
russian armor

Feedback for Commander Revamppatch

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29 Aug 2018, 12:47 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Aug 2018, 06:26 AMStark

It's vet 5 ability - you almost never see it in action.

It also has incredibly short range (about 50 I'd guess) so as Lefh are usually build around main base sectors, this further dimishes its usefulness. Also it barely does any damage to tanks anyway and it shares the cooldown with the regular barrage. I rather see this changed to something like a concentrated barrage, that fires less shells but with much greater accuracy.
29 Aug 2018, 14:16 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

here is an example why is it a bad idea to give brits pios an snare: https://youtu.be/SVM_kzZRzxY?t=2698

They have really exellent AT with double piats and can manage to kill by itsself allie panther and brumbar...

29 Aug 2018, 14:17 PM
avatar of aomsinzana

Posts: 284 | Subs: 1

You still need fuel to have it and you only can use it in own territurium. Not like in the past, where you can walk near to enemy base.

Plan is in Winter. And the mappatch comes way ealier and seperate.

About the Hetzer: it makes no really sense to have a hetzer, when you have already jp4.

What about replace Osteer Puma with Hetzer AT ?
29 Aug 2018, 14:22 PM
avatar of MrBananaGrabber.
Patrion 26

Posts: 328

here is an example why is it a bad idea to give brits pios an snare: https://youtu.be/SVM_kzZRzxY?t=2698

They have really exellent AT with double piats and can manage to kill by itsself allie panther and brumbar...

This isn't a valid argument, it's a video of someone literally driving their tank right up to AT squads.
This is like saying MGs need to be nerfed then showing a video of a squad running towards a set up MG. :facepalm:
29 Aug 2018, 14:32 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

here is an example why is it a bad idea to give brits pios an snare: https://youtu.be/SVM_kzZRzxY?t=2698

They have really exellent AT with double piats and can manage to kill by itsself allie panther and brumbar...

A bad play is not example of anything other then a bad reckless play.

Most players don't park directly in front of 2 AT squads.
29 Aug 2018, 14:41 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 570 | Subs: 1

Imo the problem that comes up with elite armor reminds me of the NKVD issues, too many muni based abilities, most of which aren't really useful and while the changes towards the abilities are nice it doesn't really help the core problem.
The only thing really worth using atm is the Sturm-tiger and HEAT rounds.
I'm not really sure as to why you picked this commander to rework since it's borderline unsalvageable.

My suggestion would be:
0 CP get access to the J panzer 4
Stat wise it would be around the level of a t34 and with the same sort of costs + slow turret rotation, You already have the model for it so that wouldn't be impossible to add i don't think?

4CP: Emergency repairs
Get rid of the repair risk, not much else to be said until it's been played more i think.

7CP: Heat rounds.
They're fine overall no issues here.

8CP: Panzer commander
Decrease cost i suppose.

11cp: Sturmtiger
Changes seem fine, although I'd argue that the AVRE also deserves the same nerfs, one shot units are annoying as all hell

There's my suggestions as to remedy some of the issues the doctrine has.
29 Aug 2018, 15:22 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

11cp: Sturmtiger
Changes seem fine, although I'd argue that the AVRE also deserves the same nerfs, one shot units are annoying as all hell

There's my suggestions as to remedy some of the issues the doctrine has.

How about completely replacing it instead with like either the Command Panther or Jagdtiger, but I'd rather prefer the CP.
29 Aug 2018, 15:34 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

the m52 at guns buff are not enough just give it + 1000% pen on the first shoot out of ambush (like vcoh1 pak 40)
29 Aug 2018, 15:43 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

A few ability swap thoughts.

  • Mark Target (replacing Elite Crews)
    • Elite Crews is a difficult ability to salvage and Mark Target is a proven ability with a strong synergy with the Armor theme of the commander.

