
russian armor

Feedback for Commander Revamppatch

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30 Nov 2018, 10:32 AM
avatar of Thamor

Posts: 290

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Nov 2018, 13:02 PMKatitof

But StuG3 is a TD.
You already have AI specialist and generalist in the tier and that would step on both of these roles, creating a superior vehicle.

I was talking about the short barrel call in StugIIIe. The penetration from AP should be low, but good enough to shoot at Daimler/other light tanks/light vehicles.
30 Nov 2018, 11:39 AM
avatar of Schweinchenbaben

Posts: 23


Change it with StuG E, Brummbär gets a doctrinal unit. StuG E becomes a T3 unit.

Si mechanized commander and new def-commander get the Brummbär.

Ostwind into T4 and buff it.

That would be awesome!
30 Nov 2018, 17:58 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742


Change it with StuG E, Brummbär gets a doctrinal unit. StuG E becomes a T3 unit.

Si mechanized commander and new def-commander get the Brummbär.

Ostwind into T4 and buff it.

That's what I'm talkin' about.

But that'd be making some big adjustments for the faction that's more or less the backbone of this game's balance. I fear it is an unlikely change as a result. :(
1 Dec 2018, 00:12 AM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

That's what I'm talkin' about.

But that'd be making some big adjustments for the faction that's more or less the backbone of this game's balance. I fear it is an unlikely change as a result. :(

Would it be such a huge change?

StuG E is balanced, Brummbär would be ok as commander unit.

And Ostwind is simoly a bad unit. Bad design. Test my Ostwind in my small revamp-mod. It got a suppression ability with cool down and its normal weapon got a new weapon profile.

For me it's less balance risking than the penal-story. Or the OKW line-up changes in past.
2 Dec 2018, 06:37 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378


Commando style stealth?

Let them keep infiltration Grenades, or give them a grenade in overwatch doctrine, so that they can still flank.

Or short range, long CD snipe ability?
8 Dec 2018, 19:48 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

After some testing :

Overwatch Doctrine

Early warning system (CP 0)
Access to Goliath cost 100 mu
Units still is weird can be devastating to useless.

Reduce lethality for utility.
Goliath should do more damage to all structures and support weapons and should less affected by brace.
Goliath should be more durable and have low target priority from enemy squads so that players actually target it.

Goliath should be able kill up 2 models per squad (do damage other entities) but inflict "shell shock" critical reducing accuracy of affected squad for 30 secs (or until fully healed) or causes suppression similar to SturmTiger.

SWS truck give information in the mini map in range 70
Ability still weird since aggressive truck placing value has been reduced.

Change the ability from passive to active also increasing vision similar to Soviet tracking. Or replace ability with reckon plane flying over the truck.

Warning flares on capture points
A decent ability

Jaeger Light Infantry Reckon Squad (CP 1)

Unit too early to spawn for ambient buildings since it can add instant reinforcement on some occasions and while having zero shock value compared to other infiltration units. In unit does not mix well with "For the Further Land!". When combined with FTFL the unit moves too fast when using sprint while the target size is way too small (0.3 target size at vet 5).

Either completely remove infiltration or allow 2 way of entering the game. First build-able from HQ (CP 1-0) at normal price second as an infiltration units AT CP 2 with premium and with G43 so it can continue having the utility of countering enemy snipers.

Do a veterancy overhaul focusing on utility and not in received accuracy, medic kit should become passive. Maybe allow units to prioritize snipers so that it can used to set ambush vs snipers.

Remove sprint, it does not mix with FTFL and it allows unit to kite enemy infantry. Give the unit a grenade (Blendkörper? that should also cause critical to vehicles) so it can delay advancing infantry.

Booby traps
Remove ability from Obersoldaten (no reason to have it).
All type of booby traps change the damage to DOT allow it used in non connected neutral territory.

For the Further Land! (CP 2)

Duration 30 secs cost 50 MU
-35% received accuracy, +15% speed to infantry in friendly territory

leFH 18 Artillery (CP 8)
cost 400/50 pop 15
Vet bonuses do not seem to in the right direction, vet 4 too strong vet 5 is useless.

Veterancy vet 4 and vet 5 should give the unit auto repair and auto heal abilities.

Sector Assault (CP 10)

Cost 250 MU
First "recon" flight allow QUAD to shoot down the planes before they even does anything completely nullifying the ability. On the Other hand the ability is too powerful if there is no AA available.


Reduce MU cost and effectiveness of the ability.

