Since the last 2 patches I have tried out almost everything to counter this meta, I am running out of ideas

More and more axis players, especially arranged teams use this:
Player A:
This player always picks special operations doc. Apart from the usual volks and raketen spam, he always rushes t2 and brings out double Stuka, waits for command panther and uses these incounterable recon flares in order to roflstomp every single support gun on the field with his 2 stukas. Once the support guns are dead, he has no problems anymore to dive in with volks spam and cloaked raketens
Yes, when you spend 200 fuel right off the start only for arty, that makes you fragile vs medium tank rushes. ~that's what you may think

Also I dont understand why this unit has twice as much HP as Katyusha or Panzerwerfer, and has the most accurate barrage which hurts both inf and vehicles in CoH2 as a non - doctrinal vet 0 unit
Player B:
This player usually spams volks and raketens as well (nothing special), but prefers a med HQ with forward retreat and ISG spam, and tries to rush t4 asap. He uses a situational commander loadout, though this includes Breakthrough (JT) and Fortifications doc in 99% of the cases.