Looks like they wanted some feedback for CoH3. 
What you loved about COH1 that COH2 didn't quite deliver on
Powerful artillery with massive explosions on all sides. They worth worth getting back then compared to the tragedies we have now. Creeping Barrage was also far more useful in CoH1, due to additional rounds being added. Would have worked better with the British 25 Pounders at your base in CoH2 but was given to the underpowered Sexton instead.
FlaK 88 guns are also missed. They required less attention compared to the Pak 43 and fun to steal.
Pop Cap feels a little low at times. Would have been nice to have CoH1's max Pop Cap of 125 but with the need for captured points.
Tank upgrades like Mine Flails and Mine Plows are something I miss. Would love to see them return.
Forward Retreat Points were done better in CoH1 due to there being a separate button for retreating to one and it had a lengthy cooldown. That made it possible to break through defenses more easily than now.
I would have loved the newer factions to have had additional voiced lines depending on the weather. However, only Ostheer and Soviets have it. I really wanted to hear the Universal Carrier driver complain about the snow, like his CoH1 counterpart would have. "Well at least it isn't bloody snow!", he says as it rained. We need more immersion!
What could be improved on COH1 that COH2 did and did not deliver
Well CoH1 could use the Mines mechanic of CoH2. Having Mines getting laid the same way as Tank Traps was very inefficient as it required additional clicking to overcome when trying to spread them out, which I was glad was changed in CoH2.
I also liked how CoH2 Infantry, when garrisoned in Halftracks, fired out of them with 360 degree field of fire. I really dislike the limited firing cone of the CoH1 equivalents. Would have made the Kangaroo Carrier more useful as an infantry assault vehicle, disregarding the Button Up ability which should have been restricted anyway.
What you love about COH1 - Where did it excel (balance, commander design, campaign, etc.)
Should be covered by my comments above.
What you love about COH2 - its best features (campaign, faction design, TrueSight, commanders, etc.), whatever you feel they may be
Loitering Planes abilities are something I enjoy and gives you a reason to consider AA Units.
I also love Cold Tech since it stops the game from getting stale. In fact, I feel it needs expanded to have different effects in different weather. Fog, Sandstorms, Heavy Thunder Storms, Hail... I want to see more!
I will probably get hung for this but I think the British are far better done in CoH2 than in CoH1. You no longer had to babysit officers just to make your infantry go on outside their own territory. I also like their emplacements far more since the 17 Pounder in CoH2 can actually hit light armour, unlike the latest version of CoH1. They also make nice garrisons. That being said, they do need additional tuning to be less frustrating for their opponent while maintaining their usefulness. Like some weapons Brace can't protect from or a Minimum Range for the Mortar Pit.
If you could, what you would cut from COH2
The borderline extremist hate coming from the community to all things UKF. I was hoping that it would go away after CoH2's improved design but it might be worse now. Instead of suggesting constructive fixes,
some people want them to just disappear and won't congratulate people on a victory, choosing instead to throw a lot of hate your way. Being one who'd rather get along with people in real life, this is something that I do not enjoy.
What would you want to carry forward from COH2
Cold Tech
Mine Placement Mechanics
CoH2 Trenches (With Support Weapon compatibility)
Garrisonable Emplacements
Continued Soviet Union representation
Continued British Commonwealth representation
Strong AI
Where possibly both COH1 or COH2 fell short - where in your opinion is the untapped potential?
As mentioned already, it lacks immersion at times. All armies should have their Audio lines updated when new things like weather, terrain and armies/units are introduced. It sucks that only the Soviets and Ostheer notice that it's snowing. Or when a unit struggles through mud but says nothing related to that situation. Not even something funny.
I would also like to see destructible environments be enhanced. Like Oil Drums on the field being explosive and causing splash damage when hit. Or collapsing buildings doing damages to units around them or causing blinding smoke.
I was hoping Theater of War mode would be expanded with the new factions that came after the Eastern Front. I even hoped this meant we would see a African Corps campaign out of this, but alas... There's always CoH3.
We'd also love to hear what your favorite way to play either game is. Do you play mainly team games, competitive 1v1, competitively or casually, comp stomps, modded games, etc.?
Since the UKF came out, I like playing more Expert AI matches with Normal or Hard AI Teammates. It provides a decent challenge and with blissful silence in the Chatbox and no waiting for people. Though it is nice to have a Human teammate every now and then for bigger maps. Will only play with good friends at this point but they have moved on, sadly.
That being said, I do enjoy watching tournaments between top players. It removes the pressure and exposes balance issues that might occur without getting emotionally charged.