice) laid mines the ones capable on nuking lights instead of the pio laid ones.
That way Ost still has a way to neutralize the threat of lights without killing them outright. In order to outright kill they would need a certain doctrine and a halftrack so they in turn have to invest some fuel in potentially denying alot of enemy fuel.

Just a thought to keep the powerful potential without completely leaving Ost high and dry when it comes to their vulnerability to lights

So to clarify:
Pios lay say 40mu mines
Only trigger on vehcles
Heavy engine damage on lights instead of kill
Heavy engine damage on all else as well

Halftrack/222 lays 50mu mines
Only trigger on vehicles
Higher damage capable of OHK
imob to all else.

The finer details are up for discussion (well... All of it is, I'm no dev...)

Both would have their reasons to use. Cheaper or more expensive and more powerful outright. The cheaper normal mines would open up a bit more chance to use as Ost and maybe offer more alternative to the current light counters.
31 Oct 2018, 07:52 AM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Oct 2018, 21:53 PMTobis

You can always sweep for your one light vehicle. You can't always sweep for your 8 infantry squads.

That's not a 100% valid argument. Sometimes Allies have two LV so your one sweeper cant be everywhere. Even with one LV sometimes you have to switch sides fast and your sweeper cant keep up.
And for the demos,the soviet player has to watch your 8 squads too so he can activate the demo (its not like the teller, plant and forget). Its a double task for soviets to.

To be clear, i don't think that Demos where ok in the past but i also think that the tellers and all this high damage anti vehicle mines are ok ether.

Best solution would be to leave a little health and an immobilized or heavy engine damage crit.
31 Oct 2018, 08:02 AM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

Because the faction lacks a light tank to deal with T70s, stuarts, AECs, AAHTs etc. One of the many reasons panic puma is king currently.

I hate that argument! indeed they dont have a decent LV to counter other LV's but that doesn't mean their mine should instal kill. I've lost countless LV's to a faust followed up by a 222, if their mine was on par with the other mines I'm sure it would be the same outcome for hitting them too
31 Oct 2018, 08:08 AM
avatar of Loxley

Posts: 223

Immobilized tank would be the same result at the end. If you drive with the light tank near frontline, you can have a minesweeper near it.
If you drive far behind the front and hit a mine, and then would be immobilized and down to 10% health or something, there is no escape from being hunted down by the next possible unit.
So at the end, switching Teller mine with Riegel mine is only for people, who wants to yolo with their like vehicles without minesweeper near frontline.
31 Oct 2018, 08:29 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Because the faction lacks a light tank to deal with T70s, stuarts, AECs, AAHTs etc. One of the many reasons panic puma is king currently.

The reason the Puma is king is because it allows you to stay in the game when any other faction would have be on the backfoot in the same situation.
Panic Puma had sense a year ago, not today.
31 Oct 2018, 08:37 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Because the faction lacks a light tank to deal with T70s, stuarts, AECs, AAHTs etc. One of the many reasons panic puma is king currently.

You don't need a vehicle specifically to deal with it.

I mean, look at soviets again, its not like they pick SU-76 to deal with luchs/puma (yes, I know that T-70 beats luchs, but if you want to actually kill it, you'll need bigger punch).

Or USF, when was last time you have seen Stuart?
31 Oct 2018, 10:49 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Oct 2018, 08:37 AMKatitof

You don't need a vehicle specifically to deal with it.

I mean, look at soviets again, its not like they pick SU-76 to deal with luchs/puma (yes, I know that T-70 beats luchs, but if you want to actually kill it, you'll need bigger punch).

Or USF, when was last time you have seen Stuart?

Every time you see a Stuart, you see a PUMA.
31 Oct 2018, 16:20 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

So to clarify:
Pios lay say 40mu mines
Only trigger on vehcles
Heavy engine damage on lights instead of kill
Heavy engine damage on all else as well

Halftrack/222 lays 50mu mines
Only trigger on vehicles
Higher damage capable of OHK
imob to all else.

So basically you just want to make the teller a non OHK and just heavy engine damage. Could work, might not. That'd be a community decision probably.

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Oct 2018, 08:02 AMLatch

I hate that argument! indeed they dont have a decent LV to counter other LV's but that doesn't mean their mine should instal kill. I've lost countless LV's to a faust followed up by a 222, if their mine was on par with the other mines I'm sure it would be the same outcome for hitting them too

That really depends just on how deep your are if it was a standard mine. If your snared vehicle has a means of support the 222 won't kill the light tank.

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Oct 2018, 08:29 AMEsxile

The reason the Puma is king is because it allows you to stay in the game when any other faction would have be on the backfoot in the same situation.
Panic Puma had sense a year ago, not today.

There are many reasons why panic puma is king. Yours and mine is just some of the few. Another reason is that even if you kill your opponets light it allows you to maintain more pressure due to having a vehicle and some mediocre DPS. Plus it has pretty good sight range, espeically with vet.

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Oct 2018, 08:37 AMKatitof

You don't need a vehicle specifically to deal with it.

I mean, look at soviets again, its not like they pick SU-76 to deal with luchs/puma (yes, I know that T-70 beats luchs, but if you want to actually kill it, you'll need bigger punch).

Or USF, when was last time you have seen Stuart?

