New Commander concepts.

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
USF Commanders:
Ranger Company
WC51 Military Truck - Unique version, can cap by default, can also be upgraded with either a .50 cal or to be a weapons carrier, enabling it to setup with weapon racks for easy field access of weapons.
Rangers - Same as Heavy Cav.
Company Requisition - From the AA campaign, basically the CoH Blitzkrieg ability which granted the player some manpower in return for ammo and a timer in which manpower was slower to gather.
M83 Cluster Bombs - From Recon Company, good for a make shift defensive ability, sort of I guess.
Pinpoint Artillery - Basically the Armored Company artillery but more accurate, perhaps a bit OP so I was thinking about a 1 shot type of ability that had a 50/50 chance of landing where you pointed at so it's not an automatic KT killer for example.
I will leave the balancing of these abilities to the developer team/community but in general here I really liked Fox Company in Ardennes Assault, that combined with the fact that the Rangers in multiplayer are in a commander that isn't here nor there since it has good assault infantry (the Rangers) but then again buffs the defensive abilities of the Riflemen for some reason, while giving ability to all infantry to play better around shitty tanks or a single Pershing which didn't make much sense to me, oh and add smoke on top of all that and you have a mish-mash of different abilities and units that in my opinion don't really fit in that well, so I wanted something more focused on the Rangers themselves or at least supporting them.
Gliderborne (Infantry) Company
Gliderborne Infantry - Basically the British Commando Glider insertion but instead of Commandos you get an Airborne unit, again, the Glider may or may not be able to produce more units in friendly territory but it will surely be able to reinforce infantry in friendly territory.
Supply Drop - Drops fuel and ammo as well as a .50 cal HMG and an M1 57mm AT gun. Originally this was a WC51 Glider insertion but I decided against it because it would require the use of the Hadrian Glider which I don't know if it even has a model in game.
P-47 Recon run - P-47 provides sight for gliders to land as well as revealing enemies on map, obviously.
P-47 Mixed wing attack - A combination of both rocket and machine gun P-47 loiter around a pinpointed zone, infantry will be strafed and surpressed while tanks will be hit with rockets.
Gliderborne Battlegroup - Inserts 2 Airborne squads together with an M1 75mm Pack howitzer, the Glider can only be used to reinforce units in friendly territory because being able to build Pack howitzers in the middle of the map would be a bit OP in my opinion.
Based on the 327th (Glider) Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st Airborne Division.
Mechanized Cavalry Company
Raid Tactics - Same as from Recon Company, can be replaced by Combined Arms.
M8 Greyhound - Same as above.
M3 Halftrack with Cav Rifles - Combat group from the Ardennes Assault Campaign.
M4A3E8 Sherman - Same as Rifle Company, could be replaced by Reserve Armor.
M26 Pershing - From Heavy Cav Company.
Based on the 761st Tank Battalion plus a little fantasy on my side, heavy Armor support plus some light vehicles supported by "Armored" Infantry is the basic idea behind the commander, I think it would be perfect for team games and the E8 will not overshadow the Pershing in my opinion.
UKF Commanders:
Defensive Regiment
3-inch Mortar Team - Inspired by Relic's hint of them in their newest article announcing the 5th year anniversary of the game's updates. Will use the USF M1 81mm mortar model because the original 3-inch is "glued" to the mortar pit emplacement for one reason or another, balancing will be left to the developer team as they see fit. Here for a bit more mobile indirect fire support, can garrison trenches for extra protection. I decided to suggest this seeing as everybody is hell bent on keeping that damned mortar pit.
Field Defenses - the well known and cursed ability from the Advanced Emplacements Regiment, can be replaced by Standfast/Advanced Assembly.
Advanced Sapper Training - Allows Sappers to build Trenches, sandbags and resource caches, the same as the Infantry Sections, as well as Tank Traps. Gives the Sappers a bit more utility and is a unique way of introducing Tank Traps to the Army which is the only one that cannot build them at all.
Hold the Line - Same as Special Weapons Regiment.
Sector Overwatch - A combination of the OKW Fortifications and UKF Perimeter Overwatch abilities, timed off-map ability that fires automatically at any enemy units in line of sight in a specified sector.
Inspiration for this Regiment is a mix of several different defensive abilities in the British (and OKW) arsenal(s) plus 2 brand new "things" so to speak in order to help the British hold the ground they have paid in blood so dearly for, or at least stall the enemy enough from taking it as to call in more mobile units to deal with them.
American Lend-Lease Regiment:
M3 Scout Car - Same as the Soviet one, meant for scouting, can transport 1 infantry squad which can shoot out of it. Could probably be replaced by the M2 Flamethrower as well.
Supply Drop - Drops 2 crates with some fuel and ammo, and perhaps an M2 .50 cal MG and an M1 81mm Mortar? Could be a nice way to give the Brits a mobile mortar.
M3 Supply Halftrack - Same as the Special Weapons one but instead drops BARs (or M1919A6s but Idk if it will be balanced) and Bazookas.
M5 Stuart Light Tank - Perhaps an alternative to the AEC? Could work so.
