
russian armor

USF Mortar

27 Jan 2018, 00:26 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jan 2018, 12:53 PMzarok47

Usf mortar has ost mortar scatter vs smaller sqauds.

I suggest you look up stats before making any statements.

I suggest you stop cherrypicking stats to fit your argument. Same scatter yes, shorter range and smaller kill radius. But you left that out of course...
27 Jan 2018, 11:28 AM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

can we talk about SU mortar here

it's either most balanced mortar or underpower one :megusta:
27 Jan 2018, 15:20 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

I suggest you stop cherrypicking stats to fit your argument. Same scatter yes, shorter range and smaller kill radius. But you left that out of course...

Oh the irony here..
Cherrypicking is pretty much what you are doing as well.
What about we change riflemen into a 4 men bolt action rifle squad to begin with ? Then we change 222 with aaht and give halftrack the ability ti nondoc place the best at mine in game ?
Usf mortar is meant to smoke and disloge enemy from buildings, job that it does with no issues.
27 Jan 2018, 16:12 PM
avatar of Rappy

Posts: 526

You can't buff USF mortar without also then buffing the other weak indirect fire like the LEiG. It is not uncommon to see an action central ISG with only a handful of kills after a thirty minute game.

In any case, the USF mortar is fine and still really annoying to play against as pack up and setup is really fast.
27 Jan 2018, 16:52 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Jan 2018, 16:12 PMRappy
You can't buff USF mortar without also then buffing the other weak indirect fire like the LEiG. It is not uncommon to see an action central ISG with only a handful of kills after a thirty minute game.

In any case, the USF mortar is fine and still really annoying to play against as pack up and setup is really fast.

Ironically usf mortar ACTUALLY has anti building and soft anti coverred infantry capabilities, it's just not up to wehr mortar standards, since wehr mortar is in a faction that is team weapon reliant...and the guys that fall from their seats when they hear someone asking for 5 men grens are crying over a mortar (that is perfectly fullfilling its intended role) not being the most powerful ever.

Compared to usf mortar, isg factually fails to scare off buildings troops, as well as failing to counter anything out.
The killing radius of the usf mortar is lower than usual ? Shooting isg feels like shooting rocks.

On top of that usf has pack howie, which has the best aoe and range of all indirect fire.
27 Jan 2018, 19:59 PM
avatar of insaneHoshi

Posts: 911

can we talk about SU mortar here

it's either most balanced mortar or underpower one :megusta:

I think it's most balanced. Sure it's killing power and rof is kinda meh but it has 6 men and a vet 0 flare
27 Jan 2018, 22:59 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

I think it's most balanced. Sure it's killing power and rof is kinda meh but it has 6 men and a vet 0 flare

IMO all mortars should have the killing power of the soviet mortar as the baseline. They should be a utility and barrage thing rather than the rampant automatic infantry killer that all other mortars basically are (even the soviet mortar to a very very low degree). My issue with them is for basically next to no user input, they can devastate or at least damage squads with very high efficiency. Mortars are basically better than snipers 90% of the time because they don't really require any micro to kill effectively (and they're way more durable), and basically fill the same role as snipers, which shouldn't really be the case imo (as in snipers should be better able to hit mobile infantry squads and team weapons who are constantly repositioning while mortars shouldn't without careful barrage use).
28 Jan 2018, 20:20 PM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

Oh the irony here..
Cherrypicking is pretty much what you are doing as well.
What about we change riflemen into a 4 men bolt action rifle squad to begin with ? Then we change 222 with aaht and give halftrack the ability ti nondoc place the best at mine in game ?


Usf mortar is meant to smoke and disloge enemy from buildings, job that it does with no issues.

No kidding. I'm fine with that, never said it needed help. Was literally only pointing out that it was a dumb argument to focus just on scatter with respect to smaller squads, when it has a smaller kill radius as well...

As usual I have no clue what half your rant has to do with the topic.
1 Feb 2018, 16:59 PM
avatar of mondeogaming1

Posts: 464

Yeah i agree USF mortar got OVER nerfed cuz axis couldnt move hteir infnratry a bit and hten they cried at least buff USF mortar range back to 80 like the OST one or the fire rate even faster and AOE damage more or change only the FAR AOE from 0.75 back to 1 like the OST one
1 Feb 2018, 22:43 PM
avatar of Ulaire Minya

Posts: 372

I can't believe it hasn't been suggested yet : vet 1 WP barrage. Neatly fixes the issue of shit damage and range, giving it more utility as the game goes on.

Yes, it overlaps with the pack howie, but considering the state it's in, who actually builds those.
2 Feb 2018, 00:03 AM
avatar of Mr.Flush

Posts: 450

You can skip the mortar and get a mortar half-track.
2 Feb 2018, 00:12 AM
avatar of NorthWestFresh

Posts: 317

It misses 3 out of 4 shots when using it´s barage.

It´s over nerfed.

Agree ... USF in general was Overnerfed but just slightly... The Jackson does overperform but only slightly, USf needs very miniscule buff something very small tahts it
2 Feb 2018, 04:27 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I can't believe it hasn't been suggested yet : vet 1 WP barrage. Neatly fixes the issue of shit damage and range, giving it more utility as the game goes on.

Yes, it overlaps with the pack howie, but considering the state it's in, who actually builds those.

Could be cool but i think WP is bloody strong, to come on something so early might be game breaking. Them mortars vet pretty fast.

That said holy hell i want it.
2 Feb 2018, 09:00 AM
avatar of AceOfTitanium

Posts: 162

I don't undertand the complains here, when I use the mortar it normally is pretty strong, it even wins some games to me. The thing is that versus okw early mortar isn't a good idea because of how mobile their early game is but versus wehr is pretty damn good. Another thing to have in consideration is in what game mode are you guys playing with the mortar, I only play 1v1's and 2v2's so the maps are fairly small, in 4v4 it's obvious that the mortar will be a bit harder to use and the pak howie is a better option.
2 Feb 2018, 16:19 PM
avatar of Mr.Flush

Posts: 450

I don't undertand the complains here, when I use the mortar it normally is pretty strong, it even wins some games to me. The thing is that versus okw early mortar isn't a good idea because of how mobile their early game is but versus wehr is pretty damn good. Another thing to have in consideration is in what game mode are you guys playing with the mortar, I only play 1v1's and 2v2's so the maps are fairly small, in 4v4 it's obvious that the mortar will be a bit harder to use and the pak howie is a better option.

Yes, this is definitely larger games modes vs ostheer on maps such as redball or port of hamburg. The usf mortar performs fine in 2v2 or 1v1. This probably should be a strategy post.
If you want to counter ostheer mortar spam, build a couple of mortar half-track and use white phosphorus. Your teammate should go early at to prevent 222 rushes. When your half-tracks are protected, you will murder mg and mortar spam, but watch out for walking stuka barrages.
3 Feb 2018, 00:00 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

ive seen the usf mortar used extremely well in team games, usually a pair and ALWAYS on the move after firing, generally throwing non stop smoke. people that try and use them in the same manner as an ost mortar (set and forget) generally do the worst with it because thats not its design. with rifles losing access to smoke having such a rapid response unit able to sling it is paramount (especially against ost and their MGs)
3 Feb 2018, 16:45 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Could be cool but i think WP is bloody strong, to come on something so early might be game breaking. Them mortars vet pretty fast.

That said holy hell i want it.

Also worth noting that usf has no flamers and grenades are locked behind a costly sidetech, and still not even that great against buildings. It'd be a neat solution to garrison clearance and it takes a while for the usf mortar to hit vet1 anyway.
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