Welp, sad i only see this thread now. I could go on and make a super long post, but there is no point in it because:
1. A lot would just be repeating what Stormless A_E and Sturmpanther already stated.
2. It wouldn't change the behaviour of the people that did something wrong (in my eyes) here. For example Hans (he is just an example, more people like him (this isn't a personal attack hans, but in my eyes its true) are around in this community which i can't change so ill just live with it). If you look at the posts Hans made in this thread you see around 10% of him regretting and around 90% of him being unsocial. So many things you said Hans, can be turned around easily.
- "Next time I'll just use the spectate mode, at-least that way viewers won't miss important moments of a match. " I see this as an atempt of trying to insult A_E that he misses important moments of the match. Kind of childish in my eyes, but again its just me i respect people who see it differently
- "I think it is you that needs to get off your high horse" "if anything I am making the tournament better with my insights." Ehm, who is on a high horse here?

- "Have any of you ever once asked me to cast a tournament on my channel?" Did you ever ask it?
- "I'm always having to step aside for others, please tell me HOW ON EARTH IS THAT FAIR." You not casting the games isnt you stepping aside. It's you not profiting from the organisation work others did.
- "You claim to be my friend and here you are trying to restrict me to what I can and can't do." If you were a real friend you would see the work that your friends do and you would respect it. By for example not streaming games, or even not streaming at all.
I'll just stop talking about Hans and other people who did or did not do this, but in my eyes it's all a problem of the respect of the work that others are doing and trying to profit from others because you are too lazy or you are just don't have respect from others.
Anyways I can't stop anyone from broadcasting something, there is nothing i can do about it. You can stream whatever you want, but you will lose the respect of some people (definitely of me) and you can't cry about losing that respect afterwards. This ain't the first time something like this happened and ive tried different things myself as an organiser to stop this. For example asking in the article if nobody would please stream the games or by mssging people on steam and asking them. But there is nothing i can do apart from asking, can't force you to do something. There is no solution for this apart from learning to respect the work others did or just by asking someone if you can stream the games of their tournament and to learn to take no for an answer.
I agree with Stromless, A_E and Sturmpanther and there is no need to quote me if anyone would want to reply to my post. Bcs i won't reply back, no need for a shit storm. Let's just all move on from now and learn from this situation