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DBP Commander Revamp brainstorming

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11 Nov 2017, 15:24 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Ding, ding, ding!

Yes please :wub:
11 Nov 2017, 15:24 PM
avatar of CobaltX105

Posts: 87

Recon Support Company

1 CP- Forward Observers

This ability needs to be relaxed so that just being in cover or garrisoned gives the sight bonus to Riflemen, and it needs to persist even in combat. Maybe merge with flares, maybe not.

2 CP- I&R Pathfinders

These guys should cost a little less, given they're support with no M1C Garand sniper rifles. Unless they're DPS is boosted, then they can be expensive again. And they (along with their Airborne counterparts) should be able to spawn in ambient buildings to help set up Paratrooper ambushes/assaults.

Oh, and drop that CP cost to 1 CP. They can't call in that arty until later anyway, so why delay they're arrival?

3 CP- M8 Greyhound

The Revamp mod that the patch team developed pretty much nailed the M8 on what it should be. A beast of an anti-infantry machine, it should have it's .50cal enabled and the Armored Skirts on by default. I'm split on whether it should hit at 3 or 4 CP though.

4 CP- Recon Sweep

This one is useful, but redundant in a faction that already has a better sweep by default on the Major, and more readily available recon through the Observation-equipped Rifles and the Pathfinders.

Replace it with individual Support Paratrooper squads at 2 CP to promote use of I&R Pathfinders. They can keep the random weapon spawn gimmick, but make them fully equipped rather than partially.

7 CP- Airdropped Combat Group

Who in the world thought this was a good idea? It's mindbogglingly unreachable. Change it to something similar to the "Supply Drops" ability from the original CoH (though trading the mortar for an AT gun), making it cost less MP and more munitions, and suddenly you have a viable way of creating instant problems for the enemy behind enemy lines.

Mechanized Company

0 CP- WC51 Truck

This guy needs a new role. Take away the transport capability, give him an armor and speed buff over the Kubel, and let him cap points just as fast. American early game just got more intense since it can now fight off rival Kubels and can support Rifles on the front. W&R will let you retire him before he get's kaboomed by a Panzershreck.

2 CP- Withdraw and Refit

It's actually pretty good already, no changes needed.

3 CP- M3 Halftrack Assault Group

Replace with the Mechanized Cavalry dispatch from the Ardennes Assault campaign. Brings in Cavalry Riflemen armed with Thompson SMGs, grenades and a short range AT only Satchel Charge. The M3 can't decrew, but gains that ever handy Repair Station upgrade that lets it repair multiple vehicles at once, without forcing your crews to make themselves vulnerable.

4 CP- Recon Sweep

What is this, Recon Support? This feels just thrown in there.

Replace with Combined Arms since that's, you know, kind of what mechanized infantry do.

8 CP- 155mm Artillery Barrage

A solid arty choice, no need to make changes here.

11 Nov 2017, 16:20 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

I'll provide feedback for the brit commando doctrine, since no one has already.

Commandos Doctrine is a very solid commander when it works, except for the fact that the glider is so expensive
and comes with a 4-minute cooldown (probably the longest cooldown in the game, currently?)

The doctrine is, situational however, since most of its abilities either only operate on a sector-level, or they only benefit specific squads (e.g., smoke raid only really helps commandos, and assault only really helps tommies).

Out of all commanders in the game, assuming that the abilities become individually useful and balanced with respect to one another, it's probably the commander that would be the most interesting to play with global cooldown on all abilities (like UKF faction conception)

Smoke raid operation:
I actually love this ability but it is a little tough to actually coordinate the push. For those unaware, what this ability does it for each infantry unit (+ support weapons too? Don't remember.) in friendly territory it drops a smoke pot on the unit. Units inside will cloak (including support weapons) and have commando like camo briefly. Points will be neutralized faster.

Note that camo stick with the squad, even if you leave friendly territory. With hold fire on, you can even go have a tea at the enemy's base. You can only really use this ability with commandos and the sniper though, since those are the only guys with hold fire.

