
russian armor


14 May 2018, 02:52 AM
avatar of Darth

Posts: 44

What started out as a completely insane batshit OP unit upon release of the brits has now become a meme unit due to a long series of nerfs. Ever since the most recent patch, I have NEVER seen this built in any of my 2v2s unless someone is trolling. A volksgrenadier can walk up to the bofors while under fire and toss a flame nade to force a brace, and then easily finish it off with a leig. This unit also very rarely (if ever) is able to shoot down planes.

Nobody likes playing against sim city, but anything the bofors can do can be accomplished better by a vet 1 Vickers in a trench. I have 2 suggestions:

1. Decrease popcap and increase AA range to make it an attractive option to build for lategame AA. Losing a centaur is pretty easy (if you even build one at all) and it often doesn't make sense to build one late game due to its poor scaling and fuel cost. This makes the british very vulnerable to axis planes. This change could make the bofors into a pseudo flak hq in that it could be used away from the front line to cover a cutoff as well as serving as a viable AA platform.


2. I like the first change better but perhaps adding some suppression could allow the bofors to more effectively fend off blobs because right now it just doesn't cut it. I would also be OK with a slight cost increase if it was actually able to do its job as it is pretty cheap right now.

Any other suggestions?

Also if anyone could let me know how to display my playercard in my sig it would be appreciated (I'm new here :D)
14 May 2018, 05:45 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

IMO it should be more like the okw flak cannon (the doctrinal 20mm one not the free bofors you get with tech). Make it slightly less central to the army composition but also a little weaker to match. Wouldn’t make any sense from a realism standpoint but it’d be much better for balance I think.
14 May 2018, 06:40 AM
avatar of Darth

Posts: 44

IMO it should be more like the okw flak cannon (the doctrinal 20mm one not the free bofors you get with tech). Make it slightly less central to the army composition but also a little weaker to match. Wouldn’t make any sense from a realism standpoint but it’d be much better for balance I think.

This is similar to how the bofors worked for the brits in coh 1. It had a cheaper fuel cost (15 if I remember correctly) and had similar performance to vehicles but was not as effective vs infantry as the machine gun emplacement. This is another potential option that could be explored.
14 May 2018, 07:08 AM
avatar of RifleMan

Posts: 52

another unit nerfed into uselesness, great job community balance team aka if you don't know how to balance a unit, just nerf it to the point where it is useless and it is good to go!
14 May 2018, 08:15 AM
avatar of Darth

Posts: 44

another unit nerfed into uselesness, great job community balance team aka if you don't know how to balance a unit, just nerf it to the point where it is useless and it is good to go!
For the most part the balance team has done an excellent job. I have been playing since release and feel that the game is more balanced now than it ever has been (although the factions are much less unique than they used to be).

Everyone knows relic sucks at balancing and eventually hands the game over to the community because they can do a better job. It happened with coh1, it happened with coh2, and it will happen with coh3. I for one welcome our new balance overlords.
14 May 2018, 08:49 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 May 2018, 08:15 AMDarth
For the most part the balance team has done an excellent job. I have been playing since release and feel that the game is more balanced now than it ever has been (although the factions are much less unique than they used to be).

Everyone knows relic sucks at balancing and eventually hands the game over to the community because they can do a better job. It happened with coh1, it happened with coh2, and it will happen with coh3. I for one welcome our new balance overlords.

You want balanced Armies or do you want uNiqUe Armies?
14 May 2018, 09:01 AM
avatar of cheese tonkatsu

Posts: 105

currently bofors deals 0 dmg to planes
14 May 2018, 09:06 AM
avatar of RifleMan

Posts: 52

jump backJump back to quoted post14 May 2018, 08:15 AMDarth
For the most part the balance team has done an excellent job. I have been playing since release and feel that the game is more balanced now than it ever has been (although the factions are much less unique than they used to be).

Everyone knows relic sucks at balancing and eventually hands the game over to the community because they can do a better job. It happened with coh1, it happened with coh2, and it will happen with coh3. I for one welcome our new balance overlords.

They are just making the armies to be more symmetric, therefore, more balanced, I rather have unique armies like it used to be years ago, now they are heading to the direction where all armies will be almost the same. They are ruining the game. OKW,USF and Brits are losing their uniqueness and they will end up pretty much identical armies in a few patches in the future.
14 May 2018, 09:10 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

They are just making the armies to be more symmetric, therefore, more balanced, I rather have unique armies like it used to be years ago, now they are heading to the direction where all armies will be almost the same. They are ruining the game.

Yeah kind of true... For most people balance doesn´t matter anyways because of how matchmaking works.
14 May 2018, 09:13 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 May 2018, 08:15 AMDarth
For the most part the balance team has done an excellent job. I have been playing since release and feel that the game is more balanced now than it ever has been (although the factions are much less unique than they used to be).

Everyone knows relic sucks at balancing and eventually hands the game over to the community because they can do a better job. It happened with coh1, it happened with coh2, and it will happen with coh3. I for one welcome our new balance overlords.