Sherman IV/IVA and M10 "Achilles" - An alternative to the Cromwell and Firefly, but the Sherman is more expensive and comes later while the M10 is cheaper than the Firefly and comes earlier, same as the USF versions. The Sherman can upgrade to an MG, can switch between types of shells and has smoke and all of that jazz. Just as a headsup, the IV was basically what the British called the M4A3, while the IVA was the 76mm Sherman. Both would be passives found in the last building.
This is more or less my take on Nigo's idea which he posted while I was writing this edit, so one might think that this is a blatant copy but in reality we were just thinking alike I suppose.
Special Armour Regiment:
Universal reinforcement carrier - The UC receives an upgrade which allows it to act as a mobile reinforcement point, it remains extremely fragile tho and infantry inside it still cannot shoot out of it.
M2 Flamethrower - Same as Mobile Assault.
Vehicle Crew Repairs - Same as the others.
Churchill AVRE - Same as Royal Engineers.
Churchill Crocodile - Same as Vanguard and Special Weapons.
Inspired by Hobart's "Funnies" 79th Armoured Division, the Sherman Crab flail from CoH, the Churchill AVRE and Crocodile variants as well as bridge layers and more (like the Sherman DD) were all of his and his division's inventions so I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to somehow give them a nod so to speak.
OKW Commanders:
Volksgrenadier Support Doctrine
Infrared StG44 Package - Same as Spec Ops.
Valiant Assault - Same as Luftwaffe.
Advanced schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper (sWS) - Gives the ability to sWS-s to reinforce and transport infantry (up to 2 squads), also removes their limit. Gives the HTs some more utility, could be replaced by either a 250 or a 251 Halftrack, or the Opel Blitz Truck from Firestorm.
250 Mortar Halftrack - Provides mobile indirect fire support in order to clear the way for the Volksgrenadiers from pesky MGs in buildings and Allied fortifications, also provides smoke cover barrage.
Assault Artillery - Same as the Breakthrough Doctrine.
The idea behind this Doctrine is to keep the Volksgrenadiers moving and constantly attacking, not letting up even for a second. I also thought about re-using other abilities and units from other doctrines that complement the Volks well such as the Sturm Offizier or Recoup losses but ultimately it falls on the developers to decide, I'm just here to share my opinion and suggest ideas.
Ost Front Reserve Doctrine:
Osttruppen - You know em and you love em, our favorite reserve infantry, now for the OKW.
Fortifications - CoH's concrete bunkers and dragon teeth are now available to be built by the Sturmpioneers with 3 upgrades as well as Trenches and sandbags for the Osttruppen and the rest of the OKW infantry. Based on the Atlantic Wall defenses.
Supply drop - Drops 2 crates with fuel and ammo, as well as a GrW 34 Mortar and a Pak 40, I think it's a good way to introduce these weapons to the OKW.
StuG III - Alternative to the Jagdpanzer IV.
Tiger I - Alternative to the King Tiger.
The previous concept of this commander was very lazy on part (and still partially is with the StuG and Tiger) but now I decided to rework it into one based on the defending the Atlantic Wall German forces, introducing a lot of Ostheer stuff in a... mostly unique way so to speak. The StuG III and Tiger also have unique voice lines for the OKW Announcer so they would fit right in, Osttruppen would help build and defend the line while the supply drop would help out with the missing support weapons in the OKW's arsenal.
Osttruppen also make sense since there were a lot of volunteer troops stationed on the Atlantic Wall.
Panzerjäger Doctrine
Panzerjägers - 4 man squad initially armed with Panzerbusche 39 AT Rifles but can be upgraded to double Shrecks, also have 2 Gewehr 43 Semi-Automatic Rifles.
Sdkfz 250/251 Halftrack - Armed with an MG42, can transport 1 squad of infantry, allows them to fire out of the vehicle but can't reinforce (or should it be allowed to?). 251 would be a copy of the Ostheer version, but I'd like to see it be open topped for a change, adds "uniqueness".
Vehicle Detection - Allows infantry to detect vehicles in a certain radius.
Jagdtiger - Same as the Breakthrough doctrine.
15cm Artillery barrage - Fires a few 150mm rounds into the target area, guess what fires it, a Hummel or a LefH?
As requested by Stark and Sander. Replacing the 250/251 HT call in with a "Hafthohlladung" grenade (google it) for infantry is probably also an option.
Ostheer Commanders:
Actung Panzer Doctrine
251 Repair and Recovery Halftrack - From SnakeEye's "All Units Mod", can repair and recover (?) (destroyed) friendly vehicles.
Panzer Tactician - You know it and you love it, smoke for your vehicles to save them from that last shot which will probably finish them off.
Spotting Scopes - From your favorite Panzer doctrines.
Hetzer Tank Destroyer - From the "All Units Mod" again, fires actual Panzergranate rounds for a change instead of flames.
Commander Tiger - Aura around tank provides bonuses to nearby infantry and tanks, relatively small radius, can call in artillery, due to additional radios inside the turret accuracy and reload times are decreased.
Largely inspired by the "leaked" Heavy Armor Doctrine from one of the Betas for the game, that and the need for more mobile support for the Ostheer Panzers in my opinion because compared to the OKW, the Ostheer is really lacking in the tank department. Tungsten rounds or Breakthrough from the Enriclement Doctrine can also probably replace Panzer Tactician or Spotting Scopes, I also thought about having the Elefant instead of the Hetzer but I saw a great opportunity to add something new to the table.
Panzergrenadier Support Doctrine:
Assault Panzergrenadiers - From the Urban Assault doctrine, 5 man, armed with flamethrowers, as their name suggests they're perfect for Urban combat.
