pre doc3 is before he reach 3 level or doctrine or w/e it's called. just attack with yer infantry. If he was planning a early pit, then he will be under manned and u will overpower him (bleed and force full retreat).
He shouldn't be able to build pit or if he does it will be on a less interesting spot leaving you room to just play around it (or double mortar it if ya cant get near). If the early pit is set then mortar /mg at rounds / smallarms it cuz he won't be able to fight back consistantly. he may overstay with his squad in a desesperate attempt to defend it, leading to squad wipe.
If he does his first pit later then it's harder to destroy it but still managable. if u are in 2v2 communicate with your mate to do a joint attack on it. the earlier the better, when it's not vetted and ukf may not have done all the layout he wants (mines, pit upgrade, fp, fprepair). imo destroying a pit should be top priority if he is on a annoying position, it's a 400 mp sitting duck.
so far the only thing i appreciate in the AER is repair on FP. it make it feel worth it.
So far early pit works only vs passive opponents. will experiment more and report.
It work on everyonce,then force you into a standstill or wrost crazy assault that can depend on alot of thing in order to succeed like hmmm where is his mg and AT at,will RNG bless me,what flank is the best flank but like they said no plan survine first contact with the enemy.This is risky tactic.But better risky then let the fucker campt and said GG