
russian armor

GCS Balance Preview

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3 Apr 2017, 14:29 PM
avatar of TickTack

Posts: 578

I second this, it feels right now. I also feel it comes at the right time too with the 11 CP.

It's almost there.

The accuracy feels good, but the extra damage is too much. It hits more often, therefore it doesn't need to do extra damage on top.
3 Apr 2017, 14:31 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

I played it for around 10 hours now.


- Maxims: feel good. I noticed I use the wider arc to defend territories by setting up instead of a-moving them in a certain spot. Suppression seems good, burst duration feels fine, and setup time was noticeable at first but feels fine now too. I am not too sure about the reinforcement cost, I used maxim spam in multiple games, but I only noticed a very small effect on mp income compared to live. I wouldn't mess with the reinforcement cost any further though, it feel solid now.

- Shermans: Good changes, I can't spam them at all. At first I thought 2:30 minutes was quite excessive, but when I combined my shermans with normal teched vehicles It didn't bother me! Still I think 2:00 minutes is the sweet spot here. I wonder, is it possible to give all call in vehicles a bigger call in 'cooldown'? I am thinking of Pumas, M10s etc.


-Command Panther: Mark Target is fantastic now. It gives a great balance between extra damage, accuracy and pen. It also comes at the right time now if you ask me, 11 cp is quite an improvement. I noticed I would be more careful now too with my CM Panther, since it isn't such a death cannon anymore.


- Tank Commander Upgrade: I feel this ability is indeed fine now. I did notice my tanks do vet a little slower now, so it is noticeable. Nailed it if you ask me.

- Emergency warspeed: Feels like it is in a good spot. Makes me use the ability more like I use blitzkrieg, in a more defensive way.

AEC Treadshot: Definitely feels more responsive and more reliable. I like the added stationary requisite. It makes the vehicle very vulnerable though, more so because of its range. I didn't like to use it as often as I liked because of its range.

- Cromwell: Increased fuel cost is felt, it still is too cheap if you ask me, 125 would suit it better (Brit teching is still cheaper than for example Ost). The new rotation rate does feel like a solid improvement, but was hard to get used to at first. The added turret traverse rate is a solid addition and feels good. Moving accuracy and scatter values are huge improvements. The tank still feels solid, whilst not being the uber medium tank it used to be!

- Comet: Range was felt immediately, pop cap not so much, but I like the improvements. Reduce rotation rate was felt immediately too, but the turret traverse fixes it nicely. Moving accuracy, and the scatter values feel like a Panther now, but I think it is fine for the tank, since it can very effectively fight infantry still. Good changes, I like them.

- Smoke/White Phosphorus: Good changes :thumb: I was wondering about the accuracy and scatter of the comet WP shell? It feels more accurate (which is good) than the normal shells.

- Emplacements: :thumb:

- Sapper flamethrower upgrade: :thumb:

- Land mattress: focus fire prioritization on the gun instead of the crew and health nerfs feels good, I definitely felt like flanking and surprising it was more effective, I lost a few to sneaky P4 rushes. Slower barrage feels good too, I could actually reliably dodge it now. It still covers a huge area with it's rockets, so it still is effective. I could still reliably wipe things with it without feeling super cheesy, just had to plan my barrages better now.

- Artillery Cover Ability: The drawn ability and the onset delay feel good. I have seen my opponents dodge the anti vehicle shells and have dodged them myself too, the shell speed feels good. But now that I can dodge them easier and they have less AOE, I am not too sure if the loader stun duration should be 5 seconds, perhaps 6 would be better as it doesn't hit as often anymore and it is an expensive ability (not too sure though.. so take it lightly).

As for the anti infantry barrages. I still hate them and I still wish them gone, but they do perform less harshly now. I still find they actually do damage my units, which is annoying for team weapons. But a big improvement nonetheless!

Quality of life Changes

- Handbrake 2.0: :thumb:

- Hold fire : :thumb::thumb:

3 Apr 2017, 14:35 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

It's almost there.

The accuracy feels good, but the extra damage is too much. It hits more often, therefore it doesn't need to do extra damage on top.

It has a slow rate of fire, it is fine if you ask me.
3 Apr 2017, 14:40 PM
avatar of August1996

Posts: 223

TBH, I still think that the Command Panther needed to be CP12 at least. Just one extra CP is still a small window for mediums before the big bad arrives. Also I think that Mark Target should be the same cost as Sovs Mark Target given how powerful it is.

Also thank god for M4C Shermans to stop being spammed.
3 Apr 2017, 14:44 PM
avatar of TickTack

Posts: 578

It has a slow rate of fire, it is fine if you ask me.