The Soviets have AT possibilities wherever they tech, inorder for OST to actually have AT sources they require T2. Plus guards are dominant as hell as always.
31 Oct 2018, 16:54 PM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

Heavy engine damage on the teller would be massively OP, awful idea.
31 Oct 2018, 19:17 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

The Soviets have AT possibilities wherever they tech, inorder for OST to actually have AT sources they require T2. Plus guards are dominant as hell as always.

Funny knowing why Soviet ended with Penal PTRS... Ostheer T2 giving you 222, pak40, pzshrek in adding of long range pfaust and mines. I mean, dunno what you want more.
31 Oct 2018, 20:40 PM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607

I didn't know that Wehrmacht needed help snaring vehicles.

How about instead you just lower the damage of the Teller a bit and reduce its cost in proportion. It can still be the best non-doc mine, but maybe it doesn't insta-gib a light tank.
31 Oct 2018, 21:07 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

The Soviets have AT possibilities wherever they tech, inorder for OST to actually have AT sources they require T2. Plus guards are dominant as hell as always.

If you don't have T2 up by the time light tanks arrive on field as ost, well, I don't think there is enough "bad" in the world to describe that.
31 Oct 2018, 21:10 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Oct 2018, 19:17 PMEsxile

Funny knowing why Soviet ended with Penal PTRS... Ostheer T2 giving you 222, pak40, pzshrek in adding of long range pfaust and mines. I mean, dunno what you want more.

Soviets were given PTRS penals because prior to that T1 soviets would get dumped on by lights because there were no AT options. Literally the same thing would happen to ostheer if we took away their ability to kill lights and the puma. Or is "use 4 snares on a kiting T70 acceptable AT" :facepalm: I don't know why having a sweeper and repairs close to your light is a foreign concept, that or you just want to dive with T70s and have no reprocussions.

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Oct 2018, 21:07 PMKatitof

If you don't have T2 up by the time light tanks arrive on field as ost, well, I don't think there is enough "bad" in the world to describe that.

Maybe play the game before calling other people "bad" ;) T2 OST shouldn't be required either. By that logic USF is fine and should just get both LT and CPT because they have decent tools in those tiers.
31 Oct 2018, 21:20 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Maybe play the game before calling other people "bad" ;) T2 OST shouldn't be required either. By that logic USF is fine and should just get both LT and CPT because they have decent tools in those tiers.

And why ost T2 shouldn't be required?
Its early game tier in a faction that techs linearly and its impossible not to have it before light tanks arrive, unless you didn't capped a single sector for first 10 minutes.

There is no excuse to complain about ost needing T2 and there is no excuse not to have it.

USF is more tricky, the intent was probably to have to get zooks when going T1, but that isn't going to work due to how irrelevant all T1 units are because of "improved balance".
31 Oct 2018, 21:24 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Oct 2018, 21:20 PMKatitof

And why ost T2 shouldn't be required?
Its early game tier in a faction that techs linearly and its impossible not to have it before light tanks arrive, unless you didn't capped a single sector for first 10 minutes.

There is no excuse to complain about ost needing T2 and there is no excuse not to have it.

USF is more tricky, the intent was probably to have to get zooks when going T1, but that isn't going to work due to how irrelevant all T1 units are because of "improved balance".

Ostheer doesn't need to tech linearly. The only linear part of ostheer is battle phases. Every structure does not need to be constructed. Ostruppen into T2 was used multiple times in GCS2. If ostheer is always meant to have T2 up I hope to see you correcting all fuel equations to factor in how much is required for a standard medium. Should make ostheer look a lot worse than it actually is.
1 Nov 2018, 01:20 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

Riegel dies 400 damage, teller does 480, so both can OHK light vehicles

I believe it's 380 for Riegel and 400 for Teller.
1 Nov 2018, 08:25 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Soviets were given PTRS penals because prior to that T1 soviets would get dumped on by lights because there were no AT options. Literally the same thing would happen to ostheer if we took away their ability to kill lights and the puma. Or is "use 4 snares on a kiting T70 acceptable AT" :facepalm: I don't know why having a sweeper and repairs close to your light is a foreign concept, that or you just want to dive with T70s and have no reprocussions.

Maybe play the game before calling other people "bad" ;) T2 OST shouldn't be required either. By that logic USF is fine and should just get both LT and CPT because they have decent tools in those tiers.

What a biais memory you have. Penal were given PTRS in order to nerf their insane AI damage. Without PTRS option Penal would have been impossible to balance between OPness and uselessness.

Anyway, since you don't want to understand the difference between skipping tier and non linear tiering, I guess there it is hopeless to talk with you.
1 Nov 2018, 17:03 PM
avatar of Vertigo

Posts: 64

Teller are OK.

Sweep dude.. S W E E P
1 Nov 2018, 17:21 PM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

I keep misreading this thread title as:
Insta kill memes
1 Nov 2018, 18:57 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Nov 2018, 08:25 AMEsxile

What a biais memory you have. Penal were given PTRS in order to nerf their insane AI damage. Without PTRS option Penal would have been impossible to balance between OPness and uselessness.

Anyway, since you don't want to understand the difference between skipping tier and non linear tiering, I guess there it is hopeless to talk with you.

???????????? Honestly you look like you just like spewing BS. If the PTRS is not already on the squad, then the AI it has when constructed would be therefore untouched by the PTRS AI nerf. Honestly amazed someone thinks the PTRS was added because their AI performance was too strong. If that were the case they'd just nerf their base stats. :facepalm: But tell me more about bias since you play 1 faction :)
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