9 Dec 2018, 15:32 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

After some testing


sd.kfz. 221 Scout car (CP 0)
requires set up truck cost 210/20 4 pop 100/10 to 223

Upgrades FuG 12 radio set cost 100 MP/10 FU

221-223 seem more of "noob trap" than anything else. Unit come out too late to counter sniper m3 or UC WC while the upgrade also cost fuels. As resources bonus goes the unit cost 310/30 and 4 pop while it provides the same resources as Opel truck minus the pop. That mean that even if one places on fuel for the extra +7 fuel one will have to wait more than 4 minutes before the unit can pay back it's fuel cost, plus one will pay 4 MP every minute that is set up.

Change requirement to truck being built not set, track being set up is make the timing map dependent. Unit should serve as soft counter to Sniper and m3, by the time it arrive in can easily be countered by PTRS.

The upgrade cost manpower and fuel is inconstant since all upgrade in game cost MU, it also increase the time one start gaining resources making the vehicle too expensive as investment.
(I was also told that when I suggested that 221 is reintroduced for Ostheer and 222 become an upgrade or a separate vehicle)

One could also change the mechanics:
Make it work more like normal cashes, once set up the unit could become stationary unable to move thus easier to counter, but removing the Pop penalty.
make work more like the Vamp truck stealing (siphon) enemy resources for duration.

"Signal array" should not be a passive ability it should be one that is activated with a limited duration. One could even change the mini map information that overlap with the kubel's ability with the soviet "radio intercept" ability again with a limited duration.

Imo med kit drop should be removed, vehicles delivering med kit to the front line should be removed from all units since it a powerful ability.

Emergency repairs (CP 4)

15(?) sec duration 35 mu cost
restores 300 health over 10 seconds after a 3-second delay.
Either patch notes (think patch notes)or in-game description seem to incorrect since it described as lasting 15 secs. A decent ability.

Panzer commanders (CP 5)
Available for PzIV, Panther, King tiger , replaces pintal HMG
Cost 30


The barrage is simply way too powerful and cost efficient, it could simply be removed or replaced by mortar barrage.

In the case of KT could both pintal and commander become available?

Sight bonuses can be problematic when stuck with veterancy bonuses.

High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) Shell (CP 7)
Cost 45

SturmTiger (CP 11)
cost 620/180 pop 18. mutually exclusive with King Tiger
The unit seem too expensive for 180 and pop 18 NahW grenade can not be used while reloading.

Consider reducing pop to 16 and maybe full to 160.
Consider increasing armor from 220/110 maybe decreasing HP and giving damage reduction.

Imo NaHW should be able to be fired while reloading, it could also become available from vet 0 and could scale with veterancy. One could even redesign the ability to work more like real life exploding around the vehicle as an cqc AI weapon.

I would also consider replacing the suppression affect with a "shell shock" affect momentarily stunning units and leaving a long lasting effect like reduced accuracy and/or speed.
Critical vs vehicles could include injured driver/gunner.

Consider removing the manual reload making the unit more vulnerable once it has fired.

In my opinion it should get more utility doing extra damage to structures maybe even becoming available to bypass some of the damage reduction from brace. The unit could become far more attractive as doctrinal counter to structures especially since the barrage available from panzer commanders is already effective against structures.

Removed abilities
9 Dec 2018, 16:19 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

jump backJump back to quoted post9 Dec 2018, 15:32 PMVipper
After some testing


sd.kfz. 221 Scout car (CP 0)
requires set up truck cost 210/20 4 pop 100/10 to 223

Upgrades FuG 12 radio set cost 100 MP/10 FU

221-223 seem more of "noob trap" than anything else. Unit come out too late to counter sniper m3 or UC WC while the upgrade also cost fuels. As resources bonus goes the unit cost 310/30 and 4 pop while it provides the same resources as Opel truck minus the pop. That mean that even if one places on fuel for the extra +7 fuel one will have to wait more than 4 minutes before the unit can pay back it's fuel cost, plus one will pay 4 MP every minute that is set up.

Change requirement to truck being built not set, track being set up is make the timing map dependent. Unit should serve as soft counter to Sniper and m3, by the time it arrive in can easily be countered by PTRS.

Already done.
-221: Arrives after first truck. Armour is going down to 4 from 9 and health from 320 to 240. Build time will be moved to 40 seconds. Upgrading the radio will give you back the old armour and health, but it requires a truck to be deployed into one of the HQs.
9 Dec 2018, 16:51 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Already done.

Well i can only test what is already in the MOD. Thanks for pointing out thou.

If the "Armour is going down to 4 from 9 and health from 320 to 240. Build time will be moved to 40 seconds." then it should also have a cost reduction since OKW start with low Fuel and number are slightly better than a kubel.
9 Dec 2018, 18:17 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

After some testing:
Tactical support regiment.

Field recovery squad (CP 1)
cost 230 5 pop

Rec. Squad is simply way to cost efficient and comes way to early. The CD of the ability is also too long. Rec. squad allow UKF to unlock 5 men/weapons even grenade early since the provide an AT units with snare that can counter enemy vehicles. The unit can also equip double bren.