It might be helpful to for this ability to either dictate where the smoke is being dropped so that I can plan around it; it's simply too much to keep track of when you have lots of units moving around. I suggest something similar to the tactical support scavenge royal engineer call in, where it highlights on the minimap where the wrecks are, or something similar to that effect.

There's two kinds of smoke. Normal smoke drops at capture points in the frontline sectors, and nowhere else.

Then, there's "fake" smoke (which does absolutely nothing); it just spawns on your squads as they go invisible.

Another suggestion is to have smoke drop on the borders of a neutral territory (enemy if you find this too powerful) and a friendly connected territory, which will help the ability be more consistent.

I'm not sure if it's possible to implement a feature that makes smoke drop on the border. For the sake of the doctrine though, I think it would become more solid if territory layout was ignored completely.

It would be interesting to try giving hold fire to all units, but limit stealth (i.e., make it so that you require cover).

The version of smoke raid I would be more inclined to try is targeting a particular location which causes smoke to start dropping in a big radius around that point. The ability could definitely drop yellow-cover smoke to allow units to stealth to the objective; then we could experiment with vision obscuring and shot-blocking smoke.

The benefit of having this version of the ability is that you can have a doctrine focussed around sneaky assaults. However, don't think it's interesting to keep the stealth-anywhere behaviour of current smoke raid.

This ability is iffy for me. What this does is a slew of recon planes will sweep the area and infantry sections only will be on sprint and have an accuracy buff. Having sprinting infantry sections sound nice, but being unable to fire on the move can make the whole assault theme of this ability more like "find cover for the infantry sections" theme.

Sprinting Tommies are amazing. Tommies never hit anything when they move in the first place. You can use sprint to relocate to cover, dodge grenades, or even kite enemies (with 60 secs duration, there's no rush). Assault is also probably the only reason you would ever want to tech Brit grenades. Try it; it's seriously scary and fun!

I'd suggest giving the ability to have infantry sections fire on the move, with the caveat of reducing the sprint just a little bit, disallowing weapons to be able to be fired on the move, and reducing the assault munitions just a tad bit.

One of the downers of the ability is that it only affects infantry sections, and that kind of forces unit composition to go a particular way. This makes the doctrine restrict your playstyle than enhance it.

Perhaps if we follow through with your advice and limit the speed-increasing effect that won't make sappers/commandos completely OP when using the ability; so we will definitely try it!

Commando Insertion:
The main complaint of this is that one would think that the commando doctrine is less commando-y than the vanguard doctrine. To get one commando you would need 500 mp from the commando doctrine, while to get one commando from vanguard, you would need 890 mp but you get the airlanding officer + forward retreat point, which is worth the difference imo. The difference in mp shrinks if you want to build more commandos.

However, I like the aggressive aspect of the commando insertion, but it's worth while to facilitate a change to bring the commando aspect into the commando doctrine. Leave the insertion as is, but if the player decides to call in the glider defensively, within friendly territory, give a possible upgrade to the glider to allow it to build more commandos. It can only build commandos only when in friendly territory. To maintain the flavor of vanguard, the upgraded commando insertion glider should not be able to have a forward retreat point.

I would make the insertion super-cheap; like 390MP, and also allow the glider to reinforce even in enemy territory. Thus, you can use the insertion operation to support an infantry operation to the frontline (since you don't have a halftrack if you picked the doctrine).

The cooldown should, of course become reasonable since 4 minutes is insane.

I am personally against the idea of allowing commandos to spawn from the glider to force players to use the glider offensively and to keep it more unique from Vanguard doctrine.

Mortar Cover:
Good ability. Only issue is with this ability is being sector dependent. Wildly op on some sectors, wildly up on others. Maybe area of effect circle should be used? I'm not 100% on how this should be changed.

I think that this should operate on a sector as it ruins the ability for some maps or makes it wreck on others. Frankly, if rifle company WP barrage was used instead, this would be a great support abiilty.

