Bren Mk. II Light Machine Gun
Bren Guns are being adjusted to be less potent at range, though their price is being reduced to match their new performance.
• Sappers now use Tommy Bren Gun on pick up
• Cost from 60 to 45
• Accuracy reduced from 0.575/0.518/0.46 to 0.575/0.4144/0.391
• Mid range reduced from 28 to 25
I'm rather concerned about this change. While I do agree that Dual Brens can be intimidating, making the gun more inaccurate is rather... jarring to say the least. Especially when the gun is historically very accurate. Nerfing it's accuracy really makes it feel like it's going to lose it's... character if you will.
That being said! I would like to suggest an alternate nerf. I would like to see the bursts they fire be significantly shortened at long range.
I've been looking at the Infantry Sections very closely and I have noticed that they fire roughly 10 shots per burst. For a gun that supposedly has a small magazine (30 Bullets), it's rather excessive. A real soldier would use the ammo more sparingly at long range. Long bursts + Good Accuracy makes for OP LMGs.

In order to maintain the unique character in the Bren Gun, I highly recommend editing the Burst length at longer ranges and keeping accuracy where it is now. No more than 5 shots per burst. The bursts could go back to being longer when Jerry gets closer. At least this will give some more breathing room for Grenadiers to use their optimum range without dying so quickly.
Also, I'm not at all in favour of Cheaper Bren Guns. They should remain at 60 Munitions.
I'm in a hurry to get to work, so I'll have to leave it here. I will elaborate more if need be when I get back.