Forward assembly can call artillery even if no 25p having being unlocked.

Lower CD of ability
Move to CP or lock abilities like AT grenade and Smoke grenades behind tech (maybe CPP).
Barrage from forward assembly should be locked until 25p are unlocked.
Destroy cover is an extremely powerful ability its CD should be increased and add a small cost like 5-10.
Salvage seem to need to be looked at since it does not seem to return enough resources. Maybe replace it with OKW salvage(?)
Bren should limited to 1.

Command vehicle
s (CP 2)
cost 75 mu

Description need fixing since it indicates that command vehicle suffers movement penalty.

Air Resupply Operation
(CP 4)
100 MP/75 MU
1 mortar + 1 6 pounder ATG 1 medical supply. Infantry units move and reinforce faster in targeted sector. 40 secs duration.
Ability is why too cost efficient and the combination of FOP or FA heal combined with the mortar can be problematic.

Forward Observation Post (CP 10)
Can upgrade ambient building to FOP that can reinforce troops.
"Artillery Cover" cost 180 mu
"High Explosive Artillery Support" cost 150 mu
"Smoke Artillery Barrage" cost 50 mu
"Recon Air support" cost 60 mu
"Strafing Run Air Support" cost 150 mu

Can upgrade Froward Assembly to Observation Post
Cost 100 MP/ 10FU.
CP is simply way too high for this ability to be useful, most ambient building are already gone by CP 10.

Lower CP and cost remove or redesign offensive abilities to be weaker and cost less (and probably they do not need to be so many).
Reckon play should cost less or even be free since there is also one available from command vehicle.

Vanguard Operation "Crocodile" (CP 13)
640 MP/230 FU pop 20
Fire smoke shell cost 20 MU.
There is no need for this unit in the commander since it already available in 2 commanders, Valentine would fit the commander better since it would make a great command vehicle.

Remove the spotting ability when the unit enter the battlefield, there is no reason for it.
Replace smoke rounds with standard Churchill smoke.
Remove DOT flame damage but add it an active ability.
Do a vet bonus overhaul (and stat overhaul) these heavy units should gain durability bonuses and not movement bonuses. Their rotation should also go down since they are too mobile.

9 Dec 2018, 18:46 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

One should probably removed the accuracy bonuses of 6-pouonder once AT grenade becomes available to Ro. Eng.
9 Dec 2018, 22:02 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Made a separate thread on it but shouldn't the recon support pathfinders be reduced to 0cp also? They're the same thing but with only 1 sniper rifle.

Their arty should also probably be locked behind cp for consistency. No reason that such a powerful offmap should be availabe that early, even if it isn't all that useful early on.
10 Dec 2018, 01:40 AM
avatar of RoastinGhost

Posts: 416 | Subs: 1

Maybe it's too late, but I thought of something that may be a nice touch. Veteran Squad Leaders could change the Grenadier Symbol to this one:

I remade it to match the CoH2 symbol better. It was used in CoH1 for Volksgrenadiers, but I think it was switched around with Grenadiers because it depicts a higher rank.
10 Dec 2018, 20:48 PM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

yeah it's a bit late but anyone feel like Assault and Hold can be use too frequently with current munition price ? i've tested 2 five men gren against 3 tommy with this ability activated and turn out gren only lose 2 models per squad. i think we should look into this ability a bit more whether they on the right spot yet.

Edit. i tested again with 2 vet three 42 gren against 3 vetted five men tommy the result this time doesn't seem quite as strong as 5 men gren perhaps it's the snipe capability from G43 itself made combination with this ability so strong even against infantry behide green cover
10 Dec 2018, 21:31 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Edit. i tested again with 2 vet three 42 gren against 3 vetted five men tommy the result this time doesn't seem quite as strong as 5 men gren perhaps it's the snipe capability from G43 itself made combination with this ability so strong even against infantry behide green cover

The Grenadier G43 is the regular rifle, not the sniper variant. It does not crit models. It's basically a Kar98 with lower DPS far but better DPS mid and low and high accuracy on the move. The upgrade does give -10% received accuracy which probably explains the difference in your test results, as the higher survivability translates into more DPS over a longer time. Firefights like that are pretty RNG anyway.
10 Dec 2018, 21:33 PM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

The Grenadier G43 is the regular rifle, not the sniper variant. It does not crit models. It's basically a Kar98 with lower DPS far but better DPS mid and low and high accuracy on the move. The upgrade does give -10% received accuracy which probably explains the difference in your test results, as the higher survivability translates into more DPS over a longer time.

oh i see now thank you for explaination

another thing i found is any MG crew that we put inside repair station will not respond the order which we manually tell them to shoot specific target.
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