  • Assault Engineers (Replacing Raid Tactics)
    • The WC51 and M3 are usually going to have infantry in them anyway. Personally I think being able to get Assault Engineers earlier so you can stick them in the WC51 is both more valuable and more interesting.
  • Mechanized Group
    • Remove 155mm Artillery from the WC51 and the Assault Engineer crew from the M3.
  • Combined Arms
  • 155mm Artillery (Replacing Withdraw and Refit)
  • 76mm Sherman Medium Tank
The WC51 has good late game utility already. Mark Target is excellent, the WC51 is an easy trigger for Combined Arms and it's always good as a baby bazooka bus. At its 200 MP price point it doesn't need the awkward artillery ability tied to it.

Making Assault Engineers a normal call-in is a bit more flexible and less janky than having them as a crew and allows you to bring them in earlier. It also means you can stick them in the WC51 (with or without the flamer) during the window where that'd be impactful.

Mechanized usually wants to hold on to its call-in vehicles due to their good scaling: the M3 bazooka bus is a strong lategame unit and the WC51 is a dirt cheap Mark Target carrier. If people want Withdraw and Refit back it should probably replace the fairly useless P-47 Strafe in Tactical Support Company.

  • Signal Relay -> Hetzer
    • 280 MP 90 FU, similar stats to the StuG.
I think I've got an idea of how to carve a niche for the AT Hetzer lots of people say they want.

If it's in Elite Armored it can stick a Panzer Commander on its pintle mount, something the superior JPIV can't do. At a 90 FU rather than 140 FU price point it's also a good stopgap pick if you're trying to save for the bigger armored vehicles like the Sturmtiger call-in.

Then give it Cromwell-esque smoke shells. Mobile smoke support is something the Jadgpanzer lacks and something OKW as a whole has very little of: a highly mobile unit that can blind AT guns and MGs would make for a strong support unit in an armor themed doctrine.

Alternatively an AEC-style Treadbreaker shot would have synergy with the Sturmtiger.
29 Aug 2018, 15:50 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 570 | Subs: 1

How about completely replacing it instead with like either the Command Panther or Jagdtiger, but I'd rather prefer the CP.

I'd be fine with jadgtiger, Panther... not so much, mostly because it's already such a dominating unit that turns any shitty commander into an amazing one, you don't need tech or anything for it, That thing is one of the few remaining things remaining of the call in meta.

But I really doubt they'll remove a unit, it's pretty rare that it happens (irregulars got removed.) and it'd have to be seriously useless for it to be the case I think or just completly gamebreaking which it's not because of costs.
29 Aug 2018, 15:55 PM
avatar of RedLion

Posts: 2

There is a problem with the Sturmtiger and the AVRE that they are not shooting at the point where you click to target when there is even just a small ammount of elevation involved.
The Sturmtiger feels better with the test mod, please also fix the AVRE that it's actually shooting where you click.
29 Aug 2018, 16:41 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

PSA: The emergency repairs ability from Elite Armor no longer makes the crew abandon when they take any amount of damage. It was removed a long time ago.
29 Aug 2018, 16:48 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Aug 2018, 15:43 PMLago
A few ability swap thoughts.

  • Mark Target (replacing Elite Crews)
    • Elite Crews is a difficult ability to salvage and Mark Target is a proven ability with a strong synergy with the Armor theme of the commander.

  • Assault Engineers (Replacing Raid Tactics)
    • The WC51 and M3 are usually going to have infantry in them anyway. Personally I think being able to get Assault Engineers earlier so you can stick them in the WC51 is both more valuable and more interesting.

      Alternatively an AEC-style Treadbreaker shot would have synergy with the Sturmtiger.

I still think making it so 2 members of the vehicle crew bail out if their vehicle is destroyed and they have the elite vehicle crew upgrade would go a long ways to salvaging it. Mark target is good too though, and it’d really help the M10s out.

Raid tactics has always struck me as a bit useless and not worth the munitions. Either it’s early game and you need whatever small amount of muni you have for getting more BARs/throwing more grenades or it’s late game and light vehicles die if the opposing army sneezes in their general direction. That and the fact that half the light vehicles you’ll likely have already will have infantry in them, as you pointed out.

