To make the game at least playable we really need a Cheese Balance Patch.
Simply I am JUST FIXING the totally broken mechanics:
Brace - Will now drain manpower when used .
Saying this ability is far to durable is a massive understatement. It's free and a no brainier to secret sci fi alien technology that will survive round after round of strum tiger shells, artillery shells and mortars. Emplacements require no skill whatsoever to use and are insanely cheap for what they are. This will also deter players from sitting back behind a wall of emplacements and spending all game clicking a green button and encourage them to use the ability tactically .
Field HQ - Can now only cap in friendly territory and only by an engineer.
There is nothing more ridiculous, unfair and cheesy then a lone conscript squad running into a massive building surrounded by enemies in hostile territory and set up a base with bonuses to all friendly units.
Partisans- Cost increased to 240 manpower. Anti tank partisans will need to research shrek. This will be free and the upgrade will start automatically upon unit deployment. (10 seconds)
Shrek partisans will no longer just instant pop out of building then destroy an enemy vehicle in friendly territory total cheese and broken.
Of course there are other issues but these are the most pressing.
Fix the cheese and these simple changes will make such a massive positive step towards fixing the balance