Thanks for raising my point. 
Relic creativity > community patch members creativity
Nobody asked about Penals PRTS in the past (except some old pros who vanished the communnity already) and we got this.
Looks like we will get the same results after this commander revamp.
Ppl asked about a commander with Shocks Troops and T34-85 (Counter-attack tatics was a good example for a rework), but we are getting one more commander with shock troops.
@Andy and Relic,
Stop outsourcing your own product.
Dude chill, the game is at it's end of the "5 year plan" and probably support, plus they're already doing this so there's no point in stopping it mid way, let's just help them with feedback so they can hopefully get something good out there for probably the last time, but honestly I hope not.
TBH the whole Conscript PTRS thing goes even further
Conscript PTRS originally behaved similar to Guard PTRS, meaning Conscripts *ORIGINALLY* didnt trade their AI for AT, they just acted like British Boys AT rifle section - a unit that has both AT and AI, they also kept their Molotov.
I'm not sure who screwed that particular part up, but after rework Conscripts got their Guard-like PTRS replaced by worthless Penal PTRS, which is good only against light vehicles, then they got their molotov removed (Boys section has their grenade still in place)and then PTRS deflection damage was nerfed... as result this infantry upgrade that supposed to make Conscripts good at both AT and AI turned into a bad downgrade of Penal squad, which ultimately made this doctrine worse.
Ironic but I agree this kind of reworks need serious oversight by whatever remaining staff Relic has.
I can already see Overwatch doctrine being a disaster-tier OP with howitzer and flares at same time
The pooch was screwed by a lot of things and a lot of people, but there is no point in looking for blame, we're all people, we make mistakes, it's natural.
So again, let's just help them out with feedback and get this over with.
When official support for the game ends, maybe they will have the better judgement and release some full fledged modding tools and transfer any further support over to the community as many other games have, since I believe that that would be the best course of action rather than having a skeleton crew around just for the sake of it.