I don´t want to be pesimistic, but if we give conscripts indoctrinal ppsh, we will have to remove their vet3 recieved accuracy bonus.
Because currently ppsh vet3 conscripts beat vet3 lmg grens, always. I run several tests and it always ended the same.
Even if conscripts run through red cover whole time without using ooorah and grens are in green cover - grens will lose.
Conscripts always win against grens if both are vet3, cons have ppsh and grens have lmg42.
SOLUTION: Make conscripts a cannot fodder unit. At vet 3 they get decrease in reinforcement cost (15-16 mp) and also decrease their "value" so other units vet less from killing vet3 conscripts (so they become cannon fodded but not vet fodder)
Well that is why you have panzergrenadiers.