"If they nerf demo then i want they nerf telles mines..." wow thats not childish at all!
Since OST relies a lot on support weapons, they suffer quite a lot from any form of flanking, so Teller mines and riegel mines are the only tool to avoid that. It would be really easy for a T70 or AEC to flank them as they will if not for a mine. To deny a road its important to control the frontline.
If the damage were to be reduced, they should at least damage engine and/or treads, any form of light vehincle like cars shold simply blow up. Also reduce the cost to make them more appealing for use.
man, just quit asking for OST or OKM nerfs, would you?
one hit kill mines and demos are the problem.... its not "getting even with the demo nerf" but rather shoving wehraboo hypocrisy up their asses...
you are right there... OST does suffer if they are flanked... and yes OST is balanced vs sov right now... however the teller represents an interesting problem...
it is, like the democharge, a one hit kill mine that can and instantly end a game then and there without requiring a followup faust/shot/222... the exact same reason why the democharge... which was OP at its time was nerfed...
also it must also be noted that the soviets are equally vulnerable to flanking and even frontal assaults if they are using the (considerably inferior) T2 build... the maxim is after all the worst MG ingame (tried and tested vs the MG34 and the vickers... maxim performs worst out of all of them) and can easily be deathlooped by 3 grenadiers with LMGs frontally... which i did just a game ago...
the democharge was the saving grace of the old sov T2 build... and just like how the teller could end a game here and there... the demo could prevent flanking maneuvers from devastating maxim... ofc that doesnt happen anymore and rightfully so the old demo was broken but the exact same logic applies to the teller
hence its not about getting even... its about unbreaking a broken mechanic...