Air Supremacy:
Pretty useless in 1s, very powerful in team games. However I think it should be changed thematically (and this is also conditioned that the schwere truck has the AA toggle mode, otherwise this ability would be useless against multiple okws). Have a recon plane enter first, then a few seconds later a strafing machine gun plane, a few seconds after that a bombing run plane (I'd recommend it to do damage equivalent to 75% HP of an OKW base truck, just to incentivize people to push in conjunction with air supremacy.). Reduce the munitions for this ability, I think anywhere from 200-250 would be a good price point.

That could work.
11 Nov 2017, 17:06 PM
avatar of IJustDontCare

Posts: 62

Abilities that don't require vehicles (due to skins) or voicelines should be ok.

Is it possible to change Sector Arty into an ability that's not sector dependent and given a radius so it be used more offensively?? Abilities that are locked to sectors are really terrible in this game since they're only viable options on certain maps. I mean relic changed the command p4 to a radius aura way back in the day to make it more useful. The idea that a 200 Munition sector denying ability is useful is weird to me as a viable strategy except in extreme situations where you need to hold on to that last VP.
11 Nov 2017, 17:16 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

Is it possible to change Sector Arty into an ability that's not sector dependent and given a radius so it be used more offensively?? Abilities that are locked to sectors are really terrible in this game since they're only viable options on certain maps. I mean relic changed the command p4 to a radius aura way back in the day to make it more useful. The idea that a 200 Munition sector denying ability is useful is weird to me as a viable strategy except in extreme situations where you need to hold on to that last VP.

That would work; only if relic allows it though. Unfortunately sector artillery is not part of either Ostruppen or Jaeger Infantry commanders, which are the commanders the community voted for.
11 Nov 2017, 17:16 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7



These poor guys suck for their price. Give them a defined AT/AI role.


Starts with no weapons for 300 mp.
2 upgrades:

AT role (90 munnition) - 4xPTRS with ability focus aim abilities
(focus aim/rapid fire - TOGGLE - 10 munnition per toggle, PTRS fires far more accuratly, targeting infantry without problems at the cost of low rate of fire/PTRS fires fast but with poor accuracy, harming tanks wit ease but being unable to hit infantry most of the times)

AI role (90 munnition) - 3x DP lmg with button ability.
Makes infantry far stronger in AI role.
11 Nov 2017, 17:20 PM
avatar of IJustDontCare

Posts: 62

That would work; only if relic allows it though. Unfortunately sector artillery is not part of either Ostruppen or Jaeger Infantry commanders, which are the commanders the community voted for.


We need another Poll xD
11 Nov 2017, 17:44 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

If you ask me it's the other way around. I would say that mortar cover is an extremely underrated ability.

Even if you split them, though, that leaves you with one slot open; in that case what would the Commando Doctrine need that fits the theme?


Not an ability, but it'd be nice if you could produce more commandos from the commando glider (like the vanguard glider) instead of being forced to wait like 5 minutes or whatever the crazy cooldown is and pay 150 more manpower for additional squads. Unless that's intentional to prevent spamming(?); not that I've ever seen commando spam or it being viable at all (it'd be a good meme though).

In terms of abilities maybe a vCoh-esque US airborne airdrop of munitions since the commander has all but one of its slots filled with muni-based abilities? Air supremacy might need some tweaking or something as it's a bit op to be able to one-hit okw trucks with it.

For recon support (usf) it'd be cool if IR pathfinders were tweaked into a 2-man scout sniper squad (so basically the same as the soviet one) that still gets the barrages with vet. I think it'd add a lot of flavor to the commmander and add an alternative to countering garrisons other than going rifle or armor for flamers. And then ofc changing the airdrop ability to make it actually usable. Maybe just drop one airborne squad and make it cost a little muni as well or something?

