How can we make it such that its worth the investment?
Again , by no means do I understand balance like some of the people on here but this has been on my mind for too long.
All input is appreciated

Posts: 27
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Posts: 27
park/ push it in front of AT Guns or allie TDs-..and have easily a good anti infantery killer spongebob
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
park/ push it in front of AT Guns or allie TDs-..and have easily a good anti infantery killer spongebob
Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1
Posts: 3041 | Subs: 3
Posts: 8
There is no "L2P noob" at all in this. IMO Crocodile is the worst flamer tank in the game cuz of the very steep price.
Main gun damage was nerfed to 80 so it's basically not even existent, and the tank is too slow for being very useful at the time it arrives on the battlefield.
Since the flamer nerf it's good at clearing out weapon teams, but that's all. Crocodile is only good if the opponent's sole AT source is AT guns, which simply isnt the case at the point of the match the croc arrives. Once the enemy has a JP4, stugs or panther(or even JT/Elefant), the crocodile is heavily reliant on AT support.
And that is the issue of UKF, due to lack of snares and slow-firing fireflies you need to focus a lot on having enough AT power on the field, so it obviously isnt good to invest so much in a unit that is utterly useless vs vehicles.
Posts: 8
Posts: 27
who the fuck even cares about brit cancer?
Posts: 911
There is no "L2P noob" at all in this. IMO Crocodile is the worst flamer tank in the game cuz of the very steep price.
Posts: 27
Flame hetzer says hi
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Posts: 3041 | Subs: 3
Flame hetzer says hi
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