Many of the balance issues we suffer from right now were created by the "community" balance team. Centaur AI monster for 100 fuel, IL2 loiter, OKW flak HT, PPSH guard combined soviet meta, Guards, Valiant Assault, overnerfs of most British tanks, uselessness of British Mortar Pits etc

Meanwhile real balance issues largely got ignored until now
14 May 2018, 09:16 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

you forget the effectivness from the bofors with some brits commander + teamfaction synagys...

it is really cheap for its performanche as defence + lock down unit.

its safe your area until the enemy decided to send his army to destroy it... anyway...its only 30 fuel. you can rebuild it everytime.

it has great compatibilty with other placements and commanders. your enemy build lef to destroy it? nice one...click one button and counter it easily.

your enemy decide to spam mortars? nice one...counterbarage it or attack it with one your own mortars.
14 May 2018, 09:22 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

You want balanced Armies or do you want uNiqUe Armies?

Multiple RTS games with SC2 on top seem to do the job just fine.
14 May 2018, 11:28 AM
avatar of Darth

Posts: 44

Many of the balance issues we suffer from right now were created by the "community" balance team. Centaur AI monster for 100 fuel, IL2 loiter, OKW flak HT, PPSH guard combined soviet meta, Guards, Valiant Assault, overnerfs of most British tanks, uselessness of British Mortar Pits etc
Meanwhile real balance issues largely got ignored until now
While those things you listed may be unbalanced, I dare you to name a relic patch that hasn't had at least one thing so hilariously broken it ceased to be funny.

Let us not forget bofors on release, centaur on release, that patch where everyone was spamming aec's, crocodile, when isg's used to suppress, 160 damage kat rockets, advanced emplacements, b4, 120mm, when jagd could shoot through buildings, oh and my personal favorite: double health double armor tiger ace that had a stun and vision and gave you your income back after 10 minutes or whatever it was.

This game has always been unbalanced so dont pretend like it's ever been better.
14 May 2018, 11:47 AM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

I thought the pick between AEC/Bofors was supposed to be a tactical one? Not a no brainer because the bofors is S*** and you need AEC to survive flamer HT/Luch cheese.

Answer is to buff bofors AA, half pop cap. Maybe we would see them built again
14 May 2018, 11:49 AM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

Where is umullumumulu post where he compared bofors to .222 lmao
14 May 2018, 11:57 AM
avatar of nhiscool

Posts: 117

It's funny because he's true. Almost every british emplacement will be forced to brace from 1 fire nade and finished off with a mortar.

It's laughably easy to do, and even if you go for commandos to snipe the mortars, they'll just safe retreat and do it again. Except you're still under pressure to get the mid VP back
14 May 2018, 12:10 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

jump backJump back to quoted post14 May 2018, 11:49 AMRocket
Where is umullumumulu post where he compared bofors to .222 lmao

you cant read/ understand what you read. I asked you what you get with other faction for the price from a bofors...one thing you could buy: a 222. You was the guy which tried to make a comparison
14 May 2018, 12:32 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

you cant read/ understand what you read. I asked you what you get with other faction for the price from a bofors...one thing you could buy: a 222. You was the guy which tried to make a comparison

12 May 2018, 14:08 PM #30
avatar of ullumulu
Offline Unknown SteamID unknown
Posts: 980
jump backJump back to quoted post11 May 2018, 19:21 PMRocket
Bofors is expensive cost fuel and cant move is why and centuar and ostwind are more expensive with decent armor but thats why flak wagon and usf aa should preform just as well as they are easier to kill and just having AA is one thing to where all factions have to be equally effective at
what i said above

lel...bofors cost the same like a 222. and can deal with armys, have great wiping vs infnatery, can very good dmg tanks, have a barrage to counter indirect fire units and pin infantery....anyway...if u thnik 30 fuel is expansive...than tell me what other faction get for 30fuel.

tell me pls and this unit must be better that the bofors...to remind u

what you said above
14 May 2018, 13:09 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 May 2018, 09:22 AMKatitof

Multiple RTS games with SC2 on top seem to do the job just fine.

Besides SC2 and Warcraft 3, which other are these "multiple" RTS games that do both?
14 May 2018, 13:11 PM
avatar of Darth

Posts: 44

you forget the effectivness from the bofors with some brits commander + teamfaction synagys...

it is really cheap for its performanche as defence + lock down unit.

its safe your area until the enemy decided to send his army to destroy it... anyway...its only 30 fuel. you can rebuild it everytime.

it has great compatibilty with other placements and commanders. your enemy build lef to destroy it? nice one...click one button and counter it easily.

your enemy decide to spam mortars? nice one...counterbarage it or attack it with one your own mortars.

In potato games anything is possible. However. in a real game none of what you suggested actually works aside from countering the lefh. Even then you are limited to either special weapons arty (expensive) or royal artillery (not a guaranteed kill).

Dont get me wrong, brits have plenty of viable and strong strategies right now but emplacements arent one of them.
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