Advanced Panzergrenadier training - Allows Panzergrenadiers to (only) repair vehicles and build tank traps, perhaps even be able to hull down tanks?
Blitzkrieg - Infantry and Tanks work better when close together, similar to USF Combined Arms.
250 Halftrack mounted with Panzergrenadiers battlegroup - Same as Mech Assault.
StuG III E - Same as above.
The idea behind this doctrine is the expanded use of Panzergrenadiers working in conjunction with vehicles, specifically tanks.
Historically Panzergrenadier infantry were first called "Schützen" and were motorized (riding in trucks) until 1942 when they are renamed and also supplied with Halftracks (mostly 251s but 250s were also occasionally used), sadly only 1/3rds of a Panzergrenadier unit could be fitted with Halftracks, the rest were motorized and their most often attached Panzer unit were made up of either medium Panzer IIIs and IVs or StuG assault guns. Panzergrenadiers were also meant to fight both mounted and dismounted from their Halftracks, of course, when present, so such vehicles were not only used for transport over rougher terrain.
Luftwaffe Airborne Assault Doctrine
Fallschirmjägers - Same as the their OKW counterpart, but they'll be airdropped. I imagine them as a 5 man unit initially armed with Rifles but could be upgraded to FG42s, they also have rifle grenades but the FG42 upgrade replaces that ability with a normal grenade throw so you will be entirely giving up long range firepower for closer range such, they'll also have a HEAT grenade or Panzerfaust I suppose.
Stuka Reconnaissance Pass - What it says on the tin.
Supply drop - Same as the Osttruppen one, drops 2 boxes with some ammo and fuel which also contain a Pak 36 (renamed M42) and an MG34.
Stuka Combined Wing Loiter - Strafes and suppresses enemy infantry while tanks get the rocket treatment.
Glider Battlegroup - Same as my USF Airborne idea, Glider drops in but needs sight in order to be called in (that's where the Recon Pass comes into greater play) and contains 2 squads of Falls as well as a LeIG, can reinforce and build more Falls only when in friendly territory, similar to the British HQ Glider.
This Commander is based on the earlier operations and use of Fallschirmjagers in the war, think the Netherlands or Crete. A couple of things inspired my idea for this, first off is my love for the German Airborne troops and second is their implementation in CoH's mods, namely Europe at War and Battle of Crete.
Soviet Commanders:
Shock Tactics
Commissar - The highly requested unit from the scrapped(?) Not One Step Back Tactics commander. Will serve to inspire men on the front to charge the enemy, or face him back in the rear lines.
Shock Troops - The poster boys of the doctrine.
KV8 - Originally this was an OT-34, basically a flamethrowing T-34, but sadly it can't be made mobile so I guess the KV-8 is best to replace it.
For Mother Russia - From the Counterattack Tactics commander.
Tactical IL-2 Sturmovik Attack - From Advanced Warfare Tactics, I don't know what else screams "Shock and awe" other than planes ripping you to shreads from the skies.
As the name of this doctrine suggests, it's all about the Shock and awe effect, I also thought about having the Conscript PPSh package instead of the Shocks but having just 2 PPSh-s on a lowsome mainline infantry unit instead of a Chad Elite Armored squad all armed with the same weapon, plus having the same name as the doctrine... But yeah anyways it's up to the devs to decide anyhow like I already said.
British Lend-Lease tactics:
Universal Carrier - A lot of these were sent to the Soviet Union back in the day by the British, it was primarily one of the APCs the Soviets had apart from the M3A1 Scout Cars and M5 Halftracks. I am guessing that it should have the same upgrades as the UKF version. This was Soviet Industry before in my mind, but since it was highly debated and now not so much worth it I decided against it and replaced it with this instead, didn't make sense to have "Soviet Industry" in a British Lend-Lease commander anyhow, at least it didn't fit the theme.
Valentine Light Tank - Same as the British Valentine but perhaps comes with a bit more armor or at least earlier.
Supply Drop - A drop of British supplies containing fuel and ammo.
Vehicle Crew Repair - Same as other commanders.
Churchill Heavy Tank - British Armor with a Soviet crew, what could be better to replace that old KV1 with? Perhaps the crew could still use the grenade throw ability but I think that the defending from the sides and engine repair on the move is a tad too much here, rear smoke would be nice for conscripts following the tank tho.
Got inspiration for this commander from Nigo's suggestions like I said.
Tank desant tactics:
Green T-34 Reserves - 2 below average T-34s can be deployed.
Conscript Repair Package - Same as other commanders.
Desant training - Conscripts can now ride on T-34s, this has been tried and tested by community modders and works with few bugs.
Tank Infantry Cooperation - Same as Combined Arms, infantry can also follow tanks for increased protection but tanks can't move faster than infantry then.
Red Banner T-34/85s - Deploy 2 Vet 2 or 3 T-34/85s to the field.
This commander is a combination of both Tank desant, a little known and unreleased commander and Overwhelming Armor. Inspired by the USF and Ostheer Mechanized ideas.
This is about it I think, I really had fun thinking these up and I hope you guys appreciate them, uhh I guess I'll add and edit these as feedback comes in.
I would really recommend trying out SnakeEye's "All Units Mod" as he has quite a few unique and entirely new units such as the Flamethrower Sherman which I really like but sadly couldn't really find a place for here, still tho it's really worth a play even for just inspiration for new commanders.