I'm actually tbh a bit surprised that mechanized is being changed as it seems pretty solid to me. The m3 ability isn't practical and recon runs for usf commanders are stupid, but IMO airborne has the most glaring flaws/overall poor design after recon support.
11 Nov 2017, 20:00 PM
avatar of RedxWings
Donator 11

Posts: 203 | Subs: 2

Commandos Doctrine is a very solid commander when it works, except for the fact that the glider is so expensive
and comes with a 4-minute cooldown (probably the longest cooldown in the game, currently?)

The doctrine is, situational however, since most of its abilities either only operate on a sector-level, or they only benefit specific squads (e.g., smoke raid only really helps commandos, and assault only really helps tommies).

Agreed, most abilities in the doctrine are actually quite useful, but it is tough to utilize everything.

Out of all commanders in the game, assuming that the abilities become individually useful and balanced with respect to one another, it's probably the commander that would be the most interesting to play with global cooldown on all abilities (like UKF faction conception)

I'm pretty sure that what was initially done with commando doctrine when it first came out. I find that fairly frustrating because there is a lot of abilities that can be chained in commando doctrine that can have quite a devastating effect. (e.g. smoke raid + mortar cover + commando insertion). However if the abilities themselves become way too powerful, might be best to do a short global cool down + unique ability cool down.

It would be interesting to try giving hold fire to all units, but limit stealth (i.e., make it so that you require cover).

The version of smoke raid I would be more inclined to try is targeting a particular location which causes smoke to start dropping in a big radius around that point. The ability could definitely drop yellow-cover smoke to allow units to stealth to the objective; then we could experiment with vision obscuring and shot-blocking smoke.

The benefit of having this version of the ability is that you can have a doctrine focussed around sneaky assaults. However, don't think it's interesting to keep the stealth-anywhere behaviour of current smoke raid.

I agree with the hold fire, but frankly coordinating a push while using smoke raid is really hectic. Also interesting tidbit about how strong the camo is, it should be scaled down but cover only camo might hamper any aggressive plays. Maybe something like the ostheer sniper cloak? (or whatever is slightly weaker than the commando camo)

Also make the radius of the smoke large enough, because currently smoke raid is like a stimulus overload for the enemy - smoke dropping everywhere, camo units appearing from nowhere, fake and real smoke (now that I know that exists, though it would be nice to tell which is which). It would be nice to keep that type of stimulus overload with the rework because it's an interesting concept.

Sprinting Tommies are amazing. Tommies never hit anything when they move in the first place. You can use sprint to relocate to cover, dodge grenades, or even kite enemies (with 60 secs duration, there's no rush). Assault is also probably the only reason you would ever want to tech Brit grenades. Try it; it's seriously scary and fun!

One of the downers of the ability is that it only affects infantry sections, and that kind of forces unit composition to go a particular way. This makes the doctrine restrict your playstyle than enhance it.

Sprint tommies are nice, but when using them it's not like they are meant to be in your face so to say, unlike commandos or royal engis. So it feels really weird when the ability called assault is really to try to find cover for infantry sections. (Teching nades will work but commando doctrine is currently fairly munitions heavy, which is why I won't tech for it if I plan to use other abilities).

I would make the insertion super-cheap; like 390MP, and also allow the glider to reinforce even in enemy territory. Thus, you can use the insertion operation to support an infantry operation to the frontline (since you don't have a halftrack if you picked the doctrine).

The cooldown should, of course become reasonable since 4 minutes is insane.

I am personally against the idea of allowing commandos to spawn from the glider to force players to use the glider offensively and to keep it more unique from Vanguard doctrine.

I actually like the current implementation of commando insertion (force spawn commandos at any place is powerful). I see where other people are coming from by wanting to build commandos from the glider, but I think the forward reinforce plane even in unfriendly territory is a good buff. That being said, keeping it at 500mp would be ok or reducing it just a tad bit. Forward reinforce can be a powerful tool.
11 Nov 2017, 20:33 PM
avatar of MrBananaGrabber.
Patrion 26

Posts: 328

Some of these commanders would be better off scrapped entirely and started again from scratch. Recon Support Company and Mechanized Company are currently totally undesirable, because at best only RSC provides benefits for the start of a game (and even then mainly just against OKW). Once you get into the late game they offer almost nothing of worth.

