
russian armor

Are UKF dead in 1v1?

Are UKF dead in the current patch (1v1)?
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2 Sep 2018, 16:57 PM
avatar of Euan

Posts: 177

I used to main UKF but I've stayed clear of UKF in this patch so far, because I was enjoying the other armies more. But, I was determined to give them another shot, so I played a bunch of games the last couple of days. I pretty much lost every single one. Before this patch I was in the top 50 UKF players. I just lost to a rank 400 OST player (and it's not like I wasn't trying).

There is some discussion of the remaining good / bad points of UKF in the UKF strategy forum, so I won't go into unit-by-unit detail, but I'd love to get the opinion of players who main other armies so here's my two questions.

1. Am I retarded? Have I failed to adapt to changes in the latest patches? Or, is it now just standard for UKF players to lose to people 300 ranks below them?

2. If they're dead, can they be made alive again just by giving Sappers a snare (as is currently proposed)? Or are more extensive changes needed?
My personal opinion would be that we should just revert some of the multi-nerfs that have hit literally every unit on the UKF roster in the last few patches, but I know that due to having certain powerful units, they have been OP in team games in the past so some people may disagree...
2 Sep 2018, 17:24 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

The snare will definitely bring them back a bit

Then, the bren carrier nerf should be partially reverted alongside with the cappin speed of IS and it will be fine
2 Sep 2018, 18:13 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

I think right now people are preparing for the metagame to get patched out so you might be encountering people mixing up their strats that may be throwing off your game.

At the same time, if you're using similar strategies that you had been using in previous patches, you're not only dealing with units that have been nerfed, but against players who have likely long learned out to counter those old tactics.

That said, I have barely kept up with even watching CoH2 matches this last patch. And even those games have been on custom maps in development. :P I'm only referencing a general pattern in competitive online gaming. :D
2 Sep 2018, 18:48 PM
avatar of Euan

Posts: 177

The snare will definitely bring them back a bit

Then, the bren carrier nerf should be partially reverted alongside with the cappin speed of IS and it will be fine

Yeah sounds about right to me - I'd rather we had small changes like this and see how things work out, than all the huge unjustified nerfs from the last patch. On the other hand I'd rather un-nerf the DPS itself rather than the capping speed - Tommies were quad-nerfed (capping speed, DPS, cover bonus, and bren nerf) so now they're almost equal to grens and lose to Volks in most situations (yet are more expensive and lack the support tools...).

I think right now people are preparing for the metagame to get patched out so you might be encountering people mixing up their strats that may be throwing off your game.

At the same time, if you're using similar strategies that you had been using in previous patches, you're not only dealing with units that have been nerfed, but against players who have likely long learned out to counter those old tactics.

That said, I have barely kept up with even watching CoH2 matches this last patch. And even those games have been on custom maps in development. :P I'm only referencing a general pattern in competitive online gaming. :D

This is a very good point and probably true :D I don't think I even really played to the meta before, but for example I relied a lot on AT Gun micro, and now they've been nerfed I have no idea how to counter strats like Panzer Tactician...

2 Sep 2018, 18:57 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Anything that the UKF has with indirect fire is already a standard choice for them, for example Royal Artillery and Mobile Assault (due to the Land Mattress), Royal Artillery will be chosen even more now with the beefed up Sexton and if they hopefully add a mortar to the Air supply operations for Tactical Support, it will probably become part of the "meta" once again since it was a long time ago when Sector Cover or whatever it was called was overpowered.

It's my firm belief that the only 2 things kicking the UKF down right now are the lack of snares, the reason why they're being added by default in the preview and also the reason why the Tank Hunter IS from Special Weapons are so used as well which I forgot to mention, and mobile indirect fire like I already said, I would add doctrinal Tank Traps to that too but that's just my opinion, I just like the "buggers" so to speak.
2 Sep 2018, 19:16 PM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

Welcome to the Ost vs Brits matchup where a lvl 400 ost player can beat down a level 50 Brit player :foreveralone:
2 Sep 2018, 20:08 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2


People who "mained" UKF, bailed out. Not a good time to play UKF on 1v1.
2 Sep 2018, 21:49 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

Against OST they are a bit underpowered but when facing them as OKW they can be a pain in the knee to play against
2 Sep 2018, 22:58 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

I still play a lot of ukf in 1v1s. I'm around your level (114 in 1v1s with brits) and I still find it very doable. The AEC is pretty much mandatory if I don't want your entire army to get run over and I really have to crutch off commandos to stay competitive.