It's one of the best units in the game. You need to be cautious about extending its performance on the boudaries of its capabilities. Better to adjust in the centre, not at the extremes. I.e. when it hits more often, its DPS increases - thereore pushing the damage extremes. To further enhance those edge cases with damage buffs is irresponsible.
3 Apr 2017, 14:47 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

It's one of the best units in the game. You need to be cautious about extending its performance on the boudaries of its capabilities. Better to adjust in the centre, not at the extremes. I.e. when it hits more often, its DPS increases - thereore pushing the damage extremes. To further enhance those edge cases with damage buffs is irresponsible.

They lowered it's special abilities's damage and changed nothing about it's rate of fire. It's dps on it's special ability has thus been lowered and its normal dps, which isn't super compared to like a comet, is the same.
3 Apr 2017, 14:52 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

I messed around with the Mod last night (just against AI, so can't really speak to balance per se but just to get a feel for the new units). First Impressions

Maxim - Feels pretty good, you definitely can't A-move around anymore, even against derpy AI. Increased Arc means you can properly cover strategic points (Arc size was always part of the reason why you had to A-move to get the most out of Maxims IMO). Higher Burst length was noticeable - even with the same DPS it felt like you dropped models more often giving a sort of damage buff placebo. 30% Suppression nerf was "okay", it's a fair tradeoff for arc increase... I might just be sad haha (Curious as to how suppression compares to other HMGs now for reference)

Sherman M4C - Wow, this felt like a little bit of overkill. I realize you want to nerf the ability the flood the field with call-in armor but I feel like something closer to 1:30-1:45 is much more reasonable. (Is there a reason why you aren't just tying it to Tech? It's statistically pretty similar to T34/85?)

Cromwell - I really like the turret traverse increase - it further emphasizes the Cromwell as a speedy flanker without all the extra bells and whistles it currently has. Moving accuracy seems to equalize medium tank duels. A side-by-side comparison with PZ4 stats might help the conversation some here.

Land Mattress - The Weapon Targeting seems kind of harsh to me - the reduced mobility was already a downside of the LM and now it seems like you get even more punished by Vehicles by losing the weapon entirely. I'd rather see just a lethality reduction first before piling on that nerf as well.

The rest is pretty non-controversial for me, I don't quite understand the Comet Pop Cap increase in light of its other nerfs compared to Panther which also has 16 Pop Cap... but I don't really see 4 more Cap hurting the unit all that much as its still really really good.

3 Apr 2017, 15:00 PM
avatar of Mirdarion

Posts: 283

Some love for Pz4s?

No, the Panzer IV is not the issue. The problem are the other tanks, that need to be brought to the Panzer IV's level (most notably the Cromwell) - a good portion of that was done, but it is still not enough, considering that the Cromwell is still cheaper, better, and comes out earlier than the Panzer IV.
3 Apr 2017, 15:22 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

I played it for around 10 hours now.

- Smoke/White Phosphorus: Good changes :thumb: I was wondering about the accuracy and scatter of the comet WP shell? It feels more accurate (which is good) than the normal shells.

You are right on that. My ideal solution would be:
- Comet retains smoke shells
- WP shells get main-gun scatter (which means they become really inaccurate if they fire on the move
- Churchill/Comet tank grenades require Mills bombs to be researched

However, to make sure that the crucial changes make it through, I think it's important to approach this in baby-steps. Otherwise we risk invoking the wrath of the scope.

- Artillery Cover Ability: The drawn ability and the onset delay feel good. I have seen my opponents dodge the anti vehicle shells and have dodged them myself too, the shell speed feels good. But now that I can dodge them easier and they have less AOE, I am not too sure if the loader stun duration should be 5 seconds, perhaps 6 would be better as it doesn't hit as often anymore and it is an expensive ability (not too sure though.. so take it lightly).

Unfortunately, there are very few people queueing for mod games, which means I haven't had the opportunity to personally test stuff by myself a lot. With few people queuing up, there's bad matchmaking, and I haven't personally faced or used Artillery Cover in a meaningful way.

On paper, however:
- Yes, perhaps gun loader critical duration could get increased, if the ability is UP. However I have no opinion on that, yet.
- The ability should be a decent, affordable generalist ability that covers a big area. The other 50% of doctrine's power should come from the forward observation post ability, which is currently useless.
3 Apr 2017, 15:30 PM
avatar of frostbite

Posts: 593

-m4c sherman need to be like 1:30 not 2:30.
-comet cost the extra pop cap for wat? panther still 16 tho. and the range is a huge deal. needs a cost reduction now maybe 170.
-command panther is really dominate, dont miss great vision makes it a one tank army. is pop 16 to?
-Aec is not that good anymore might as wait to tier up.
-cromwell should be better at killing infantry like the p4.
-white phosfer no killing and huge range nerf dont feel that great it was to strong but mybe they should give more range since it cant kill. or give it killing but less range. not x2 nerf in one.
-land matress really easy to get taken from u and it will turn the tide of game if u lose ur investment gotta be real careful now.
-artillery cover is to expensive.... my friend and i were testing it on me and i dont think i got hit by one tank shell waaaaay to easy to dodge now there no point unless enemy is noob and not paying attention.
3 Apr 2017, 15:33 PM
avatar of frostbite