Rather than try and improve incredibly weak commanders, it might be better to just start from scratch and try to make two really decent all round useful commanders. Which usually means a decent call-in strike, a good late game armour unit, and something that helps infantry.
I certainly think the greyhound is worth trying to improve, to the point that it's well worth using. But if it's the best thing the commander has they still won't get picked.

It's fair to say the US could use at least one more commander that has the Pershing. Considering they only have one heavy tank. It would be nice if they had two commanders that have access to it.
11 Nov 2017, 20:33 PM
avatar of Kasarov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 422 | Subs: 2

Here are my thoughts on the Soviet Tank Hunter Tactics

Make Salvage a passive ability
Merge PTRS + AT Grenade Assault (grenades locked behind upgrade)
Replace? mines with Tank Traps (Smaller and more practical Soviet green cover for use on points!)
Add Mark Target
Add AT Gun Ambush Camo (improve it with first strike)
PTAB Strike remains as is.

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Nov 2017, 15:02 PMNebaka

-new ability Tank Ambush Tactics: toggle ability for T-34, Su-76 and Su-85, when active tank will camouflaged, immobilased + first strike bonus

Ding, ding, ding!

I feel like utilizing AT Gun Ambush Camo within the commander and giving a similar first strike bonus to the AT Gun Ambush Camo not only accomplishes more or less the same thing but also makes use of and improves upon an existing, underwhelming ability that is shared across multiple commanders. Thoughts?
11 Nov 2017, 20:49 PM
avatar of Nebaka

Posts: 133

I think it's better give them an attack/def upgrades
Merge usual guard and assault guard, starts with no weapons (rifles + AI grenade)

Assault package: 2 PPSh, 4 SVT, AI grenade, AT grenade + vet1 Oorah!
Defensive package: 2 PTRS, 2 DP, AI grenade, Vehicle Button + vet1 Recon mode (like T-70 but 360°)
11 Nov 2017, 21:19 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Nov 2017, 20:49 PMNebaka

I think it's better give them an attack/def upgrades
Merge usual guard and assault guard, starts with no weapons (rifles + AI grenade)

Assault package: 2 PPSh, 4 SVT, AI grenade, AT grenade + vet1 Oorah!
Defensive package: 2 PTRS, 2 DP, AI grenade, Vehicle Button + vet1 Recon mode (like T-70 but 360°)

Why would anyone go guards with shitty armor and shitty ppsh when you can go shocks that at least have good armor?
11 Nov 2017, 21:29 PM
avatar of mongalong247

Posts: 42

How about something like triangulation equipment in coh1? Intelligence is extremely important for commando so I think a camouflage equipment that can reveal unit on mini-map within an area is welcome.

There is a vanilla ability tied to the sws trucks called "forward receivers", I have no idea if this is in the live game in any way shape or form but this is what the UI states.

"sWS Supply Half-tracks are equipped with forward receiver that are deployed once they have set up in a location. Reveals enemies in the fog of war.

It's from the Overwatch Doctrine OKW Commander - maybe this could be reverse engineered to create an ability that uses beacons etc
11 Nov 2017, 21:42 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Nov 2017, 20:33 PMKasarov
Here are my thoughts on the Soviet Tank Hunter Tactics

Make Salvage a passive ability
Merge PTRS + AT Grenade Assault (grenades locked behind upgrade)
Replace? mines with Tank Traps (Smaller and more practical Soviet green cover for use on points!)
Add Mark Target
Add AT Gun Ambush Camo (improve it with first strike)
PTAB Strike remains as is.

I feel like utilizing AT Gun Ambush Camo within the commander and giving a similar first strike bonus to the AT Gun Ambush Camo not only accomplishes more or less the same thing but also makes use of and improves upon an existing, underwhelming ability that is shared across multiple commanders. Thoughts?

