NKVD my beloved commander, here is a small rundown of what you basically do.
now that you have seen him and familiarized i bring up the points of what i consider to be a problem for him.
1. the game has inclined towards the use of many doctrinal units for success in combat, (a relic business model perhaps?) its ok though since i have been going for other commanders without call-ins and i have done well. the current meta might be of using callings but the game can certainly be won without them.
2. all his skills are munitions based. if we look at this commander its heavily based on munitions, 1 skill is free the others are munitions all. in most games. you hardly get your munitions over 200, 150 being the average if you are saving. i think this makes the commander unable to use his skills, turning him into a 2 skills commander and i will get to that point next.
since this commander has no call ins. it means it must really heavily on munitions to deal with most common problems at nades for light vehicles instead of guards, penal with flamers for p greens, Molotov for garrisons. scout flares or recon planes, because since he has no call ins. its a commander that must carefully pick its battles. place mines, etc etc. this always leave me in a position where i am unable to use any of the late game skills. because my munition barely stacks to 100 because of constant expenditure. i think certain changes would be welcome in this commander.
1 remove one of the heavy munition skill and change it for a call in (i would suggest rapid conscription because sturmovik and propaganda are both disruption abilities as per the commander name). this would liberate the munition requirement of the commander and would open up for new strategies.
this are my suggestions on what would be best to replace it with.
option 1
1CP – HM-38 120mm Mortar

this would make a great disruption tactic since mortar + scout plane would make great all around early harassment. it would also give the players a 2 commander with the option of the heavy mortar. right now there is only 1 commander able to use it.
option 2
1CP – Guards Rifle Infantry or 1CP – Shock Troops

these are standard units its purpose again though not as disrruptive it would liberate the heavy munition cost of this commander.
option 3
2CP – AT-Gun Ambush Tactics

another free skill though not as useful now since its bugged. it fits the theme of recon and interception very nice.
option 4
2CP – Conscript Assault Package Upgrade

even though it cost munitions, this is a one time upgrade. and it would benefit the no call in commander in a very big way. making conscripts very useful in the late game.
these options are all focused on early game play. it would turn him into a viable early game hero. with a nice variety of strategies. if its purpose is to be a late game hero. i would suggest any tank call in.

each one bringing a different adition to the battlefield. or
4CP – ML-20 152mm Howitzer

the scout plane howitzer combo would be very strong and would liberate some munition to save for the sturmovik or the propaganda. making the hero rely on radio interception in the early game. and on artillery in the later parts of the game.
last but not least i hope that some one from relic takes this into consideration and perhaps reply, with the idea behind the commander. since this is one of my favorites. and i really find myself bummed when the game turns to a point where i have no munitions and loose most of my game advantage. because i cant use any skill and i have the regret of not having anything in my arsenal not munition reliant to face the new challenge.
what are the fellow users opinions? i would like to bring this commander to the spotlight.