Posts: 593

u should not have to research mills nade for comet or church. should not be associated in any way. its a reward for getting vet. should not have to buy an upgrade so ur vet 3 activates. just another pointless nerf with no good reason
3 Apr 2017, 15:41 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

You are right on that. My ideal solution would be:
- Comet retains smoke shells
- WP shells get main-gun scatter (which means they become really inaccurate if they fire on the move
- Churchill/Comet tank grenades require Mills bombs to be researched

However, to make sure that the crucial changes make it through, I think it's important to approach this in baby-steps. Otherwise we risk invoking the wrath of the scope.

Yes baby-steps are wise! I like those suggestions man!

Unfortunately, there are very few people queueing for mod games, which means I haven't had the opportunity to personally test stuff by myself a lot. With few people queuing up, there's bad matchmaking, and I haven't personally faced or used Artillery Cover in a meaningful way.

On paper, however:
- Yes, perhaps gun loader critical duration could get increased, if the ability is UP. However I have no opinion on that, yet.
- The ability should be a decent, affordable generalist ability that covers a big area. The other 50% of doctrine's power should come from the forward observation post ability, which is currently useless.

I will be playing tonight at 20:00 CEST. You can join if you want to! We can try out the arty cover etc.
3 Apr 2017, 16:27 PM
avatar of AceOfTitanium

Posts: 162

That's because forcing prioritise vehicles on AT guns/tanks would make it more difficult for them to wreck emplacements/trucks.

Hold fire is useful even for turreted tanks:
- You can use hold-fire micro to better time your shots, and thus avoid moving penalties
- For chasing a particular wounded tank in a target-rich environment. You don't want the turret to acquire other targets as you go for the dive

Isnt it possible to set a "chain of priorities"? Such as: infantry (including support weapons) < emplacements (including setted up trucks and base buildings) < vehicles.

I'm not sure if I understand how "hold fire" will work, is this going to be a way to avoid moving penalties? if you hold fire while not moving and then use that shot on the move you have the standing still values? If so, isnt this a bit of "cheating" the system?
Well chasing a particular wounded tank in a target-rich environment is a very particular situation and would only happen if the enemy has one tank which is where the "prioritize vehicles" ability shines (ignore all infantry and support weapons to kill that precious vehicle), I dont really see someone diving to kill one tank that is supported by other tanks.
3 Apr 2017, 17:48 PM
avatar of vasa1719

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4

Permanently Banned
Its still need nerf OKW mark target.
3 Apr 2017, 18:11 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

Its still need nerf OKW mark target.

It did. They nerfed it by 50%.
3 Apr 2017, 18:25 PM
avatar of vasa1719

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4

Permanently Banned

It did. They nerfed it by 50%.

Remind me, how many its cost ?
3 Apr 2017, 18:36 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

Remind me, how many its cost ?

Here are the changes bro!

Increase Command Point requirements from 10 to 11
Reduce Mark Target damage from +50% to +25%
Mark Target now also increases penetration and accuracy to 25%

You mean its cost? I agree that that should be changed, but I feel that the overal ability is now pretty solid and a lot more balanced if you ask me.
3 Apr 2017, 18:55 PM
avatar of siuking666

Posts: 707

That's because forcing prioritise vehicles on AT guns/tanks would make it more difficult for them to wreck emplacements/trucks.

That's...the point of microing your AT guns or tanks instead of A-moving them to kill an emplacement or truck?
3 Apr 2017, 19:09 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

That's...the point of microing your AT guns or tanks instead of A-moving them to kill an emplacement or truck?

No. Because everytime you decide to wreck an emplacement with a stug, there will be pesky AT guns, and you have to move.

If you issue a move command, the attack command gets cancelled, and your stug will not be able to fire on the move. That's kind of counter-intuitive, since the original goal was to end up with a dead emplacement, not a dead stug.
3 Apr 2017, 19:24 PM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 928

That's because forcing prioritise vehicles on AT guns/tanks would make it more difficult for them to wreck emplacements/trucks.

Hold fire is useful even for turreted tanks:
- You can use hold-fire micro to better time your shots, and thus avoid moving penalties
- For chasing a particular wounded tank in a target-rich environment. You don't want the turret to acquire other targets as you go for the dive

Hold fire is a must have for setting up AT-Gun ambushes, letting tanks drive deep into your kill zone before letting go of hold fire.
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