I think it would be interesting to give the Tank Hunter commander into a Soviets doing-sneaky-ambushes-vs-tanks stuff. PTRS, assault grenades, salvage kits etc can probably all be merge in various combos and add way for all sorts of ambush-oriented abilities.

I think that the ambush theme would be far more interesting than the "give everybody a PTRS and attack". Mark Target would probably amplify the "swarm" aspect.

I agree with the hold fire, but frankly coordinating a push while using smoke raid is really hectic. Also interesting tidbit about how strong the camo is, it should be scaled down but cover only camo might hamper any aggressive plays. Maybe something like the ostheer sniper cloak? (or whatever is slightly weaker than the commando camo)

Yeah; commando cover is the initial thought. That way the army can kind of keep up wtih commandos and execute an attack. I just don't want a blob moving over open field with no micro involved :p

Also make the radius of the smoke large enough, because currently smoke raid is like a stimulus overload for the enemy - smoke dropping everywhere, camo units appearing from nowhere, fake and real smoke (now that I know that exists, though it would be nice to tell which is which). It would be nice to keep that type of stimulus overload with the rework because it's an interesting concept.

Real smoke could be like shock trooper smoke grenade (yellow cover & everything else). Fake smoke could be like commando light cover grenade (which is easy to identify). Both look very distinct from each other.

Sprint tommies are nice, but when using them it's not like they are meant to be in your face so to say, unlike commandos or royal engis. So it feels really weird when the ability called assault is really to try to find cover for infantry sections. (Teching nades will work but commando doctrine is currently fairly munitions heavy, which is why I won't tech for it if I plan to use other abilities).

Perhaps the assault ability could give a small accuracy bonus, but a bigger accuracy bonus for firing on the move. Tommies could get an even better boost so that they can reach Grenadier-level fire-on-the-move efficiency. Speed will have to go all the way down, since nobody wants Sapper blobs pissing all over.

I actually like the current implementation of commando insertion (force spawn commandos at any place is powerful). I see where other people are coming from by wanting to build commandos from the glider, but I think the forward reinforce plane even in unfriendly territory is a good buff. That being said, keeping it at 500mp would be ok or reducing it just a tad bit. Forward reinforce can be a powerful tool.

Now that you mention it, a big reason why the glider seems to suck is due to the abundance of free AA. Maybe if the glider doesn't take too much damage on approach it would be much more threatening. Sure you can gun the glider down fast when it lands, but you most likely want to shoot at the commandos first, before that.

12 Nov 2017, 11:15 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Didn't know Osttruppen is underused commader...
Nevertheless, I would like to see some improvemnet for Railway arty:
- remove flares, increase sound effect (adjust impact time accordingly). It's kinda stupid to use flares for a arty. I mean, pilot sees flares, gunner on the railway gun doesn't, huh?

- remove officer (anyone has ever used it?) and put Command PzIV. It would work quite well with Osttruppen.

Tank Hunter needs some late game call-in tank (KV2?), becasue running late game with Cons + PTRS and T34/76 is kinda very, very weak AI. It has no late game AI, unless you go for T1 Penals and Cons but that would be weird, since you can go only for Penals and upgrade 1 or 2 with PTRS.
12 Nov 2017, 17:17 PM
avatar of Waegukin

Posts: 609

Not sure if anyone'e suggested this for the AVRE yet, but retooling it into a dozer/brum style weapon would make it a lot less frustrating for everyone with the vet3 inc shells being a targeted active
12 Nov 2017, 18:43 PM
avatar of MarkedRaptor

Posts: 320

Here are some suggestions for ones that I use for now. Here's the thing Smith, you can make a lot of these commanders viable just by adding call-ins, or really good units (Say a pershing). Is that a road we are taking or are you saying making it viable with the same abilities it has? Because making it viable with the abilities it has is going to be very hard for some commanders.