While the synergy would be cool, I think the only reason the treadbreaker on the AEC isn’t kind of OP is because of how janky it is sometimes coupled with the fact that the AEC is squishy and has to be very exposed while using the ability (you can’t really use it at max range or they’ll just drive out before one or both of the shots fire). An AT Hetzer would be much more protected with its armor and range than the AEC could ever hope to be while using that ability.

On a different note, AEC smoke seems to not really work unless you go like straight back, might it be too “thin” as a shotblocker to be properly working sometimes? It seems like any lateral movement exposes it as a target again. I’m aware that attack ground is a thing, but my AEC will start shooting back too so I know it’s not that. Maybe I’m just bad though.
29 Aug 2018, 17:49 PM
avatar of capiqua
Senior Mapmaker Badge

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

The churchill crocodile does not throw flares when call-in
29 Aug 2018, 18:06 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Aug 2018, 17:49 PMcapiqua
The churchill crocodile does not throw flares when call-in

It's a new ability. The flare one is Vanguard Operation, Crocodile, the new one is Firestorm Battlegroup Crocodile.

I'd imagine there was some reason for making them different.
29 Aug 2018, 18:07 PM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

I know nobody cares about e8 commander but ive got nice sugestion - three shermans e8 give u new radio net ability 50 range and now they can fight with panthers with that simple change u dont have to revamp this commander, just make e8 horde great again
29 Aug 2018, 18:11 PM
avatar of SneakEye
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 817 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Aug 2018, 17:49 PMcapiqua
The churchill crocodile does not throw flares when call-in

It's a small difference, but I was hoping for less predictable gameplay. Wouldn't it be more fun if this commander got its own specialty?

Maybe the unused recon section or observation officer? Both would fit perfect in a tactical support regiment.
29 Aug 2018, 18:20 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

It's a small difference, but I was hoping for less predictable gameplay. Wouldn't it be more fun if this commander got its own specialty?

Maybe the unused recon section or observation officer? Both would fit perfect in a tactical support regiment.

Can you tell us any other UKF units that aren't in use? I've was in the UKF Alpha but you are more experienced than me with the knowledge of unused units, right now I can only remember that the AVRE had a demolition specialist squad in it at some point in development apart from the units you already said.
29 Aug 2018, 18:46 PM
avatar of SneakEye
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 817 | Subs: 5

Can you tell us any other UKF units that aren't in use? I've was in the UKF Alpha but you are more experienced than me with the knowledge of unused units, right now I can only remember that the AVRE had a demolition specialist squad in it at some point in development apart from the units you already said.

These are available in the files:
  • Forward Observation Officer (Sexton concentration barrage + Sexton airburst barrage abilities)
  • PIAT Commandos (2 piats)
  • Royal Engineer Demolition Team (gammon bomb + demolition charge abilities)
  • Flamethrower Infantry Section (2 flamethrowers)
  • Reconnaissance Section (toggle to cloak while moving but not shoot at the same time + 4 scoped rifles)
  • Vehicle crew
29 Aug 2018, 20:21 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

These are available in the files:
  • Forward Observation Officer (Sexton concentration barrage + Sexton airburst barrage abilities)
  • PIAT Commandos (2 piats)
  • Royal Engineer Demolition Team (gammon bomb + demolition charge abilities)
  • Flamethrower Infantry Section (2 flamethrowers)
  • Reconnaissance Section (toggle to cloak while moving but not shoot at the same time + 4 scoped rifles)
  • Vehicle crew

Hmmmm, replacing the Croc in Tac Support with an AVRE with a demo specialist crew would be a nice change, what do you think?

I mean it would be unique and all that, altho I'm not sure how useful it will be in practice however, I never got to implementing vehicle crews in other Armies.

Apart from that, Flame IS would be considered OP as were Flame Riflemen, PIAT Commandos you can already get by arming them with double PIATs, RE Demo Squad came in with the AVRE I think in the UKF Alpha but I'm not too sure how useful they were exactly.

The officer, Recon Section and AVRE with Demo crew seem to be the only real options here, at least I think so.
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