I feel like the main problems with ukf are that they have a hard time dealing with light vehicles (still) and their tanks underperform in the AI department a little bit IMO.
2 Sep 2018, 23:16 PM
avatar of IncendiaryRounds:)

Posts: 1527

Permanently Banned
And another thread can be made about how USF is dead in 1v1 because some players are too stupid to deal with OKW FOR FIVE MINUTES while USF has always and continues to run over Ost for basically the entire match. In fact a few weeks ago, Euan literally made a post claiming USF is unplayable in 1v1 because OKW exists and he doesn't know how to handle 5 minutes. UKF is great vs OKW but less so vs Ost, the opposite can be said about USF. Basically both UKF and USF players want the faction they struggle with to be as easy to defeat as the one they excel at fighting already. THE GREED OF THESE PEOPLE KNOW NO ENDS.

I'm not surprised that Relic rolled out the red carpet for buffing the Brits again. Apparently snares weren't good enough and the impatient UKF players can't wait 4 mins for sappers so they need stun mines on the sections?! Yes the sapper mines won't come in time for a 222 if the Ost player rushes for one, but now you have a snare, which is far superior to immobile mines and they don't need you to plant them down first. Keep your sapper close to at gun/aec and you make all light vehicles obsolete. Or get double piats on the sappers and you can singlehandedly take down any lights provided rng behaves normally.

With that said, WHERE ARE THE NERFS THAT FOLLOW THESE BUFFS? Ost always gets nerfs when it gets buffs, sometimes to the point where many aren't sure whether it is a net buff anymore. For example the 5man grens have a tradeoff. Ostruppen doctrine last patch had significant nerfs as well as buffs. Panther had tradeoffs, I could go on..... Where is the 6pdr accuracy nerf vs lights? AEC is dirt cheap and deletes vehicles even before snares. Piats only sucked because they struggled to hit fast moving targets. With the snare, they are basically cheaper schrecks that you can get on cheap sappers.
2 Sep 2018, 23:20 PM
avatar of IncendiaryRounds:)

Posts: 1527

Permanently Banned
I forgot to mention that a 100 rank in Brits is not the same as the other factions due to having noticeably less players. Especially not Ostheer which is one of the hardest to level up. 100 rank = a 250-300 rank Ost so its not a surprise that you, as a rank 123 Brit was defeated by a 400 rank Ost. Rng, mood, playstyle could easy account for the difference.
3 Sep 2018, 00:17 AM
avatar of SuperHansFan

Posts: 833

My opinion brits are UP, but all that is needed is small ajustments. DBP and the spring patch removed any crutches they had like cover bonus, UC, bren, AEC aim shot or centaur cheese. But they needed their holes patched up if the crutches were going to be taken away.

1. Make british armour somewhat decent, improving cromwell AI to match sherman or P4, up price as well by 20f. At the moment it is like the old t-24/76... cheap but meh compared to other mediums. Put firefly down to same popcap as Jagdpanzer, it already has lowest and slowest DPS in the game unless you have 200+muni just sitting around for tulips. Also give comet same range as panther. comet was overnerfed terribly and two years on still has crappy vet. Range to match panther and 30% pen at vet 3 would fix this tank.

2. make the current snare change official, really really needs to get added to the game. It's far too easy to dive brits with current Luch and Puma meta. Axis almost always will pick up a wipe or UC destroy here unless you play super conservatively with 6pdr+AEC and give him map control.

3. mobile mortar team and possibly lock mortarpit to a doctrine or something, lategame the biggest issue is just having zero inderect to counter an axis command tank cancer blob (tanks, MG or two and sniper all buffed by command P4 or given free map hax by bonus damage command panther). Good luck trying to dislodge this with tommy arty grenade or mortar pit lol :D

Against OST they are a bit underpowered but when facing them as OKW they can be a pain in the knee to play against

UKF is great vs OKW but less so vs Ost, the opposite can be said about USF. Basically both UKF and USF players want the faction they struggle with to be as easy to defeat as the one they excel at fighting already. THE GREED OF THESE PEOPLE KNOW NO ENDS.

What? Look at the stats in Elchinos link, in GCS2 OKW won 70% of all games vs brits. The Ostheer rate was a lower but still impressive 66% win in all games played.

Early game UKF get bullied flame nades and luch+puma, midgame you either try to crutch on commandos or waste your fuel on tommy upgrades vs volk spam, lategame brits just fall behind in the armour and artillery war.

3 Sep 2018, 01:24 AM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

What? Look at the stats in Elchinos link, in GCS2 OKW won 70% of all games vs brits. The Ostheer rate was a lower but still impressive 66% win in all games played.

Early game UKF get bullied flame nades and luch+puma, midgame you either try to crutch on commandos or waste your fuel on tommy upgrades vs volk spam, lategame brits just fall behind in the armour and artillery war.


He meant to say UKF sucks vs OKW but sucks even more against OST
3 Sep 2018, 01:48 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

UKF sucks against both Axis factions but that's what the Wehraboo community wanted so that's what we get. OST just needs to spam HMG42s (you know, a functional MG) and mortars, OKW just needs to spam infantry since 90% of their models either have or can be upgraded with automatic weapons and the balance team was nice enough to nerf all the Allied MGs into the ground preventing opposing players from controlling effectively those blobs.
3 Sep 2018, 17:18 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

DBP and the spring patch removed any crutches they had like cover bonus, UC, bren, AEC aim shot or centaur cheese.

Most of this does still exist

Early game UKF get bullied flame nades

What is your problem with flame nades? All you have to do is moving out of its area.

and luch+puma,

If your enemy has Luchs + Puma,then where is your AEC? And if your enemy went for T2 then just build Bofors (if you don't have AEC yet). As OKW its hard to counter them when you go T2.

He meant to say UKF sucks vs OKW but sucks even more against OST

No. I meant exactly what I wrote. If you are playing as OKW vs Brits then you will have a hard time. UC is pushing you around till you have T1 (or T2 which takes even longer), if you go for T1 you won't have a decent AI nor AT weapon till T3 (since Flak-HT turned into garbage) and if you go for T2 then either your luchs will come out around the same time as AEC or you will face Bofors while having no real tool to counter them ... except backteching to T1 (meanwhile your enemy will get his first real tank)
3 Sep 2018, 17:27 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

If your enemy has Luchs + Puma then where is your AEC? And if your enemy went for T2 then just build Bofors (if you don't have AEC yet). As OKW its hard to counter them when you go T2.

Probably died to superior range puma.
3 Sep 2018, 17:40 PM
avatar of IncendiaryRounds:)

Posts: 1527

Permanently Banned

Probably died to superior range puma.

If the OKW player can afford 2 light vehicles, where's your double aec?
3 Sep 2018, 17:40 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

Probably died to superior range puma.

Purely dependent on circumstances, if you have place to kite, puma will win, if you don't, t34 will.

Now apply this to Puma and AEC (and who gets Puma before Luchs anyway, except if your enemy already has a tank out?)
3 Sep 2018, 18:12 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Now apply this to Puma and AEC (and who gets Puma before Luchs anyway, except if your enemy already has a tank out?)

Doesn't work that way bud, AEC doesn't have any more RoF, can't bounce and have lower range while having same damage and health.

AEC also is used to harass infantry, while Puma not really, so puma will always be reactive use, allowing for first shot, unless you like to rush in blindly into FoW.
3 Sep 2018, 18:19 PM
avatar of IncendiaryRounds:)

Posts: 1527

Permanently Banned

Doesn't work that way bud, AEC doesn't have any more RoF, can't bounce and have lower range while having same damage and health.

AEC also is used to harass infantry, while Puma not really, so puma will always be reactive use, allowing for first shot, unless you like to rush in blindly into FoW.

Neither should be used to harass inf. AEC AoE was nerfed for a reason. If the brit is doing that, its his problem that he purposely revealed his aec to the puma and wasting his shots on inf instead of the puma
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