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15
Reconnaissance Tatics commander
1 - (PASSIVE) Forward Observers
Conscripts squads now see further while in cover or garrisoned.
3 - (PASSIVE) Conscript Long range Package
Conscripts can upgrade to replace their rifles with DP-28 LMG for better long-range firepower.
4 - Recon Overflight
Available aircraft will fly a high speed loiter over the target area.
4 - Recon Soviet tools
Conscripts, Penal Troops, Snipers and Combat Engineers have acess to all soviet recon tools like Trip Wire Flares, Recon Parachute Flares and Armored Detection.
6 - Observation Detachment “Valentine”
A British Lend-Lease Valentine Light Tank can be deployed to the battlefield.
British Licensed Equipament Commander
2 - Universal Carrier Group
A Universal Carrier carrying Guards Assault Troops with PPSH submachine guns is put under your command.
3 - (PASSIVE) Repair Station
Allows engineers to build an immobile repair station which sends out mechanics to repair nearby vehicles.
4 - Bofors emplacement
Combat Engineers now have the ability to construct bofors emplacements.
4 - Allied Supply Drop
A cargo plane will deliver available fuel to the target location, varying in amount based on availability. The cargo plane is highly vulnerable to anti-air units.
11 - MK VII Churchill Tank
A MK VII Churchill Tank can be deployed to the battlefield.
Soviet Air Power Tatics
4 - Allied Supply Drop
A cargo plane will deliver available fuel to the target location, varying in amount based on availability. The cargo plane is highly vulnerable to anti-air units.
4 - Recon Overflight
Available aircraft will fly a high speed loiter over the target area.
10 - Tactical IL-2 Sturmovik Attack
Il-2 Sturmovik will strafe the target location with its powerful 23mm cannons.
12 - Il-2 Sturmovik Attacks
A pair of Il-2 Sturmovik planes will loiter over the battlefield, strafing targets of opportunity with their powerful 23mm cannons.
12 - IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike
The IL-2 will make a high-speed bombing run, clustering four FAB-50 50kg bombs into the target area.
Red Banner Division Tatics
2 - Shock Troops
Shock Troops effective at close-range combat are put under your command.
3 - Cargo Truck
An Zis Truck supply truck can ensure a greater return of resources from owned territories.
6 - Hold the Line!
All soviet units will gain large offensive and defensive boosts, but be unable to move.
8 - Katyusha Overwatch
For the duration of the ability, enemy units in owned territories are bombarded with multiple rockets.
11 - Red Banner Division
Deploys the final line of reserves to the battle, in the form of elite T34-85.
Knight's Cross Holders Doctrine
1 - Knight's Cross Sniper
Deploy a Veteran sniper in the area. This sniper have access to call light artillery barrage.
1 - Sturm Offizier
A Sturm Offizier and Obersoldaten escort can be deployed to the battlefield. The officer improves nearby infantry and has a number of abilities to weaken the enemy.
4 - For The Fatherland!
Infantry in friendly territory will recieve offensive and defensive bonuses for the duration of the ability.
6 - (PASSIVE) Panzer Commander
The Panzer IV, Panther & King Tiger can be upgraded with a Panzer Commander that can survey the battlefield and call in coordinated artillery strikes.
16 - Command King Tiger
Deploy a veteran command King Tiger. Only one is available. This call-in will disable the normal King Tiger.
Panzer Assault Doctrine
1 - Sdfk 221
Deploy a Sdfk 221 to scout the area before the final Panzer Assault. This unit can be upgrade to the Sdfk 222.
3 - Breakthrough
Slightly improves the speed of all vehicle units and allows them to neutralize points rapidly and then capture them.
6 - Hetzer AT
Deploy the Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer AT in the area.
6 - Valiant Assault
Inspire mobile infantry troops to move quickly and attack more effectively.
10 - Panzer Assault group
Deploy two squads of PanzerGrenadiers and one veteran StugIII G armed with MG and side armor in the area.
Panzer Festung Doctrine
1 - (PASSIVE) Advanced Warning
Increases the visual range of all captured points, revealing more of the surrounding territory.
2 - (PASSIVE) Panzer Tactician
All armored vehicles get an ability which uses equipped smoke dischargers to prevent themselves from being seen.
5 - (PASSIVE) Hull Down
Sturmpioneers and Volksgrenadiers are able to set German armor in an immobile Hull Down position, increasing defenses and damage.
8 - StuG III Ausf. G Assault Gun
Allows the requisition of the StuG III Ausf. G Assault Gun onto the battlefield. Strong vs infantry and vehicles.
11 - Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbar"
Allows the requisition of the armored veteran Brummbär Tank to the battlefield. This tank have the 'Bunker Busting Barrage' ability allowed against emplacements.
Battlefield Hit and Run Tatics Company
2 - Sniping Tatics
A squad of Pathfinders can be deployed to the battlefield. These Pathfinders are authorized to sniping targets in cost of ammo.
2 - (PASSIVE) Raid Tactics
Allows light vehicles (besides the WC54 Ambulance) to capture territory points.
3 - Cavalry Riflemen
Calls in a squad of specialized Cavalry Riflemen to the field mounted in an M3 Halftrack.
3 - M8 Greyhound
An M8 Greyhound can be deployed to the battlefield. This fast, lightly armored vehicle is effective against infantry.
12 - P-47 Rocket Strafe
P-47 Thunderbolt will patrol the area and attack vehicles with a high velocity aircraft rocket strike.
Artillery Company
1 - M1 81mm Mortar Team
The M1 81mm mortar squad can be ordered in to the battlefield. Effective against static targets and infantry.
2 - Off Map Smoke Barrage
Saturate an area with M89 smoke shells to disrupt sight lines.
6 - White Phosphorous Smoke Barrage
A white phosphorous smoke barrage is fired at the target area. This will obscure the sight of units and damage infantry over time.
9 - M7B1 'Priest' Howitzer Motor Carriage
An M7B1 'Priest' Howitzer Motor Carriage can be deployed to the battlefield. This mobile artillery unit is effective against static positions or enemy concentrations.
10 - 155mm Artillery Barrage
Call in a 155mm artillery attack on the target location. These powerful shells will kill infantry and damage vehicles.
Air Support Company
2 - Paradrop WC51 Military Truck w/ .50 cal HMG
Paradrop a WC51 to the battlefield. These units are excellent at finding the enemy and engaging at long range.
4 - Recon Sweep
A recon plane will do a high altitude sweep of the battlefield.
5 - M83 Cluster Bombs
The target area is scattered with M83 cluster bombs. Each cluster bomb is equipped with an anti-handling device, allowing the bomb to act like a mine.
6 - P-47 Strafing Run
P-47 Thunderbolt will strafe the target location with its eight 50 caliber machine guns.
12 - P-47 Rocket Strafe
P-47 Thunderbolt will patrol the area and attack vehicles with a high velocity aircraft rocket strike.
Reserve Support Doctrine
1 - Forward Supply Station
Allows ambient buildings to be converted into a Forward Supply Station. This depot will allow infantry to reinforce and automatically repair nearby vehicles.
2 - (PASSIVE) Defensive Fortifications
Pioneers can dig Covered Trenches and construct Concrete Bunkers.
2 - Panzerfüsiliers
Panzerfüsiliers can be deployed to the battlefield. These light infantry are adept at recon and long range combat.
3 - Panzer II
A light tank Panzer II tank can be deployed to the battlefield.
12 - Panther Command Tank
An elite Panther leader can be deployed to the battle, improving the sight and movement of vehicles.
Ost suggestion from the past:
Royal Tank Regiment
2 - Resupply Half-track
An M3 Resupply Half-track can be deployed to the battlefield. This unique half-track can deploy american weapons on the frontline, like the Bazooka and the M1919A6 Light Machine Gun.
3- Designate Command Vehicle
Designate a target vehicle as a Command Vehicle. The Command Vehicle will improve nearby units and increase the recharge rates of commander abilities.
3 - (PASSIVE) Advanced Assembly
Forward Assemblies will now have access to the “Advanced Assembly” upgrade. Once researched, the assembly will become more resilient to enemy fire and…
6 - M5 Stuart
An M5 Stuart Tank can be deployed to the battlefield.
10 - M4 Sherman Medium Tank
Dispatch a 75mm Sherman tank to the battlefield. Highly effective against armor and infantry.
Royal Air Force Regiment
4 - Recon Sweep
A recon plane will do a high altitude sweep of the battlefield.
4 - Air Resupply Operation
Air support will automatically drop medical and weapon supply crates on targeted friendly territories. Infantry units will move and reinforce faster in friendly territory.
8 - Hold The Line!
Infantry units in friendly territories gain increased defense. After a period of time, Hawker Typhoons strafe enemies on the frontlines with rockets and machineguns.
12 - Strafing Support
Two Hawker Typhoons target the designated area with rockets and machine guns.
12 - Air Supremacy Operation
After a long period of time, an entire squadron of ground attack planes and heavy bombers will bombard the area.

