ever tried the RoyalHants bren blob strat or watch a helpinghans replay? may help more than cry in forum
No, I obviously made it to rank 50 by not actually playing the game or trying any strategies at all, but purely by crying into my monitor until my opponent felt sorry for me and surrendered, but thanks as usual for your kind and constructive feedback to the thread
My opinion brits are UP, but all that is needed is small ajustments. DBP and the spring patch removed any crutches they had like cover bonus, UC, bren, AEC aim shot or centaur cheese. But they needed their holes patched up if the crutches were going to be taken away.
1. Make british armour somewhat decent, improving cromwell AI to match sherman or P4, up price as well by 20f. At the moment it is like the old t-24/76... cheap but meh compared to other mediums. Put firefly down to same popcap as Jagdpanzer, it already has lowest and slowest DPS in the game unless you have 200+muni just sitting around for tulips. Also give comet same range as panther. comet was overnerfed terribly and two years on still has crappy vet. Range to match panther and 30% pen at vet 3 would fix this tank.
2. make the current snare change official, really really needs to get added to the game. It's far too easy to dive brits with current Luch and Puma meta. Axis almost always will pick up a wipe or UC destroy here unless you play super conservatively with 6pdr+AEC and give him map control.
3. mobile mortar team and possibly lock mortarpit to a doctrine or something, lategame the biggest issue is just having zero inderect to counter an axis command tank cancer blob (tanks, MG or two and sniper all buffed by command P4 or given free map hax by bonus damage command panther). Good luck trying to dislodge this with tommy arty grenade or mortar pit lol 
Yeah I think this is pretty spot-on.
Indeed while UKF have had every good unit they ever had nerfed into the ground, it actually made sense because there was a lot of cheese there, and I agree that a lot of it had to go. But then without their unique strengths, not only are Brits just an OST army with 1/4 of the units taken out, but the remaining units are actually the same or worse than their OST counterpart (worse sniper, worse MG, late engineers with less utility, suicide mortar pit, no flamer, no snare, no late game tanks anymore...).
The Wehraboos can call me out for whining if they like, but I play all armies and I just don't find myself having fun on either side of this match-up, and would like to see all armies be viable again. I also totally agree that all we want are small counter-adjustments, though I kind of see two options there.
1. Give UKF a close-range snare and mobile mortar (as suggested).
2. Just revert
some of the previous nerfs, e.g. to IS, AT gun, and sniper snare.
Honestly I don't like the way that every army is slowly turning into a clone of each other, so personally I would pick the second one purely for flavour.