do u mean the 10 games would have a relvant statistik impact? maybe the player was better trained with other factions? maybe there was no luck from RNG on their side??
you can loose 10games...but the next 90 games u win. When you stop count after the first 10 are rigth..the need buffs. but if u would look on a relevanz game number, would see: they are ok.
but ..maybe u troll around like every post.
Well, in this case, the relevant number of match-up possibilities for statistical analysis has been defined by the search space of the GCS brackets and thus the total number of games. Even if you normalised out the picking choices and the faction matchup you'd get similar win rates values. They underline how certain factions simply did better than others. You can talk to Siphon X about this, but he did his number-crunching correctly. Have a look at the sources: