Solution is simple.
Keep balancing game for top players who know how to play and ignore crowd that always whines about balance while they play on a level where balance does not even matter.
Pls, top players are most whiners too, remember Luvnest whine, Hans i can write more names, but dont think that they can be in category top player. Top players also complaine about maps, optimizations and i dont see that somthing changes with it

. Whanna remember you, that not top players buy all this copys of game, i dont see any problem if thay will be pay molliones for game and play it alone, but we pay for this game too. I dont whanna trust balance to players who think that another players are "untermench".
Whines are humans things, its okey. But in you logic we can ignore opinions of normals peoples and listen only billioners, that dont have problems. Peoples always complaine about life, economic, politic, but its dosnt matter that thay are not right or right. Also balance things are very flavors, Zarok think maxim are OP, Barton think thay are not, so who are right ? Von think trees are OP, Noggano think nope. Sturmpanther think Moscow north is bad, Brosras think its just l2p. So who are right ? Aimstorng think 2 brens need nerf, Mr.Smith think thay are fine. Who are right ? Katitof talk that old m5 rush and penals flamer are fine and even proof it with repleys on minsk pockets, almost all anothers have different opinion.
Top players know how to abuse, if thay know how to play, thay will be use more strats, look at Ceaser without meta play, just simple coh2 asian player, that click many.