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6
Here's mine then:
Tank Hunter doctrine
Based on CoH's Panzer Elite tank destroyer doctrine.
Aiming to fill some gaps in their line up to add diversity in gameplay and strategies.
1cp) Teller mines available to Sturmpioneers.
2cp) Passive tank awareness. All infantry squads now display the location of armored vehicles within XX meters of their position on the minimap and on tactical map.
3cp) Volksgrenadiers double Panzershreck package.
- can't be combined with StG44 package
- lose Panzerfaust and flame grenade ability
- 100 munitions
5cp) Hetzer(38t) tank destroyer (or Stug) available at T1 or T2 Headquarters.
- Hetzer has longer range, better armor and hp than Puma but is slower and lacks a turret
- Equivalent of SU-76 as an intermediate light tank destroyer
10cp) APCR ammunition. Grants a permament +XX% penetration bonus to Hetzer, Panzer IV, Jagdpanzer IV and Panther.

Posts: 957
A medical M3 or M5 car that serves as a reinforcement point, but cant be upgraded with the AA. So basically an armored ambulance that also shoots and transports. (Technically it isnt in the game but all u need is to add an ambulance ability to the M3 or M5)
A springfield upgrade cheap for rifles or expensive for REs, has stats of either lee enfields or kar98ks
Then of course the rifles building shit...
Fighting positions gettin same upgrades as wehr bunkers (it would be without proper models, but screw it, perhaps the medical could work like OKWs medical HQ with skins of US medics)
And finally... im outta ideas, maybe a recon loiter or support weapons para drop or the smoke call in
The Brit one would be partially about bringin the stuff from alpha (more about that in other thread) and also very stealth based
AT commandos, based on AT partysans, (but pls no cheesy building pop, hiding near the repair HQ to rape that vet5 KT with 1HP will be painful for the axis enough)
Camo upgrade for support weapons
The recon IS with camo
Also those REs with demos or the officer or whatever else it was cut
And finally stealth for vehicles (based on OKW)