* (USF) Recon Support Company
Imo this one is the hardest because what exactly is it supposed to do? Give vision and information I guess? But like that's literally the only thing it does. It gets a recon plane which is nice, but no artillery call in to come with it. Calliope gets the air recon but gets the artillery battery as well. The only thing I can think of is making IR pathfinders/Greyhound the interesting part of the doctrine by giving them buffs/utility. Maybe the whole theme of it is that if you hold out long enough, you get to call in a huge badass army. As of now it's too weird to just sit on all that manpower and literally do nothing until then. Might be wiser to replace the last ability with like an airborne centric ability.

* (USF) Mechanized Company
Seems this commander encourages early game utilization of fuel to keep pressure on the enemy, but then when later game hits you can recall your vehicles so no harm no foul. The M3 halftrack is just a little too expensive. It's not the worst commander really, it just has no late game. Maybe swap the air recon with an EZ8 or Pershing to insensitive that it is a mechanized army?

* (BRITISH) Royal Engineer Regiment
Anti-flame mortar needs to come in far sooner. Brits have a hard time clearing buildings so on a city map it would make this commander far more worthwhile to pick. Command vehicle is nice but the drawback is you are never going to use the tank you build with it because it becomes too damn slow(Also its bugged?). The avre is just meh in every way possible. It doesn't fire very fast and telegraphs really hard. It doesn't do nearly enough damage to emplacements. It has no significant impact for its cost unlike the stormtiger (1 shot wipes all day).

* (BRITISH) Commando Regiment
Smoke raid needs to have smoke occur IN the sector not at the front if it. That way you can actually assault a heavily defended position. Assault needs to effect all british units, but not give an accuracy buff to them. Commando glider needs to be cheaper. Thing is, Assault and Smoke raid kind of overlap in their jobs.

* (OKW) Luftwaffe Ground Forces Doctrine
Make Airborne Assault good, and I don't think heavy fortifications belongs in this commander. Something else useful?

* (WEHRMACHT) Jaeger Light Infantry
Incredibly munitions heavy commander. Make Ambush camouflage a cheap upgrade they can get for going this commander. Maybe add stun grenades somewhere. This commander has really good abilities its just so much muni cost. This is also one commander that actually could benefit from smoke bombs since its about infantry and blitzing with support.

* (WEHRMACHT) Osttruppen Doctrine
Biggest problem is osttruppen don't scale. Maybe a command tank or a way to buff up Osttruppen a little bate late into CP's? The Field officer just needs slight buffs and he'd be really damn good honestly.

It's hard to fix these commanders without adding new abilities or call ins, and we don't even know what we're allowed to do.
12 Nov 2017, 23:03 PM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

Didn't know Osttruppen is underused commader...
Nevertheless, I would like to see some improvemnet for Railway arty:
- remove flares, increase sound effect (adjust impact time accordingly). It's kinda stupid to use flares for a arty. I mean, pilot sees flares, gunner on the railway gun doesn't, huh?
- remove officer (anyone has ever used it?) and put Command PzIV. It would work quite well with Osttruppen.

+2 on these ideas. Railroad Arty is good, but you get too much of a warning for it.
Excellent suggestion on swapping the officer; if not I will settle for short barrel Pz IV (non command)
13 Nov 2017, 03:10 AM
avatar of razelazz

Posts: 23

Recon Support Company

Buff the Greyhound to be able to penetrate Luchs and increase fuel price to 60. Replace canister shot with mines would be nice too.

Cut combat group, it's worse than useless. Anything could replace it and be a vast improvement.

Mechanized Company

Buff WC51 damage, acceleration and armor. The thing can't win a fair fight and maneuvers like an ice cream truck on flat tires. Reduce fuel cost or remove fuel cost while increasing MP cost and ability to carry and crush light obstacles.

Halftrack is at best useless and at worst a 35 fuel tin box, only good for the ass engies which, when HT is withdrawn, include a fuel cost. Maybe replace with Greyhound or just have vanilla ass engie call in. Or make halftrack upgradable with AA kit. Or drop it entirely and give M10 or Sherman Dozer call-in.
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