Posts: 1220

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Posts: 957
Uhhh I was actually hoping for some feedback on my ideas but yeah I mean I suppose this works too.
Alright then: Huge thumbs up (to both u and the other suggestin ones) for trying to think of commanders who would actually fit into the game and have a certain theme, instead of just making a list of top 5 most attractive things from other commanders which i was afraid would happen
Posts: 34
Recon artillery or nebeltruppen doctrine
(Nebeltruppen). Aka Wehrmacht's so-called "smoke troops"
Fallschirmjäge(German forward observer unit)
150 mp + 10 muni for observation equipment
Small camouflaged three man lightly armed squad has increased vision range, can use ability to set down a radar beacon showing area even when squad has left the area.
Artillery field officer
Mortar half track
Can fire shells that emit a nebulized smokescreen of Soman, an extremely toxic chemical.
(Smoke screen effect is a slow falling thick mist like smokescreen lasting a few seconds)
Basically works like the American phosphorus shells except borrows the okw obersoldsten has grenade
Tiger tank
British commander
Britain is desperate pinned down they utilize everything available to push Jerry, the German Hun invaders back.
(British Home Guard Regiment) look up the British home guard
Infantry sections and engineers build faster. Infantry sections can build reinforced barb wire and improved slit trenches, engineers can build tank traps and have demolition charges.
M2HB machine gun bren carrier
An American M2HB mounted on a modified British universal carrier providing better room for the crew to provide constant suppressing fire for allied forces. Kinda works like the old kebel for okw. Suppresses infantry now but can’t move but can still rotate
Tank hull down
Hull down positions are haphazardly built to provide cheap and quick defensive position for British tanks.
Black Bombard anti tank mortar Emplacement
Low pop, small, medium damage anti tank emplacement.
Intended as a means to equip Home Guard units with an anti-tank weapon in case of German invasion. A Spigot mortar on a concrete base, the Bombard was a 29mm spigot mortar weighing between 112 and 360 lb, placed on top of a swivel or pivot. It was able to fire a 20 lb high-explosive bomb.
Or another idea perhaps a call back to WW1 the British 3 inch stokes mortar instead.
Copyright KermitJ lol original ideas are my own but others owned by relic

Posts: 1

Posts: 626 | Subs: 1
Just give us "Not one step back!" Tactics for Soviets. Seriously, can`t they give us the tactic they planned like 4 years ago? I don`t think it would be hard to polish it.
apparently it is. And if Relic thinks it's OP and hard to implement then... safe us God from this commander

Posts: 563
It could have recon package simular to coh 1 and for example canadian reserve infantry that would be basically osttruppen for brits.
With okw, id like to see commander with stug.

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
Think about Elite vet wise units, instant production and resource manipulation.
Also, suggestions should be things which are already in the game.

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
People should start to realise what design wise things had been removed from the game and not re ask to implement them.
Think about Elite vet wise units, instant production and resource manipulation.
Also, suggestions should be things which are already in the game.
That's why I grounded my ideas in what's currently avaiable and haven't included anything that's been removed and so forth, I also tried to follow a certain theme and how commanders were previously designed.
However your comment on resource manipulation is invalided by the Luftwaffe supply doctrine.

Posts: 3260

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
That's why I grounded my ideas in what's currently avaiable and haven't included anything that's been removed and so forth, I also tried to follow a certain theme and how commanders were previously designed.
However your comment on resource manipulation is invalided by the Luftwaffe supply doctrine.
It wasn't necessarily aimed at your post but towards future responses if this thread keeps going to be a "general" thread fo suggestions.
And check Lago's answer.
Instant toggle resource had been removed. Either it's an Opel or is a resource drop which the plane can either be killed or the resources be stolen.

Posts: 135
Permanently BannedSo this is gonna be the unofficial new commanders discussion thread?
Here's mine then:
Tank Hunter doctrine
1cp) Teller mines available to Sturmpioneers
2cp) Passive tank awareness. All infantry squads now display the location of armored vehicles within XX meters of their position on the minimap and on tactical map.
3cp) Volksgrenadiers double Panzershreck package
- can't be combined with StG44 package
- lose Panzerfaust and flame grenade ability
5cp) Hetzer(38t) tank destroyer available at Mechanized Regiment Headquarters
- Hetzer has longer range, better armor and hp than Puma but is slower and lacks a turret
- Equivalent of SU-76 as an intermediate light tank destroyer
10cp) APCR ammunition. Grants a permament +XX% penetration bonus to Hetzer, Panzer IV, Jagdpanzer IV and Panther.
There's a reason why they got rid of panzerchreck upgrade for Volksgrenadiers. How about 2cp Volksgrenadiers 2x Panzerbushe 38 AT Rifle Upgrade. With this, they keep Panzerfaust and Flame grenade ability, while becoming effective against light vehicles but must be massed to take on tanks.
Also instead of teller mines for Sturmpioneers, how about 2cp Riegel Heavy AT Mines, laid by IR Halftracks, Pumas, and Walking Stuka halftracks.
Instead of passive tank awareness, how about tank awareness, in which munitions are spent so all infantry squads can detect enemy vehicles within a radius for the duration of the ability.

Posts: 135
Permanently Banned0CP: M4 Sherman Crocodile: Effective against infantry and buildings. Weak versus armor. 320 manpower and 100 fuel, American medium tank armed with a flamethrower on the turret (cannot fire its actual turret). Capable on incinerating building and infantry in short order but is generally defenseless against tanks. Called from the Battalion Command Post.
2CP: Combined Arms Tactics: infantry and vehicles gain benefits when close together, from Heavy Cavalry Company.
7CP: Sandbag Front: 50 munitions per vehicle, increases front armor strength, particularly against panzerfaust attacks. Available to M4A3 Sherman, M36 Jackson, M4 Sherman Crocodile, and M5A1 Stuart.
10CP: Allied War Machine: 200 munitions, for 180 seconds, (4 minute cooldown), up to two of your vehicles that are destroyed (not abandoned) are automatically replaced for free. Does not apply or count to captured non-USF vehicles and the M26 Pershing counts as two vehicles.
13CP: M26 Pershing: Heavy tank from Heavy Cavalry company, benefits from allied war machine but counts as two vehicles, cannot be replaced if another vehicle was already replaced.
UKF Commander: Rapid Assault Regiment
2CP: Tommy Assault Section: Effective at close range against infantry. 320 manpower, Four man squad that can be increased to five men like most other British squads. Standard weapon is a Thompson SMG, effective at close range but weaker at long range. They also come with smoke grenades to block line of sight (mills bombs grenades still require upgrade). However, they retain the cover combat bonus and can construct trenches, sandbags, and caches. Unlike the Tank Hunters Infantry Section, Tommy Assault Sections can equip up to two heavy weapons.
4CP: 25 Pounder Smoke Barrage: 40 munitions, all 25 pounders each fire 3 smoke shells in an area to obstruct line of sight. Unlike the standard barrage. smoke barrages do not use flares and come with no warning and do not reveal the artillery. 30 second cooldown.
5CP: M3A1 75mm Halftrack: 290 manpower and 90 fuel, assault gun mounted on a halftrack with range comparable to that of the firefly and other tank destroyers. Good firepower and armor penetration but vulnerable to anti-tank fire. Can fire an artillery barrage of high explosive shells in an area. At veterancy 1, can fire creeping barrages. One of the few British units that can provide mobile indirect fire support without using artillery flares. Effective intermediate level tank destroyer and glass cannon, with a fairly short reload rate. (British Light Vehicle Voicelines for most dialogue, with British Heavy Vehicle Voicelines for death)
5CP: Bren Carrier Assault Upgrade: The Bren carrier receives an upgrade that does not add any weapons. However, embarked infantry can now fire out of the vehicle. Also increases armor, making more useful as a frontline assault carrier rather than support or delivery, potentially devastating against infantry at short range when carrying a Tommy Assault Section. The Bren carrier retains its standard machinegun.
12: Coordinated Barrage: several heavy shells are dropped in an area, similar to that of Special Weapons Regiment.

Posts: 495 | Subs: 1
A shoot down air support call in for USF and/or UKF would be cool to symbolize allied air dominance (Hey, even call it that! Lol) where you click the ability and a pair of typhoons or P-47s fly by and shoot down any aircraft currently flying. It would be very situational and maybe are to code, but would instantly eliminate enemy “skill planes”.
Lend lease Shermans to UKF. They used tons of American stuff, even more than the Soviets.
Something for Soviets that includes the unused commissar model. Maybe a commander upgrade to conscripts that adds one Comissar to the squad with a PPSh, no aura, just an extra guy with a better gun that always dies last.

Posts: 17
Lend lease Shermans to UKF. They used tons of American stuff, even more than the Soviets.
I think this, combined with Partisans, would be quite interesting.
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